I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 867

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:57:14 AM

Chapter 867: Trim

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And the distribution of the elixir that has been completed is only for the distribution of the mature elixir in the spiritual field at this time. There are also some elixir that are either in the juvenile stage or have the potential to continue to grow upward. , So it was not picked this time, and after a period of time, the spirit field in this place, the three forces present will inevitably patronize again, each time it is necessary to pick the appropriate elixir.

After the harvest of these elixirs, the fatigue of breaking the ban on the mask seems to be nonexistent. Several people are also in this spiritual field area, waiting for the opening of the mask. Close, they need to determine how long they can stay in the spiritual field area each time they enter this place.

In this way, after an hour of time, everyone in this spiritual field area keenly felt that the mask in the midair was also vibrating. There was no nonsense at random. It was through four openings that left one of the spiritual fields. After a few people came out, the four-square openings that were originally opened were also restored to their original appearance and became once again. A perfect mask looks like.

At this time, Zi Feng was standing above the mask, gently touching the mask at the position he had just broken, and there were already some discoveries in his heart. At this time, Lin Hang 1 and others were also looking at him. The position of the, Zi Feng also opened his mouth and said, "Based on the experience you cracked the last time, the opening of the mask has a certain relationship with the area, which means that the larger the area is If it is, then these holes will last longer! And I don’t know if you have felt that after our cracking, the four special mask areas seem to become softer In other words, the next time our cracking should be easier than the first time, this first time we spent nearly an hour to complete this process, and the next time I guess it’s a full forty It can be completed in minutes. Under such circumstances, if you enter enough times in the future, the mask may be directly cracked and no longer exist!"

Zi Feng’s spiritual power is so keen, he can naturally notice some details that Yu Lingxian and others can’t notice. At this time, after Zi Feng’s reminder, both Yu Lingxian and Qianjun also carefully felt it. Fan, at this time, I also found some differences. There was no change in the other positions of the mask, but in the four special places that they cracked and entered, there was indeed a certain weakness. Although this weakness was rare, But just this small point is enough to make their second cracking time much shorter, and as the number of cracking increases in the later period, it is absolutely possible that the mask in the purple seal is directly invalid. .

After making these judgments, the few people present, except for Linhang No. 1, did not participate in this cracking operation. Their state at this time is still at their peak, and the others, Yu Lingxian and Qianjun, need not be mentioned. They were already exhausted before, and some of them couldn’t support it. They were able to complete this cracking operation completely relying on their respective strong willpower support. After this time, they were even more unable to support it. , And Zifeng’s situation is better. After all, his cultivation is much more advanced, but his workload is not comparable to that of Yulingxian and Qianjun. Not only does he need to control the spiritual power of the two positions of the mask. Infusion, it also needs to be the link terminal between the four people to coordinate the entire cracking process, so at this time Zifeng is also very tired, although it is still not up to the level of Yulingxian and Qianjun, it is also Can't go to the next cracking process.

At this time, Linhang-1, as the only person who did not participate in this cracking operation, naturally started the exploration of this fragmented continent after the repair of Yulingxian and others. After investigating, he found that on this fragmented continent, except for the open space above the underground cave that was originally open, there were a total of 78 mysterious areas shrouded by those lights. Among them, the scope of these areas is large or small, and some areas can even see the general situation of the inside from the outside through the mask. Therefore, during this period of refurbishment, the Linhang-1 has also begun to perform. With his own role, he began to deliberately search for the next place to break through the mask.

The last time they added this cracking operation, they had obtained detailed information in two areas in detail, namely the land of law area they entered last time, and the spiritual field area this time. No matter which area it is, it can be said to be powerful and capable of great use, and from the situation of these two areas, it can be roughly calculated. The other seventy-six areas are even better than the two areas. The area is poor, so it should not go far, and through my own observation, Linhang-1 also quickly selected the next area and the area target that may be cracked later.

Yu Lingxian and others have a huge consumption of mind, and the consumption of mind can hardly be recovered by any external things. It can only be slowly recovered through time modification, so in such a recovery, It took a full day for Yu Lingxian, Qianjun and Zi Feng to fully recover. As for Zi Feng’s clone, it was not too exhausted. After all, the previous cracking actions were all What Zifeng controlled by himself had nothing to do with the clone.

After waiting for a day, the three people of Zi Feng are considered to be fully restored, and it seems that they have gained a little understanding compared to the previous time. This can be regarded as an accident by cracking such a mask and spending their minds. Happy.

After the three of them recovered, Lin Hang 1 came to the three of them and said with a smile, "Since everyone has recovered, let's start the cracking of these areas afterwards! Just now I was roughly After a careful observation, we have already selected a list of several alternative cracking areas. Let's discuss it together and see which area is better to start next!"

Like I can copy everything, please collect it: ( I can copy everything and the literature is updated the fastest.

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