I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 869

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:57:12 AM

Chapter 869: Mithril Essence

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In fact, there are ways to solve the fixed power of the innate spirit treasure, and there are more than one. One of them is that during the birth of the innate spirit treasure, the monk accompanied the spirit treasure, just like Lin Hang once It’s the same as the “Emperor Arrow”, which is the Lingbao born with Lin Hang, and uses his own spiritual power to give birth to it. Only when this Lingbao takes shape, he chooses its form and turns it into His own destiny spirit treasure not only retains the innate and powerful power, but also can be continuously improved along with Lin Hang's cultivation.

It’s just that this kind of situation is very rare. Except for the aliens like Lin Hang, there is basically no such situation that has been thought of since ancient times. It is necessary to know that half of the innate spirit treasures are born, basically They were all completed in the ancient and ancient times, and it was rare that they were left to later generations. In that era, there was no opportunity for monks to patiently accompany the birth of these innate spirit treasures and then turn them into their own. The life spirit treasures are usually taken directly when they can touch the innate spirit treasures, and there is no waiting at all. Therefore, the power and grade of the innate spirit treasures that are taken away at this time are determined, basically There is no room for improvement. There are also those innate great gods who have accompanied some companion spirit treasures since their birth. Because the birth process is basically in a state of ignorance, they will not impose some on the birth of innate spirit treasures around them. What big impact, even though the innate spirit treasures that were eventually born are most suitable for their own abilities, their power and grade are still fixed, and there will be no room for improvement.

However, between this world, naturally, all hopes will not be cut off. The power and level of the innate spirit treasure has been improved, besides turning it into his own life spirit treasure like Lin Hang, there is another one. One way, that is, through the addition of foreign objects and then refining, you can get a brand new innate spirit treasure. However, although everyone understands this truth, the refining of the innate spirit treasure is not a simple matter, because if one is not careful, this innate spirit treasure may lose its innate power. As a result, it is directly scrapped, and there is no room for salvation. Therefore, the materials added to refining are very important.

And after so many years of research, there are countless innate spirit treasures at the cost of scrapping, the cultivation world has also summarized a selection of materials for this innate spirit treasure to upgrade and refining. After countless experiments, it can be successful. There are only two materials to complete this process, namely, God Spirit Wood and Mithril Essence. Countless other materials cannot complete such a process, and God Spirit Wood and the innate spirit that this Mithril Essence can re-refine In fact, the treasures are not particularly the same. In comparison, the Mithril Essence can adapt to most of the innate spirit treasures, and generally it can also improve the innate spirit treasures, while the role of the **** spirit wood is more Single, there are only some innate spirit treasures with wood element attributes, which can accept the promotion of **** spirit wood, and other things are generally impossible to complete.

It is precisely because of these various reasons that the Mithril Essence was basically robbed by the major forces in ancient times, and the Mithril Essence that was robbed was also used to enhance the possession of their major forces. Those innate spirit treasures are now available, so in today’s era, the remaining mithril essence is basically impossible to see. Lin Hang has seen the major treasure houses of the Lich Monster Race before, let alone the secret The silver essence is now, that is, the ordinary Mithril has no shadow. This thing is really useful, and it can improve the spiritual treasure of the monk, so it is destined to be unable to get some retention.

After confirming the action this time, Lin Hang 1 flew aside, and Zi Feng, Yu Lingxian, Qianjun, and Zi Feng’s clones went to their respective places in a familiar manner, once again presenting a square station. This time, Zifeng and Yulingxian had the tacit cooperation between Zifeng and Yulingxian, so they were smoother at the beginning, and Zifeng was also led by Zifeng. , A certain degree of spiritual power link was established between several people in an instant, and then their right hands were closely attached to the special four areas of the mask. Following Zi Feng's instructions, the cracking process was once again started. , And this time the cracking is obviously much smoother than the first action of the four. Whether it is the input of spiritual power or the frequency conversion, it is obviously more familiar.

In fact, this is also a very normal thing. Of the three people who participated in this cracking, which one is not a talented monk? Although the first cooperation was a little strange because of the unfamiliarity with each other, it still completed the cracking process perfectly. Now that these people have reached the first cooperation, then this is the second time. During the cracking, there will definitely be no problems.

Looking at the few people who are gradually engaged in the cracking process, Linhang-1 is also roughly estimating the approximate time required for cracking. Originally, this time is not so easy to estimate because they cannot determine the time and areas of cracking There is also the relationship between the size of the mask, but the situation is different now, because there are already two areas of the mask that have been cracked, and according to the size of the two areas, there are separate cracks. Time, Linhang-1 is already able to roughly estimate the required time.

The area in front of the area with mythril veins, the size of the mask is in a relatively medium range, that is to say, the area is much larger than the smallest law land, but smaller than the spiritual field area. The size of the mask is precisely because of this. Lin Hang also has a rough estimate of the time required to crack this time. It will definitely be less than forty minutes, but more than half an hour, the specific time cannot be determined, but It must be within this range, which is absolutely no problem.

Therefore, after knowing this, Linhang-1's worries about the cracking operation process this time have been put away a lot, because the previous difficult cracking of the Lingtian area has been completed, then this time The area of ​​the mask is smaller, and there shouldn't be any problems during the cracking process. Linhang-1 is looking forward to it. In this area, is there any mithril essence? exist.

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