I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 87

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:26:36 AM

Chapter 87: Second pass

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Many teenagers on the court responded and started walking towards the crack.

Village Chief Zhou Qiong also said to Lin Hang, "Lin Hang, you can go in now, I will wait outside for your safe return!"

Lin Hang gave the village chief a reassuring look, and slowly disappeared into the crack with the flow of people.

As soon as he entered, Lin Hang felt the change in space, and this place of inheritance was obviously not on the same plane as "Emperor Realm". Lin Hang had to admire the cultivation base of the ancestor that year. Not only did he open up "Emperor Realm" on the land of China, there was even a layer of space in "Emperor Realm" to place the inheritance, and his spatial attainments were extremely impressive.

After everyone had entered, Lin Hang glanced roughly, and found that the number of people participating in the inheritance this time was about 400, not too many or too few.

Suddenly, a beam of light rose from under everyone's feet, enclosing everyone in it, and everyone sat cross-legged, closed their eyes, and accepted the first level of assessment.

Lin Hang did not rush to sit down, he remembered what the village chief said, the first level is not dangerous, it just tests everyone's knowledge of themselves. Everyone present had different expressions, and they were obviously undergoing different tests.

Lin Hang felt that something was constantly appearing in his consciousness, such as the kind smiles of his parents stretching out his hands at him, Master Wang caring about his own instruction, Liu Ruyan taking care of him in every possible way, but he knew that all these were hallucinations, no The slightest move. Soon after, it seemed that after knowing that Lin Hang would not be tempted, all the pictures shattered. Lin Hang opened his eyes and stood up, knowing that he had passed the test.

In the next few days, Lin Hang went all the way bravely and diligently, passed all the tests without accident, and got the final inheritance. Not only did Zhou Tong hand over the content agreed upon in the gambling agreement, he was also valued by the great elders and devoted himself to training. Finally, fifty years later, he broke through the realm of the golden fairy, stepped into the big Luo, and led The remnants of the two tribes of humans and witches from all places and all walks of life launched an impact toward the supreme heaven and went through an arduous struggle. In the end, the people led by Lin Hang won. Since then, the Human Race and the Witch Race have straightened their backs and based themselves on the land of China.

After retiring, Lin Hang also led a reclusive life. With his help, the people around him did not reach the realm of Da Luo like him, but they were all cultivated in the fairyland, and there was no worry of life.

Lin Hang looked at his parents who had returned to him again, sighed silently, and muttered to himself, "If all this were true, it would be great!" He took another look at the faces of his parents and impressed deeply. In his mind, Lin Hang stretched out his index finger and gently poked towards the front. All the scenes disappeared. Lin Hang saw hundreds of familiar light beams. Some of the people in the light beams have disappeared. Out of the game still entered the second level. Lin Hang, who successfully passed the first hurdle, also lamented that the first hurdle was not easy. You can refuse all temptations, but who is willing to refuse such a development consistent with the goal? Lin Hang was also a little addicted, but at the last moment, seeing his parents, he still determined his pursuit and made a solid effort to finally pass.

Following Lin Hang's successful passage, he also disappeared in the beam of light and came to the space of the second level.

Lin Hang adjusted to the surrounding environment for a while, and found that there were forty stone chairs in the second level. He was sitting on the thirty-eighth one. The previous seats were already occupied. Zhou Xu and Zhou Hao is on the list.

Seeing Lin Hang appearing, both Zhou Xu were a little surprised. In their opinion, the arrogant Lin Hang actually had the ability to break through the first level and get the tickets for the second level, which really surprised them.

Zhou Xu even smiled and said, "Zhou Hang! We looked down upon you! You can actually pass the first level, but you are here. You won't have such good luck later!"

Lin Hang chuckled lightly and did not respond, but he still secretly said that he was dangerous. I still wasted too much time in the illusion of the first level. There are only forty positions in the second level, first come first served. I am now the thirty-eighth, and I will lose the opportunity a little later. Fortunately, I will catch up, otherwise I will be very upset. Although more than 400 people participated in this inheritance, only about forty of them were able to pass the first level on their own.

Before long, the lucky ones in the last two positions also appeared. As the forty people were full, they were simultaneously prompted for the second level.

Lin Hang also understood the arrangement afterwards. The second and third levels were assessed together, testing everyone's actual combat ability. Forty people will face off in pairs to determine the ten people participating in the fourth round. The basis for the duel is that the inheritance is automatically selected based on the performance of everyone, so it is still relatively fair.

Lin Hang also roughly understands the situation of each inheritance. As long as he passes the test of the first level, someone will be able to successfully enter the fourth level, but the next few levels are not so easy. He values ​​talent and potential very much. .

The second and third levels of the competition are not real-body battles, but consciousness. The stone chair they were sitting on was the link between the two sides. It didn't take long for the stone chair to choose the order of the second level.

Lin Hang also knew the opponent he was going to face in the second stage, and he didn't know whether it was a coincidence or fate. Lin Hang's opponent was Zhou Xu. Zhou Xu also knew the battle information, and cast a provocative look at Lin Hang.

Under the connection of the stone chair, the consciousness of Lin Hang and Zhou Xu came to a spiritual space. Lin Hang felt his body for a while, and found that it was similar to his original physical body. He got acquainted briefly and looked at Zhou Xu on the opposite side.

Zhou Xu smiled and said, "Before I came to accept this inheritance, I was a little worried that I would not be able to make the third round, but I actually met you here! I don't know if it was your luck or my luck?"

Lin Hang was not irritated, but smiled and replied, "Zhou Xu, I don't have any experience. I still have to ask you to show mercy when I start fighting!"

Hearing this, Zhou Xu was even more disdainful, as soon as the battle started, he would send Lin Hang away with a thunder attack.

The two got the news that the battle had started at the same time, Zhou Xu drew close to Lin Hang, and he wanted to fight Lin Hang in close quarters. Lin Hang hadn't figured out Zhou Xu's combat effectiveness, so naturally he didn't want to go head-to-head with him, because Zhou Xu was a witch and cultivated his body since he was a child. In this comparison, Lin Hang couldn't win.

Lin Hang also used the space power to dodge constantly, and it didn't take long before Lin Hang probably understood Zhou Xu's fighting methods. He discovered that although Zhou Xu was full of spiritual power in his body, he didn't use it very much. Instead, he always attacked with his fists. The spiritual power was only the motivation to support his physical body.

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