I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 873

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:56:51 AM

Chapter 873: Variety

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After some investigations, Lin Hang's complexion gradually became more happy, because he found that this time the evolution of the small umbrella happened to be of great help to the current situation, which had been bothering them before. The difficulty of the mask around the area should be able to be cracked.

And just as Linhang-1 was adapting to the new umbrella here, within a short while, the Zifeng and Yulingxian who had gone underground before all returned to the surface one after another.

Through this period of exploration, Lin Hang No.1 also felt that it was impossible to detect all the mithril veins in all areas, and the mithril essence in all the mithril veins could not be specific. Quantity, under such circumstances, the time to stay in this area should be reaching the limit soon, so Zifeng and Yulingxian also returned early, but they did not return empty-handed. Everyone has a lot of Mithril Essence in their hands.

It was still Zi Feng who spoke first, and said with a smile, "This trip can be regarded as deeper underground of this vein. I found that most of this underground is really the vein of mithril. According to this estimate, , In the case of unexplored and unexplored circumstances, the number of Mithril Essence, if the size of a cluster is as large as the previous one, should be at least a thousand clusters, and this is still a preliminary estimate, in actuality There should be more existence! In addition to exploring, I also took some mithril essence along the way. It looks like more than 50 groups. I don't know what your gains are?"

After Zifeng finished speaking, Yu Lingxian also said, "Well, there is nothing wrong with what the owner of Zifeng Island said, and it is almost the same as my judgment, but I did not go as far as the owner of Zifeng Island. Some of the information and the range and frequency of the Mithril Essence found along the way can also be seen. Thousands of Mithril Essences of the size should be considered a conservative estimate! And if the total amount is finally obtained If it is about the same as our estimate, then it is enough for our three forces to complete the distribution. The amount of my income this time is not much, it is about 30 groups!"

After that, Qianjun also expressed his discovery and itinerary, which was basically the same as Yu Lingxian, and the conclusion he reached was not much different. He also mastered more than 30 mithril essences in his hand.

After the three had finished talking about the results of this exploration, Yu Lingxian was obviously also quite concerned about what happened to the small umbrella that suddenly ran out of Linhang 1 before, but he was on Linhang 1 after all. People from, so he didn’t ask directly. He knew that if Lin Hang-1 was willing to say it, he would definitely not hide it from him. It’s completely understandable not to say it at this time. After all, there are still Zi Feng and Qianjun, or Some are not convenient.

However, in the current situation, it is clear that Zi Feng and Qianjun are also very curious about the follow-up reaction of the little umbrella just now, and Zi Feng even directly said, "Lin Hang, the last little umbrella just now What's going on? I am really interested in such a spiritual treasure! But Lin Hang, don’t put too much pressure on you. If there is any inconvenience, you don’t need to disclose it. We all Yes, you can treat me as an unreasonable request!"

Lin Hang-1 looked around, and could see that except for the questioning Zifeng, Yu Lingxian's expression had not changed, and Qianjun was also quite interested, obviously Zifeng and Qianjun They didn’t conceal their curiosity. This is the normal situation. Only when Lin Hang is a partner can he show his true self-attitude like this. Lin Hang 1 also knew that this time even if he didn’t tell the two of Zifeng Regarding the real change of that small umbrella, it will not affect their current relationship in the slightest.

However, for the change of this small umbrella, Linhang-1 obviously had no intention of concealing it. At this time, Linhang-1 laughed, and then said, "Haha, nothing!"

With that said, Linhang-1 also directly took out the small umbrella that was put away just now, and when the small umbrella first appeared, it was directly floating in the air, and flew to the side of Linhang-1, showing a tense The appearance of intimacy, this apparently superior spirituality also attracted the attention of Zi Feng and Qianjun again. It seems that after swallowing that huge amount of mithril essence, this small umbrella has also gained extreme With a big improvement, they can also feel that this small umbrella at this time has also advanced from the previous soul treasure of the Nascent Soul Stage to the level of the virtual immortal realm. Obviously, the role of the Mithril Essence is true. Is very huge.

Lin Hang 1 also patted the unusually jumpy umbrella at this time, and then said, "Actually, to be honest, I don’t know the specific origin of this small umbrella. It was only something I got by accident. At that time, I took a fancy to its spirituality and the function that was in line with my cultivation level. When I first encountered it, it was just a spiritual treasure in the early stage of foundation building, but At that time, it already showed strong spirituality, and an unexpected experience later raised its grade to the peak of the Nascent Soul Stage, but even so, it was still unable to help me much at that time. On the contrary, the distance from me is even bigger. When I left the Ziwei Emperor Star Continent this time, I also brought a lot of things. It was one of them. I didn’t expect such an opportunity here to make it. Now it has become a spiritual treasure of the imaginary level, which surprised me!"

At this time, Zi Feng laughed and said, "It's more than that! I can feel it, this little umbrella is now filled with the aura of the law of Ruowuwu, and looking like this, it should be It doesn't need much movement and sacrifices, it can continue to rise to the realm of real immortality, then it will not be in its current situation, and it can definitely help Lin Hang!"

Lin Hang also smiled and nodded, and he also had the keenness to admire Zifeng's observation ability. Today, this small umbrella is already very hidden without releasing its breath, but it is still under Zifeng's observation. It was almost clearly seen in it, and his eyes were really old and spicy.

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