I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 875

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:56:49 AM

Chapter 875: "Break the Umbrella"

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Zi Feng also nodded, and then said, "Well, Lin Hang, what you said is really reasonable. Although the two of us have broken the cooperation between these two times, we are already a little familiar with the method to break the ban. And it can be guaranteed to be more familiar with each time, and the time after that can be less than once, but the consumption of each time is also very huge. This is unavoidable, because we must maintain a state of full concentration to be able to We are guaranteed to complete every cracking action perfectly! So, even if we are more proficient every time, the consumption of mind still needs time to recover, and every time we crack the ban of the mask, we cannot stay for too long. Under such circumstances, we will definitely waste a lot of time and energy on cracking the ban on the mask, which will hinder us from exploring the area of ​​the mask! If you If the effect of "Broken the Forbidden Umbrella" is really so magical, then we can also be more relaxed, and then the exploration of these areas will be much smoother! So, next, Lin Hang, you can enjoy Use it to fully promote the effect of "Break the Umbrella". If the effect of the break can be achieved, then let's talk about the future!"

Lin Hang No.1 also nodded. As for the implied meaning in Zifeng’s words, Lin Hang No.1 also understood a little bit. Previously, because the ban on these masks was broken, it was the work of the three parties. They can only complete the cracking of the ban on the mask, so after the mask is cracked, they can allocate the resources according to a certain contribution, although the Linhang-1 is not so concerned about most of the resources. , The things he can copy and manufacture by himself are not considered scarce resources at all, but there are some resources that cannot be copied by Linhang-1. For example, the elixir they have just completed distribution belong to Linhang-1. Existence that cannot be created, precisely because of this, Linhang-1 is actually more concerned about the distribution of resources in these areas, and behind him is also involved in the consumption of a large power.

Originally, through their participation and hard work, the three parties were able to get a part of the resource allocation, but if Linhang-1 uses this "Breaking Umbrella", it really depends on the ability of "Breaking Umbrella" , If the bans on these masks were forcibly broken, Zi Feng and Qianjun would be more embarrassed at that time, because they did not participate in anything, so naturally they are embarrassed to participate in the allocation of resources in these areas, but for this, Lin Hang 1 also understood that it should be unwilling to put it on whom, but Zi Feng also showed his strong self-control and mind at this time. Without worrying about anything, he directly asked Lin Hang No. One should not have any scruples. Use this "Broken Umbrella" to try to see if you can directly crack the ban on the mask. If it can be cracked, Lin Hang No.1 believes that the purple seal can definitely do what it says, no It will interfere with the resources in these areas.

In view of this situation, Lin Hang 1 made a decision in his heart. He still has to test the effect of "Break the Umbrella". After all, he needs some resources to provide for the Huaxia disciples behind him. The resources that cannot be copied are the first place he strives for, but Lin Hang also understands in his heart that most of the resources he can encounter in these areas should be resources that can be copied by him, just like This mithril essence is the same, no matter how scarce and hard to find, once it is obtained by him, then it will completely lose the label of rareness. Therefore, Lin Hang 1 decided to encounter one of the resources later. In addition to some things that he can't copy, he will give the bulk of other resources to the Zifeng party and the Qianjun party to make up for some of their losses.

At this time, the outer mask of the Mithril area they were in also vibrated. Everyone in the inside who felt this situation understood that the holes in the four areas opened by them already existed. It is clear that the time they stay is about to reach the limit. Therefore, in this situation, everyone no longer chats about anything, and directly left the secret of this place from different openings. Silver area.

And when everyone left the hole and hovered above the mask, the four holes that had been opened before were also slowly closed, restoring the appearance of the previous perfectly sealed mask.

Lin Hang No. 1 held the "Broken Umbrella" in the hand and said, "Since the mask here has been cracked once, then this time I tried the "Broken Umbrella". This Mithril area is used as the test object. If this test can be completed, the distribution of Mithril Ore and Mithril Essence will not change at all. It will still be the same as we selected before. Okay, what do you think?"

Seeing Zifeng and Qianjun, there was no other reaction. Lin Hang No. 1 did not say much, and directly held the position of the handle of "Broken Umbrella" with his right hand, and then turned his right hand slightly clockwise. "Broken the Forbidden Umbrella" completed the opening action directly under the action of Linhang No.1, and the "Broken Umbrella" after opening also showed the complicated patterns on the umbrella surface, which were left over from ancient times. It also burst out with a dazzling light, and then the light on "Broken the Forbidden Umbrella" flourished, and then it directly hit the mask in front of Lin Hang 1. The tip of the umbrella touched the position of the mask, and then the entire umbrella With the tip of the umbrella as the center, it keeps spinning.

Seeing such a scene, the three of Zifeng and Yulingxian Qianjun were all puzzled. They didn't know what happened at this time, but Linhang No. 1 secretly breathed a sigh of relief. The land was settled, because at this time the reaction of "Broken the Umbrella" showed the same development as the method of "Broken the Umbrella" that he understood, which showed that there was nothing wrong with his judgment. It definitely has the function of breaking the ban, and at this time, as long as the next action is taken, "Breaking the Umbrella" should be able to complete the subsequent, the real action of breaking the mask ban.

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