I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 878

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:56:47 AM

Chapter 878: Third place

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Qianjun looked at the Linhang-1, which was obviously a little moved after Zifeng made a request for a deal. He suddenly felt that he couldn't understand the world. In Qianjun's heart, he actually didn't think that he would use those elixir to exchange some of the best products. What's wrong with the spirit stone? If the exchange can be completed, the party who has obtained a large amount of the best spirit stone will definitely make a lot of money. Qianjun is only wondering whether the Lin Hang 1 is really as his own. Say, there is really such a large reserve of the best spirit stone?

And while everyone was chatting, the continuously rotating "Broken the Forbidden Umbrella" also slowly stopped, and after a while, the light mask in front of the "Broken the Forbidden Umbrella" also opened a hole directly. A large hole with a diameter of five meters, through this hole, you can clearly come into contact with the scene. Obviously, what Linhang No. 1 said just now is not a lie. This "Broken Umbrella" really has the ability to break these masks. The ability, and the speed is much faster than that of four people working together to destroy. The most important thing is that the consumption of each person is not so large, which is more expensive.

At this time, "Broken the Ban Umbrella" completed its work and returned directly to Lin Hang 1. Lin Hang No. 1 stroked the "Broken Umbrella" that invited him to give credit to him. After putting away the two umbrellas, there are still remaining The spirit stone with a small half-spirituality was directly thrown to Zi Feng and Qianjun.

Lin Hang 1 opened the mouth and said with a smile, "Island Master Purple Seal, Fellow Dao Jun, these two top-quality spirit stones are regarded as my sincerity! The transaction mentioned by the owner of Purple Seal Island just now is absolutely feasible. Yes, those elixirs are really precious to me than the top-grade spiritual stones! If the two really want to exchange, I can still give some discounts!"

Originally, Zi Feng was only tentatively speaking and questioning, but he did not expect that Lin Hang 1 had really thought about this question. At this time, Zi Feng's reaction was also very fast. He smiled and said, "Lin Hang, you It doesn’t have to be the case. If we really exchange those spirit medicines with you for this best spirit stone, we can really say it is taking advantage of you. After all, even if you say that this best spirit stone is nothing to you, but they The value of itself is definitely not negligible! So, if you can take out these top-quality spirit stones and exchange with us, we are actually taking advantage of you. Under such circumstances, why are you embarrassed to let you give us a discount? What? But let’s leave it alone. We can confirm the deal for the time being. As for the details afterwards, we can wait until the end of this fragmented continent exploration, and then discuss it! By the way, through this "Broken Umbrella" How long can the opening of the mask at this place last?"

Lin Hang One thought for a while, and then replied, "With the blessing of these three top-quality spiritual stones, the process of cracking the mask of "Broken Umbrella" is very smooth this time, and the speed is also very fast. Quickly, I roughly estimated that this hole can last for about half a day. After all, it has a lot of spiritual power. There is no big problem with such performance. And taking advantage of this time, we can Go try to open other areas."

Zi Feng also nodded. If you don’t get such an effect after paying so much of the best spirit stone, then it’s really abnormal. After the cracking of "Broken Umbrella", every time If the mask openings in an area can last for such a period of time, then it will be easier to enter these areas to explore or collect treasures. This can be considered as a matter of not worrying about the consumption of spirit stones. The best result.

As everyone talked, they came to the top of the mask of the area selected as the second target. The situation in the area here, through this mask, you can only see a huge pavilion standing in this area. Among them, the others are not very real, only a huge word "Bing" on the pavilion, which can make people have some guesses about it, it should be a suspected storage area.

At this time, after Lin Hang-1 had the first experience, there was no hesitation. It directly threw the "Break-through Umbrella" in front of the mask in front of him, and for such work , "Broken the Umbrella" is obviously also extremely happy, because it has never cracked such a ban on the mask, it is a rare opportunity for it to improve, just like simply breaking the mithril area just now After the banning of the mask, Linhang-1 also clearly felt that the "Broken Umbrella" had been strengthened and strengthened. Obviously, the removal of the ban was the mission of the "Broken Umbrella". Not only is he specializing in this, but he can even improve and strengthen himself by breaking the ban again and again, which is really worthy of the title of his "Broken Umbrella".

After having the first experience, when the "Broken the Forbidden Umbrella" was opened and the tip of the umbrella was pierced into the mask, while the umbrella body kept rotating, Linhang-1 also directly took the four top spirits. The stone was thrown into the translucent tray formed above the "Break the Forbidden Umbrella". These four top-quality spirit stones are absolutely sufficient in the estimation of Linhang-1. After all, the area of ​​this pavilion area is actually It's not very big either. Among all the seventy-eight areas, it is only slightly larger than the smallest area of ​​the law. Therefore, the four best spirit stones dropped by Linhang-1 are absolutely enough. Used it, after all, the mask in the Mithril area only consumed about four top-grade spirit stones. This time, the preparations were absolutely sufficient.

It was the second time for everyone present to watch the performance of "Broken the Umbrella". Except that it was still a little unacceptable for the consumption of the best spirit stone, other aspects were quite comfortable, and this time it was broken. The ban ban is obviously more familiar to "Broken Umbrella". After all, it is the ban of the mask that has been successfully broken once, and breaking these bans is also a factor for the growth of "Broken Umbrella". It's a good thing, so the action of "Break the Umbrella" is also working harder, and also hopes to speed up the cracking of the ban on this mask.

When most of the conditions are met, the action and speed of "Broken Umbrella" this time is obviously faster than the last time, so it didn't take a few minutes, with the consumption of spirit stones , The mask has been cracked.

Like I can copy everything, please collect it: ( I can copy everything and the literature is updated the fastest.

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