I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 880

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:56:30 AM

Chapter 880: The discovery of Yulingxian

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And seeing this situation, everyone present also understood the role and operation principle of the "Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers" in this place. There should be a lot of various spirits of that force. Treasures exist, and even innate spirit treasures are not impossible to own, but if you want to enter them to get treasures, you must get the approval of this power and issue some qualifications. This qualification may be a mark or token. Anyway, you need to be able to get the recognition of this transparent mask protection, otherwise you will definitely not be able to enter it. Obviously this is the place where the big power rewards the disciples, and only what great credit can be made or what help the whole force is. Only to be allowed to enter the rewards of choosing Lingbao, other time periods should never be open.

Seeing such a scene, the hearts of several people were a little depressed. Originally, relying on the strength of the "Broken Umbrella", they directly broke through the ban of the outer mask, and saw the "Treasure Treasure of Hidden Arms". The majestic aura, but I didn’t expect that after entering, it would be blocked by a light shield. This made Lin Hang No. 1 and Zi Feng Qianjun and others extremely depressed. After all, what may have been missed is Many powerful Lingbao.

However, at this time, Zi Feng’s brain flashed, and his expression suddenly became a little excited. Obviously he thought of something. He said to Lin Hang No.1, "Lin Hang, I forgot, your "Break the Umbrella" It just happens to be an expert in solving the problem of breaking the prohibition and blockade! You have broken all the powerful bans from the outside world. Can you try this mask block and see if you can continue to crack it?"

This sentence of Zi Feng also attracted Qianjun’s attention. His expression also brightened. At this time, he heard the very helpless voice of Lin Hang One, "Zi Feng Island Master, as this "Broken Umbrella" "The owner of "is naturally aware of its function. After hitting such a transparent mask, I thought of using this "Break the Umbrella" to break such a restriction, but for This matter, "Broken the Forbidden Umbrella" itself also expressed its clear meaning, it could not complete the cracking of the transparent mask of this place! After thinking about it carefully, I also understood the truth, according to the fundamental meaning From the above point of view, this transparent mask is not actually a ban. It is something that coexists with the entire "Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers" and can be counted as a part of the "Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers." What about breaking it? Its function should be to check and filter the existence of those who are eligible to enter this "Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers". Others who want to sneak into it will definitely be blocked by it!"

The words of Lin Hang-1 also extinguished the last glimmer of hope in Zi Feng and Qianjun's hearts. In fact, how could they not see the essence of this mask? Just because there is still a glimmer of hope in my heart, I look forward to Lin Hang-1’s "Breaking the Umbrella" to create a miracle again. Now that they know the impossible, Zi Feng and Qianjun are also a little down. The "Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers" in this area should be inaccessible for a short time.

And just when Lin Hang-1, Zifeng and Qianjun were frustrated, they heard the voice of Yulingxian calling from a short distance, and when they looked at the source of the sound, it was I found that Jade Lingxian did not know when he had already appeared at the entrance of "The Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers", and I did not know what was holding on his right hand. At this time, he was slowly penetrating into the transparent light. In the hood!

Seeing such a scene, Lin Hang No.1 and others naturally could no longer remain calm. They came to Yu Lingxian's side. At this time, it was obviously the Jade Lingxian who was doing some experiments, and slowly moved his right hand away. Withdrawing from the light mask, the thing in his hand also appeared in front of everyone, but it was a delicate little token emitting purple light.

Looking at the gazes of Lin Hang-1 and Zi Feng and others, Jade Lingxian naturally knew that these people were waiting for him to give an explanation. Jade Lingxian also stopped talking nonsense, and said directly, " Don’t be too surprised. In fact, it was only just now that I finally determined some things. Through some experiments just now, I finally determined my thoughts. We seem to have come to a fragmented continent that was once so familiar. !"

After Yu Lingxian said this sentence, Lin Hang No.1 and Zi Feng also remembered that after entering this area, Yu Lingxian was different from their reaction, because Lin Hang No.1 was in the mask of the entrance. When they hit the wall, Zi Feng and Qianjun both experimented with curiosity, and none of them gained much. Even in the later discussion, Yu Lingxian also showed an absent-minded appearance, and seemed to be entering this area. At the beginning of the area, Yu Lingxian should have realized something. It was not until just now that he finally determined his conjecture. Now, after a little experiment, he finally confirmed his thoughts and guesses.

Yu Lingxian continued, "Back then, when I followed Hei Jin and Ronghui to this Fragment Continent for the first time, I had a very familiar feeling. It seems that I have been here before. It looks like, and I've been here more than once, but it's also because the situation here is very different from the ancient times, so I can't simply tell what it is, and the arrival of that time only lasted for some simple time. It’s not enough for me to draw any useful judgments. Until this time I entered here, that familiar feeling also surrounded once again. With the opening of the spiritual field area, my dusty memories of ancient times also gradually recovered. After the appearance of the mythril vein and the "Tibetan Treasure House", I finally remembered some important things! So, based on my own memory and guess, I took out this one. "The Order of Ziwei", try to pass the identification of "The Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers". Facts have proved that my guess is not wrong. The fragment continent in this place is also a fragment of the once huge Ziwei Emperor Star!"

When Jade Lingxian finally uttered his guess, it also caused Zi Feng and Qianjun to vibrate incomparably. The positions of their forces were all fragments split from the Ziwei Emperor star. It was the news of a fragment, and the excitement in the hearts of the two of them could not be hidden.

Like I can copy everything, please collect it: ( I can copy everything and the literature is updated the fastest.

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