I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 882

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:56:13 AM

Chapter 882: special

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This explanation of Jade Lingxian also made Zifeng a general understanding of some of the principles and reasons, but in the end, when Jade Lingxian mentioned the powerful effect of "The Order of Ziwei", Zifeng asked questioningly again. Dao, "Friends of the Jade Spirit Fairy Daoist, since the original function of the "Lagerstroemia Order" is to allow you to freely enter and exit the core place, then with the existence of these masks, can you also pass this "Lagerstroemia Order" "To complete the entry and exit?"

After hearing Zifeng’s vision, Yu Lingxian shook his head and said, “Zifeng Island Master, after my judgment and analysis, this fragment is indeed one of the core of Zifeng Emperor Star in ancient times. Part of the earth is located, but what surprised and puzzled me is that these different functional areas, the outer masks have also undergone great changes, and even some of the enclosed areas have also changed accordingly, so that When I first followed Hei Jin and Rong Hui to this Fragment Continent, even though I had a familiar feeling, I never thought of the former Ziwei Emperor Star core. The meaning of the land, after all, is already very different! Therefore, today's mask bans are different from the previous blocking methods in different areas. I also cannot enter these areas through the privileges of "The Order of Ziwei" , And even if it is possible to enter the "Tibetan Treasure Treasure" through this "Lagerstroemia Order", it is precisely because the mask that covers this area of ​​the "Tibetan Treasure Treasure" was "broken the Umbrella" After breaking it, I was able to use this "Lagerstroemia Order". Fortunately, the "Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers" here has no special rules and no special changes, so the "Lagerstroemia Order" can still be used. Exerting its specialties, it is precisely because of this that we can rely on the privileges of the "Lagerstroemia Order" to let us explore what kind of powerful spiritual treasures exist in this "Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers" ?"

After Yu Lingxian’s explanation, Zi Feng also understood the general meaning, that is, I don’t know what kind of changes made the former Ziwei Emperor Star core site convenient for cultivation and acquisition. The protection measures at the periphery of the resource area have changed many things when Jade Lingxian locked himself in the "Secret Realm of Ziwei". For Emperor Ziwei to obtain better resources for his subordinates, it can be regarded as yes. Having laid a lot of blood, the Jade Spirit Fairy also exists through the "Lagerstroemia Order". In these areas, it has been greatly improved in practice and speed, but the current Ziwei Emperor Star City It is broken. The different areas of the major cores above this fragment, and the protective measures on the periphery have all undergone great changes. I don’t know why the protective ban has occurred. The mask protects all areas without pulling it. While protecting it, it also directly determines the function of the once universal key "The Order of Ziwei", and there will be no chance to be able to do so. Entered these areas through this "Letter of Ziwei".

This is after the Jade Spirit Fairy’s determination, but everything has exceptions. The "Tibetan Arms Treasure" is the most central place, which was set and produced by Emperor Ziwei himself at the time. There are countless differences. Spirit treasures of grade are stored in it and used to distribute to different disciples and monks. According to their contribution and level, select the most suitable spirit treasure for their current stage. It can be said that the "Tibetan Treasure Treasure" at that time was also the most strict Although there is no one guarding the place, if there is no such thing as the "Lagerstroemia Order", or some imprints personally bestowed by Emperor Ziwei, it is absolutely impossible to pass this place. 》The detection of the transparent mask at the entrance.

At that time, Jade Lingxian had a very special status, not only because he was personally enlightened by Ziwei Emperor Star, but also because Jade Lingxian himself demonstrated after he entered the road of cultivation. The powerful cultivation talent and momentum that came out was seen by Emperor Ziwei. Even Emperor Ziwei himself was full of praise for his talent in this aspect of Jade Lingxian, so he made Yuling The immortal has been following the left and right, and is still giving a lot of help to Jade Lingxian in the process of cultivation. The "Lagerstroemia Order" gave Jade Lingxian a lot of help, and he can freely enter and exit most of the Ziwei Emperor Star core The vast majority of the land is definitely the dream of every monk on the Ziwei Emperor star.

It's just that during that period, Yulingxian's various treatments combined with his own outstanding cultivation talents also created his relatively arrogant personality. Although he belongs to the kind of kind and kind, but many things are not. Jade Lingxian can be easily seen, and he is a monster of innate spirit jade, which makes Jade Lingxian never used this "Lagerstroemia Order" to enter the "Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers" Among them, he doesn't need a lot of external powerful spirit treasures to help him fight, his own strength is already strong enough to make him dominate among the monks of the same level in that era.

Later, the cultivation base of the Jade Spirit Fairy reached the level of the virtual immortal realm, and it already had some qualifications to use some of the innate spirit treasures in the "Tibetan Treasure House". At that time, the Jade Spirit Fairy reached the level of the virtual fairy. The realm is already initially exposed to the power of the innate law. If he can obtain an innate spirit treasure to refine and match it with the body of his innate spirit jade, he will definitely have a different situation, but it is a pity Yes, the hidden danger that has been hidden in the Jade Spirit Fairy erupts. Another consciousness has been dormant for many years, and it has grown rapidly with a trend that cannot be blocked, until it reaches a level that can compete with the ontological consciousness. At this time, Jade Spirit Fairy His own consciousness realized that this other consciousness was already too late, and even lost the capital for confrontation. When he was conscious, he also asked Emperor Ziwei to enclose him in the "Secret Realm of Ziwei". He didn't want to lose control of his own consciousness. To do something you don’t want to do, to wait silently in that space, waiting for someone who can free him to appear, so from beginning to end, Jade Spirit Fairy has never stepped into this "Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers" "In ", I didn't even set foot in this area. I just heard of the title of "The Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers", and now it can be regarded as a jade spirit fairy, facing this "Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers" for the first time.

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