I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 883

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:56:13 AM

Chapter 883: Privileged person

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After Yu Lingxian finished talking about his general experience and some rules of the core place, Zi Feng and Qianjun also understood the meaning of some of Yu Lingxian’s performance. At this time, it is actually meaningless to pursue other truths. Now, since Yu Lingxian's "Lagerstroemia Order" can allow him to enter this place in the "Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers", then other things actually don't need to be discussed at all.

However, at this moment, Zi Feng and Qianjun felt embarrassed and embarrassed, because the conditions in the previous areas were fine, and they acted together to break the masks, so they said After entering, I also have some confidence and qualifications to share some of the benefits and resources. There will be no embarrassment, but this time the situation is different. The mask that covers the entire area The ban was cracked by Linhang No. 1’s "Break the Umbrella". It didn’t take a long time to crack it. For this reason, Linhang No. 1 also paid the price of three top-quality spirit stones. Under such circumstances, Zi Feng and Qianjun are already a little bit sorry. They originally planned to do more in the process of exploring this "Treasure House of Hidden Arms", but they did not expect to be covered by such a transparent mask. It was blocked and couldn’t make any further progress. It was because Yu Lingxian itself had the existence of "The Order of Ziwei" to be eligible to enter it. Under such circumstances, Yu Lingxian and Qianjun were naturally more embarrassed. They basically The above is nothing but a bystander, but if you want to get some benefits in the end, it is something that Zi Feng and Qianjun absolutely cannot accept.

Zi Feng also said directly at this time, "Lin Hang, fellow Jade Spirit Immortal Taoist, this time I will not participate in the distribution of the treasures and resources of "The Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers"! You two don't need to do anything about this. Besides, I have already taken advantage of you in the allocation of resources in those areas before. At this time, in any case, it is impossible for me to accept some gifts without paying, unless it is as you said before. It’s an equivalent exchange, otherwise, no matter how powerful the spirit treasures here are, I won’t be able to take a look!"

Zi Feng will say such a thing, and will not surprise Lin Hang 1 and Yu Lingxian, because Zi Feng is absolutely able to uphold his own rules of conduct, and will not lose himself due to some particularly big temptations. If Zi Feng did not speak, Lin Hang No.1 and Yulingxian would definitely not prevent Zi Feng from following them into the "Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers". , Even getting some treasures in it will not cause some reactions from Linhang-1 and Yulingxian. After all, the previous performance can be seen. This Linhang-1 and Yulingxian are both in These people are very generous, it is impossible to do stingy things, but Zi Feng is unable to pass the test in his heart, so he said such a remark so firmly.

After Zi Feng spoke, Qianjun also continued to speak, "Well, Lin Hang, fellow Jade Spirit Immortal Daoist, and Zi Feng Island Master meant me too! I was able to get away safely after receiving your great favor. With the feeling of regaining my life like this now, this is already very satisfying for me! To be honest, although I said that I had really contributed to the cracking of those masks before, I also know that My role is not incapable of being replaced. It is enough to be able to get some elixir and mithril harvest, and I can’t just take the rest of the rest, so if I can, I want to follow You enter this "Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers", not to obtain some of the treasures or anything, but to see that in ancient times, it was the place where the spirit soldiers of the core of the so powerful Ziwei Emperor star were stored. What kind of scene is it!"

At this time, Lin Hang No. 1 and Yu Lingxian didn’t say anything. In fact, although they didn’t really mind giving Zi Feng and Qianjun some benefits, if they switched positions, Lin Hang No.1 and Yulingxian will also make the same decision as Zifeng and Qianjun, because the orthodox monks who are steadily ascending step by step like them all have a rather firm Dao heart. Naturally, they wouldn't shake their Dao heart for such things, and things that are not for work would never appear in their actions.

Both Zifeng and Qianjun have already expressed their views, and Linhang No. 1 and Yu Lingxian have no meaning to persuade them. Lin Hang No. 1 also asks at this time, "Jade Lingxian, this one of Is Wei Ling enough to allow us to enter this "Tibetan Treasure House"? According to common sense, since this "Purple Wei Ling" is the key to opening this "Treasure Treasure House", then There shouldn't be such a big loophole, right? If multiple people can enter together, it will lose such scarcity. For a power like Ziwei Emperor, there should be no such omission! Jade! Lingxian, can we really guarantee that we will all go in this time?"

At this time, Yu Lingxian smiled after hearing Lin Hang No. 1’s question, and then said, “Well, Lin Hang, you’re right. Under normal circumstances, it’s as powerful as Ziwei Earth Star. As far as the forces are concerned, they will never make such mistakes. Therefore, every "Purple Order" issued has some restrictions, not only because of the restrictions on the scenes that it enters, but more importantly, this Once the "Purple Order" is released, it is something that belongs to the person being distributed, and it is impossible to share it with other people. Under such circumstances, it is natural to put an end to some people's opportunistic meaning, so if it is Under normal circumstances, I can only use this "Purple Order" to enter the "Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers" by myself, but there are still special circumstances. "Wei Ling" is specially made for me by Emperor Ziwei. Not only can I freely enter and exit most of the special areas, but more importantly, I can freely choose some people to enter these areas with me. With such conditions and If it is convenient, this time I passed this "Purple Order", it is enough to bring you people into it together!"

Like I can copy everything, please collect it: ( I can copy everything and the literature is updated the fastest.

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