I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 885

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:56:11 AM

Chapter 885: ready

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In fact, Xiantian Lingbao is similar to ordinary Lingbao. They are divided into grades. However, because Xiantian Lingbao is born innately, every innate Lingbao is of low grade, but every piece They all have their own powerful efficacies, and these efficacies are incomprehensible in a certain way, just like Lin Hang’s "Emperor Arrow", the powerful spatial ability blessed on it , Is the nemesis of almost all other monks. As long as you don’t pay attention, you can easily be penetrated silently by the "Emperor Jiang Arrow" and take away the vitality. Therefore, Lin Hang One wants to see if it can He found some news about innate spirit treasures in the "Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers". If he could get one, he wanted to see if he could complete the process of copying, and there was a lot of mithril essence. Lin Hang 1 is able to greatly strengthen these innate spirit treasures that may appear, so this is also his biggest purpose for entering this "Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers". Other ordinary spirit treasures, no matter how high the grade, cannot cause him Of great interest.

Yu Lingxian also took a step forward at this time, and said in a deep voice, "Everyone, I will urge this "Purple Order" later, and then I will link us together through my own spiritual power and spiritual power. If this transparent mask protects us, it will also treat us as an individual, and then pass the test of "Ziweiling", by default we are qualified to enter it, so that we can lead a few of us into it together. The purpose is here! I want to remind you that when I enter in a while, I must let my spiritual power and spiritual power entangle your body, otherwise, if there are some omissions, if our deception fails, it will Caused great and serious consequences!"

Yu Lingxian’s reminder also got a good effect. Qianjun and Zi Feng both nodded their heads, and began to pay attention to the aura they exude, especially Zi Feng, he paid more attention to himself. The state of release, after all, in normal times, Zi Feng’s entire body area is also exuding a trace of the law of ice. This law of ice is not actively emitted by Zi Feng, but Zi Feng has reached the point where it is now. The law of ice has been cultivated to such a high level, and it has reached the level of unconsciously covering the whole body. It is not that Zi Feng controls the law of ice, but the law of ice has chosen to follow Zi Feng.

Therefore, if Zifeng does not control it, then these ice laws surrounding him will automatically consume all nearby spiritual powers, laws, spiritual powers and other various energies, and Zifeng This aspect of Yu Lingxian is also the key reminder of Yu Lingxian. His current cultivation base is far weaker than Zi Feng, so the spiritual power and spiritual power entangled in Zi Feng’s body are likely to be directly stressed by Zi Feng. The sexual reaction was directly broken, or it would be directly eaten away by the powerful ice law power of Zifeng's body, and eventually the connection between several people would be cracked or simply broken!

And if such a situation really happened, a few people who originally appeared as a whole were passing the inspection and screening of the transparent mask with the special effect of the "Purple Order" of Jade Lingxian. A big flaw will be exposed. At this time, once it is checked out by the transparent mask, it will be very troublesome. It will definitely be regarded as an illegal stowaway or an intruder by the entire "Treasure House", regardless of Which kind of reaction will cause the rejection and expulsion of Hidden Soldiers’ Treasure House. If it is just a simple deportation and it is not a particularly serious matter, it is afraid that the reaction of Hidden Soldiers’ Treasure House will be too strong and cause More serious consequences.

But when Zi Feng and Qianjun were controlling their own breath, spiritual power, and the power of laws in various aspects, Lin Hang No. 1 was a little curious, and asked Yu Lingxian, "Jade Ling Fairy, I want to know, if we were accidentally identified by the transparent mask during the process of using "Ziweiling" to deceive entry through mutual links, what serious consequences would happen?"

Yu Lingxian's expression at this time was still extremely serious. He didn't mean to joking with Lin Hang 1 on such a thing. He said in a deep voice, "Lin Hang! You should never take such a thing seriously. ! Although I have never entered this place of "Tibetan Arms Treasure", but some of its prestige is still heard! Before, because this place is placed in the "Tibetan Arms Treasure" area, there are no people The guards, and the elders of Ziwei Emperor never cared about and observed the situation here, which caused a lot of illegal elements to appear at that stage. They used various methods to sneak into this "Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers". To obtain some spiritual treasures for their own use, and at the beginning, some people really got into it through some incomplete marks or incomplete tokens and the like, and really achieved some results, stealing There are many treasures in "The Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers"! And this incident also passed to the ears of Emperor Ziwei. At that time, I happened not to be with the Emperor, so I also missed a famous scene, that This is one of the feats of Emperor Ziwei Emperor's life in his life!"

Speaking of this, there is also a trace of memory and yearning in Yulingxian's eyes. Obviously, this incident has a relatively large impact on Yulingxian. Lin Hang 1 is also decided at this time. In the future, it can be fine with Yuling. Let’s communicate more. As a living fossil in ancient times, Jade Spirit Fairy is very familiar with some secrets and events in ancient times, and even some events have reached the level of personal experience. If you know more about these, you can Adding a lot of experience and knowledge to Linhang-1 will also be of great help to his future development.

After Yu Lingxian calmed down for a while, he continued, "When Emperor Ziwei and his old man learned about this news, he did not pursue the troubles of those monks who used loopholes to gain privacy, but chose to face all the heavens. On the monk’s face, he re-refined "The Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers". This refining can be called the discoloration of the world and the sun and the moon. In the end, "The Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers" became a unique spiritual treasure and became more spiritual. After that, the same thing never happened again!"

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