I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 888

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:55:54 AM

Chapter 888: Spirit

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However, at this time, the monk with two horns had already spoken. Naturally, Yu Lingxian was not good at answering, so he slightly arched his hands at the monk with two horns and replied, "This fellow Taoist, I don't know how to call it? In Xia Yulingxian, the "Lagerstroemia Order" that entered this "Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers" belongs to me, and this "Lagerstroemia Order" was made by Emperor Ziwei himself. The function of is also able to bring some people into this one together! So no matter what aspect, I act according to the rules, there is no meaning of overstepping, at best, it is just some privileges. Fellow Daoists won’t get angry because of such things, right?"

Seeing the monk’s appearance, after a while, Jade Lingxian also understood the origin of this bizarre monk with two horns. Jade Lingxian could feel the mysterious connection between this monk and the entire "Tibetan Arms Treasure", and then combined The content of his question can also be guessed. The monk with two horns should be the weapon spirit of "The Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers", but at this time, it is a little inappropriate to say that the weapon spirit should be called this double horn. The monk of "Hidden Soldier Treasure House" itself is right. After all, if a monk's cultivation reaches the realm of virtual immortality or above, then there will be no physical limitations, and all kinds of energies can be transformed at will Yes, and the monk in front of him is obviously beyond the level of the virtual fairyland, so apart from the limitation of the body "Tibetan Arms Treasure", it is not different from other monks in other aspects. , Especially in terms of combat effectiveness, they are absolutely genuine.

At this time, the monk with two horns also laughed, and then as if thinking of something, he said to the Jade Lingxian, "Yes, yes! I remember! At that time, I heard the emperor talk about you, the emperor and his elders were practicing When making these "Lagerstroemia Orders", I also got some breath and materials from me. It is precisely because of this that these "Lagerstroemia Orders" have the authority to allow monks to pass. In this process, the emperor deliberately I used multiple materials and breaths to create a special "Lagerstroemia Order", which should be this one now! And you, Yulingxian, right? If it wasn't for what I saw just now The role of "Zero Myrtle Order", when you were cautiously trying to pass my protection, I had already killed all of you with a thunder! Do you think your little thoughts can be hidden from me? But Yuling Fairy, you kid It’s really good. I’ve never seen an emperor treat a person so special. It seems that you are really special. Otherwise, you will definitely not be appreciated by the emperor!"

Although the monk with two horns does not directly indicate that he is the tool spirit of "The Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers", it can be clearly seen from the content of his words and various undisguised names. The monk with two horns is naturally The spirit of this "Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers" is no doubt.

After the words of the monk with two horns, a trace of embarrassment appeared on Yu Lingxian's face. Originally in his thoughts, relying on the cover and effect of the "Lagerstroemia Order", it was possible to Completely passed the inspection of this transparent mask and entered the "Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers", but the Jade Spirit Fairy somewhat ignored the role of the spirit of the "Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers". You must know that at the original time, " Hidden Arms Treasure has no weapon spirit, because it is not a spirit treasure in itself, so although the transparent mask was also very powerful at that time, it was still entered by some opportunistic molecules. However, after Emperor Ziwei spent great efforts to refinish the "Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers", he not only turned the "Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers" into a powerful acquired spirit treasure, he also had his own on the day of its birth. Consciousness, in such a situation, with the existence of the spirit, can it be ensured that the monks who enter are not problematic and have the qualifications to enter. Otherwise, no matter how strong the defense is, they will not be able to resist the monks' research and destruction. .

Jade Lingxian thought at this time that the reason why he was able to rely on the "Lagerstroemia Order" to pass the review of the transparent mask and the double-horned monk, in addition to the curiosity of the double-horned spirit, more of it was left by Emperor Ziwei Fuze, I want to come to Ziwei Emperor to understand the true situation of the "Tibetan Treasure House", so he knows that as long as the Jade Lingxian enters this "Tibetan Treasure House" with such a "Lagerstroemia Order", no matter what the Jade Lingxian It doesn’t matter who you are going to bring in or how you want to enter, because there are spirits, and once the two-horned spirits feel the difference in the "Order of Ziwei", they will never They will shoot at the first time, but will choose to put the people who use the "Lagerstroemia Order" into it, just like the current situation, as long as the double-horned device spirit can understand the "Lagerstroemia Order" of the monks entering it From the origin, there won't be any problems. This is also how to use the "Lagerstroemia Order" to bring other monks into the "Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers".

And after knowing the truth, Jade Lingxian was also righteous, arched his hands at the double horns again, and said with some solemnity, "The senior is on the top, and the next Jade Lingxian is the one of the old man of Ziwei Emperor. Wei Mo's follower, and it is precisely because of the gift and help of the emperor and his elders that I was able to embark on the road of cultivation and step by step to where I am today! Therefore, the emperor and his elders are absolutely unable to repay me. People! And I want to ask, what exactly happened in the ancient times? It finally turned the entire Ziwei Emperor star into a large number of fragments, directly shattered into the starry sky? After the change, where did the emperor and his old man go, and what is the situation now?"

After hearing this question from Jade Lingxian, Shuangjiaoqi Ling also felt the sincere feelings in Jade Lingxian's heart. Obviously there was no falsehood. This Jade Lingxian definitely followed the existence of Ziwei Emperor, and listened carefully. After some questions about the Jade Lingxian, Shuangjiao Qiling also confirmed again. In the words of the Jade Lingxian, there was a lot of disbelief about the broken Ziwei Emperor Star. Obviously in Yulin’s heart, How could a powerful and invincible existence like Emperor Ziwei Emperor allow the entire Ziwei Emperor star to be broken into pieces? Moreover, the deep concern that Yu Lingxian revealed in his words for Emperor Ziwei also confirmed the double-horned spirit, and the identity of Jade Lingxian would definitely not be a problem.

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