I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 889

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:55:38 AM

Chapter 889: Back then

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Shuangjiao Qi Ling also sighed at this time, and then said, "Since I am a person of the same era, don't call me a senior, just call me the treasure house! In fact, I know what happened back then. Not many, and I don’t know the key to the breaking of the entire Ziwei Emperor Star, but at that time, Ziwei Emperor and his old man seemed to have known that such an event would happen, so he was in the starry sky before the incident. In the middle of drinking alone, it seemed that he was waiting for some other people to arrive. Until later, it seemed that there were really a few figures walking across the galaxy from afar, and the specific appearance was simply not real. At that time, I could only hear the heroic laughter of the emperor. After a while, I could feel that the entire Ziwei Emperor star was hit hard, and with such a blow, the entire Ziwei Emperor star It began to break internally, and finally couldn’t bear the pressure and turned into fragments in the sky. Various fragments also flew to different directions in the starry sky. At that time, I didn’t have any ability to resist or stop, I could only watch. As this Ziwei Emperor Star was broken, and the area where I was located was the core of Ziwei Emperor Star, under such circumstances, I could only gather some special areas around and transform into a special continent. From now on concealed drifting in this starry sky, to the point where it is now, many years have passed, and I have been on this fragmented continent for such a long time!"

From this self-proclaimed treasure house emperor’s double-horned weapon spirit’s description, it is impossible to get a lot of useful information. After all, he cannot participate in such a thing. No one can help Ziwei Emperor, otherwise Ziwei Emperor would not be like the one person mentioned by the treasure house to deal with powerful enemies. In the end, the breaking of Ziwei Emperor star definitely came with this powerful enemy. It's related, and the whereabouts of Emperor Ziwei is an unsolved mystery. No one knows where Emperor Ziwei is and what state he is in.

Before the questioning, Yu Lingxian knew that it was impossible to get a lot of useful information, but he still asked the treasure ambassador hopefully, and now he really heard the answer from the treasure troupe. A trace of disappointment inevitably rose in Jade Lingxian's heart. Obviously, he couldn't get the news of Emperor Ziwei. For the Jade Lingxian who valued love and righteousness, it was really a big blow.

However, at this time, Yu Lingxian still forced his spirits, smiled reluctantly at the treasure house, and then said, "Thanks to the predecessor for telling me this news! It is true that I had to ask the emperor to remove me because of some of my own problems. Enclosed in the "Secret Realm of Ziwei" in order to achieve some purpose of maintaining the nature, so I directly missed this big event on the Ziwei Emperor! Now listening to your description of the senior, it also makes me understand clearly Many things about that matter, precisely because of this, have strengthened my thought of looking for Emperor Ziwei! Because from what you said, the Emperor Ziwei was facing a powerful enemy at the time, but the result of the battle But it is not known to the world. Although the later Ziwei Emperor Star broke, it did not cause any reaction. I don’t know the state and situation of the Emperor and his elderly at this time, but I firmly believe that as long as there is a glimmer of hope, I am not. I will give up looking for it!"

The treasure house is the spirit of "The Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers" created by the Emperor Ziwei himself. It can be said that he was created by the Emperor Ziwei himself. Therefore, he respects and supports the Emperor Ziwei in his heart. At that time, although his cultivation base was not bad, he was still unable to get involved when Emperor Ziwei was facing a strong enemy. Now the statement of the firm belief of Yu Lingxian, who is in the position of cultivation base, also made the treasure house make the flame in his heart. Burning, he also decided to start looking for the traces and news of Emperor Ziwei in the days to come!

Treasury Envoy also said at this time, "Well, Yu Lingxian, you are right. A man as powerful as the emperor must be safe and sound at this time! The reason why he hasn't appeared in this world for so many years is definitely because he is at this time. We are being entangled by some things, or there are some special reasons, so although we are still far from his old man at this time, we definitely cannot stop our search for the emperor and his old man!"

When talking about this, the treasure house envoy also said to Jade Lingxian in a rather uncomfortable way, "Jade Lingxian, don’t you know that I was trapped here before entering this fragmented continent. I have never been out for so many years! Although I was powerless to fight the emperor and the opponent before, I still wanted to find news about the emperor, but when I wanted to leave this fragmented continent, it was I found a fragment of the core land that I had kept. I don’t know what reason that caused every area of ​​special function before that was covered with a layer of unknown light. And this kind of mask has trapped me here for countless years, no matter what method I use, I can’t complete any demolition work. This made me very crazy at the beginning, and finally reached numbness. To the point, I won’t be able to sense the current situation until you don’t know what method to use to break the mask! In the days to come, I will leave here and go to the stars. I must find the Emperor Ziwei trace!"

The words of the treasure house also made Yu Lingxian nod his head constantly. This kind of torture for many years must be extremely uncomfortable. He was also tortured in one place for many years, and now he is regarded as Lin Hang. It was saved, so at this time, I definitely understood the feelings in the bottom of the treasure house, but Yu Lingxian was very puzzled that although the mask is difficult to break, it has been repaired by the treasure house for so many years. If you are a realm, you shouldn't find a way to crack it. How can you be trapped here for so many years? You know that after a period of exploration, Hei Jin and Ronghui have already developed a method to break the mask. Although the time is not short, it must be much shorter than the time that the treasure house was trapped. of.

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