I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 89

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:26:35 AM

Chapter 89: Inheritance method

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Soon after the third round ended, there were only ten stone chairs left on the court.

Lin Hang silently waited for the start of the fourth round. Soon, Lin Hang felt that the stone chair under him began to scan him, as if he was determining something. It didn't take long before the scan was over. Lin Hang didn't know what happened, but under his sight, there were only two stone chairs left with him on the court, and everyone else disappeared!

Lin Hang glanced at the remaining person and saw a calm face. He clearly knew that something like this would happen.

Lin Hang arched his hand at the man and asked, "Dare to ask Xiongtai, where did all these people go?"

The man was not arrogant, and he also replied, "Don't be arrogant! You don't know anything about Xiongtai. This fourth level is very strange, and no one can figure out its reason. I only know that it will choose by itself and whether it can be successfully passed. No one knew it before entering. Now only you and me are left. I'm afraid the others are already..."

The man hadn't spoken thoroughly, Lin Hang already understood what he meant. It seemed that the inheritance was quite gentle in the front, but it turned out to be so dangerous in the end. However, the more talented people are, the more talented people are. Is this inheritance so unfriendly to the talented people?

Lin Hang didn't quite understand, but still said, "Then we have entered the fifth level? What kind of test will be waiting for us next?"

The man also shook his head and said, "I don't know this too well, because all those who entered the fifth level and successfully got out have lost their memories after the fifth level, and only some fragmentary inheritance remains. In my mind, this is also the basis for us to determine that we can get some inheritance after entering the fifth level. Now, we can only wait, Xiongtai, I hope we can work together and face together, otherwise, I am afraid it will be difficult to get out alive!"

Lin Hang did not care, nodded in agreement, and said, "This is natural. If we can all pass the assessment, then the inheritance will naturally have its own ability. Before seeing the inheritance, I will know the priority."

The two introduced them separately, and Lin Hang also knew that this man was called Zhou Yu, who also came from the Ancestral Temple School. But he is different from Zhou Xu. He is a person under the jurisdiction of the Ancestral Temple itself, which means that he is a direct disciple of this piece of "Emperor Realm" space, not comparable to peripheral villages like Zhou Qiong and Zhou Sheng.

During the two people's small chat, the scene in the field began to change, and a light curtain appeared in front of the two, and some words slowly appeared on it.

After Zhou Yu's identification, Lin Hang also knew the content of the fifth level. After knowing this, the two of them looked solemn. The meaning of the subtitles is very straightforward. The inheritance content of the ancestors is directly presented on the light curtain. Both can learn, but only three days later. After three days, the inheritance will be closed and the two will be forcibly transmitted. , There is no chance to enter again.

The two also understood the situation of those who passed the fifth level before. They studied desperately during these three days, but they all failed. After the transmission, they were clearly remembered, but some fragments of their learning and inheritance were retained. .

Zhou Yu smiled bitterly and said, "I originally thought that the fifth level would be very difficult, and it would be right after nine deaths. Only now I understand that this is actually the case! Patriarch! You left this inheritance to prevent us from getting it. ?"

Compared to Zhou Yu's depression, Lin Hang didn't feel much, because unlike Zhou Yu, he had lived in "Emperor Realm" since he was a child, and his lifelong pursuit was just for inheritance. Now that I suddenly learned this fact, there are still some unacceptable things.

Zhou Yu looked at Lin Hang's appearance and cheered up and said, "Brother Zhou Hang, let's take a look at this heritage now! Since there are only three days, let's hurry up and see how much we can learn!"

Lin Hang did not return, but walked to the edge of the light curtain. He stretched out his hand and touched it. It felt like a gentle jade. He observed it carefully up and down, and found that the light curtain was an independent whole, and a bold mind appeared in his mind. idea.

Lin Hang put his right hand on the light curtain, closed his eyes, and activated the copy ability. Lin Hang felt extremely difficult this time, and the progress bar progressed very slowly, but Lin Hang still persisted. He knew that as long as the progress bar was successfully completed, even if the memory was cleared later, he could reveal the light curtain.

About half an hour later, the progress bar of the light curtain in Lin Hang's mind could no longer move forward. This time the scan and copy failed!

Looking at Lin Hang, who was sweating profusely, Zhou Yu on the side was a little hard to understand. He didn't know what Lin Hang did just now and why he was so tired. Zhou Yu asked, "Brother Zhou Hang, what's wrong with you?"

Lin Hang waved his hand and said it was all right, and asked, "Brother Zhou Yu, haven't the seniors ever thought about leaving any clues in their own space to remind themselves of amnesia after going out?"

Zhou Yu shook his head and said, "First of all, our portable space cannot be opened here at all, so there is no way to throw some hints into the space. Moreover, we are limited by this heritage and cannot leave anything on ourselves. "

Lin Hang tried it after hearing this, and found that the pocket space really couldn't be opened. He thought for a while and said to Zhou Yu, "Brother Zhou Yu, I have a way to take the inheritance out completely, but I need your help!"

Hearing Lin Hang’s words, Zhou Yu regained his spirit. Although he didn’t believe Lin Hang really had a way, he still asked hopefully, "Really? Zhou Hang, what can you do? Just say it. I can do anything!"

Lin Hang felt Zhou Yu’s determination and finally said it, “At this critical moment, I will not hide it from you. I can reproduce this light curtain and take it outside, although we will lose it here. Memory, but after seeing this inheritance after going out, everything will be understood. But the problem now is that I am not strong enough to complete this move. I need you to help me break through a small state. After the breakthrough, I can barely Complete this re-engraving process!"

Zhou Yu understood Lin Hang's plan. Although he was also amazed by this magical ability, he still chose to believe it. Now he can only believe in Lin Hang. Zhou Yu said in a deep voice, "Zhou Hang, what do you mean by that method to help you break through?"

Lin Hang nodded. He learned from the village chief that in "Emperor Realm", there is a self-sacrificing exercise called "Fighting People". The practitioner can sacrifice his own cultivation level of a great realm and forcefully improve. The cultivation base of others in a small realm, and there is no hidden danger. It’s just because some are too cost-effective, so the cultivators are generally elders who are in their later years and help their younger generations. Lin Hang also learned this method from the village chief because he was interested.

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