I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 890

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:55:37 AM

Chapter 890: Powerful function

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And when Yu Lingxian uttered his doubts, the treasure trove also gave his own explanation, "I have already guessed this question in my mind. I think it is because of certain rules. , Making it impossible to crack the mask from the inside, and when you broke the mask, after you noticed your cultivation level, you also directly verified my thoughts. It must be from the outside world. It is not the same as internal cracking. Otherwise, for so many years, it is absolutely impossible for me to get rid of such restrictions. Fortunately, you helped me break the mask this time, so I naturally want to give you some reward. !"

When talking about repaying, the treasure trove also gently touched his white sharp corner, and then said, "Well... since it is in my body, I have nothing to give you, you all come to me Pick a few more spirit treasures in your body to take away!"

With that said, the treasure house envoy also introduced to Yu Lingxian and the others the situation of the first floor where he is now, "This first floor is also the bottom floor. "It’s the largest floor, and it’s also the one with the largest number of spirit treasures. It’s just because of this huge accumulation that the nature of the spirit treasures and spirit weapons here is very different from each other. And the level span is also very large. There are almost all kinds of spirit treasures, but there are very few high-level ones, usually some "junk"! So, although there are some good good things here, but It was too much trouble to find, so I decided that you should pick some spirit treasures from the upper floors and take them away!"

The description of the entire first floor by the treasure house also puzzled Lin Hang 1. At this time, he also directly asked, "Senior treasure house, you are not the treasure of the core place, you have countless powerful spiritual treasures. Is it? The title of "The Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers" is so famous, how come there are so many low-quality spirit treasures? Although the space on this floor is very large, there is no need to fill it up, right?"

The remarks made by Linhang No. 1 caused the treasure house to laugh. Obviously, the problem of Linhang No. 1 made the treasure house feel funny. At this time, the jade spirit immortal next to Linhang No. 1 He also directly explained, "Lin Hang, you still don't know the role of the treasure house, "Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers," right?

Lin Hang-1 knew that he must have been a little embarrassed because of some ignorance. At this time, he didn't know how to pretend to understand, but asked embarrassedly, "I don't know what the treasure house's ability is for seniors?"

Yu Lingxian also directly explained, "Lin Hang, the role of Treasury Envoy is actually very powerful! He is not just a place for storing spirit treasures and spirit soldiers, the most basic ability is to be able to Maintain the spirituality of the spirit treasures and spirit soldiers that enter it, and ensure that they will not lose their own power due to the passage of time and long periods of ineffective combing. Therefore, in general, Emperor Ziwei has gained some Spirit treasures and spirit soldiers will also be directly thrown into this "Treasury of Hidden Soldiers". This is only the most basic ability. The most important thing is that "Treasure of Hidden Soldiers" is for those who enter it. They have a powerful blessing and repairing effect, which means that if a broken spirit treasure or spirit weapon is put into this "Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers", it can slowly achieve the effect of repair, even Later, you can get the power bonus of the treasure house, which directly strengthens the power of the entire spirit treasure and spirit weapon to obtain a more powerful thing! It is precisely because of this that a large number of low-level spirit treasures and spirits Treasures will all be stored here. After all, with the passage of time, these spirit treasures and spirit weapons can be slowly improved under the power of "The Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers". In the end, they will not cross several levels. A rare thing, it can be called a full version of Mithril blessing!"

Lin Hang No.1 did not expect that "The Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers" would have such a powerful function, and his own thinking was also restricted by the treasure houses he had encountered before. The treasure house of the Wu clan he had entered before, also There is the treasure house of the Ziwei Emperor City City Lord’s Mansion on the Ziwei Emperor Star Continent. Although each has its own characteristics, none of them has the magical effect like this "Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers", and there are many more treasure houses. , There will be a lot of dust accumulation, and the scene in this "Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers" can really be called a world of difference.

After listening to the introduction of Jade Lingxian, Lin Hang 1 also roughly understood the special features of "The Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers". No wonder it caused so many people to covet it. It was really too powerful. It just made Lin Hang 1. Surprisingly, these are not the full effects of "The Hidden Soldier Treasure House".

Yu Lingxian laughed, and then said, "A more powerful function of "The Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers" is that after it was refinished by Emperor Ziwei, when the treasure house was born so that such a spirit existed, it was mastered at the same time. Powerful ability, because of the spirit treasure characteristics of "Hidden Soldiers Treasure House", it will absorb a large amount of spiritual power from heaven and earth all the time to maintain its own consumption and repair the spirit weapons and spirit treasures in it. Improve the quality assurance process, and the scale and speed of the psychic power of "The Treasure House of Hidden Arms" is very terrifying, so "The Treasure House of Hidden Arms" itself will accumulate a lot of spiritual power, and these spiritual powers are usually useless. When Emperor Ziwei had new ideas, he thought of such an ability when he refinished "The Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers" and gave it consciousness. That is, through a series of changes, so that these many spirits that he usually accumulated Power, combining part of the treasure house with the power of the law of change from reality to reality, creates a lot of spirit treasures and spirit weapons. When these spirit treasures and spirit weapons were first created, the quality was uneven and the whole " The greatest source of those low-level spirit weapons in Hidden Arms Treasure! So, in the first layer of space that you can see, Lin Hang, there will be so many piles of complex spirit weapons. It’s really because the treasure house has integrated the various abilities of the predecessors to finally create the situation, and so many years have passed, presumably many spirit treasures have been created in this, no wonder the situation here is as I imagined. The games are all different, there are really too many Lingbao!"

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