I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 893

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:55:34 AM

Chapter 893: joke

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At this time, the treasure house led by Linhang No. 1 and the others was a medium-sized pillar, with a diameter of about 30 meters, and the treasure house was obviously also paying attention. When Lin Hang No. 1 and the others were puzzled, they didn't know why they were brought to this pillar. At this time, they laughed and then introduced, "Yu Lingxian, you must be very confused, right? What looks like a pillar is actually not a pillar. Although you can feel the substance of the pillar, most of the pillars are illusory, and there is no physical existence at all, and a small part of the pillars are inside. The stairs leading to the upper level, I say this, you should understand the truth?"

After the treasure house ambassador clarified a little, Yu Lingxian nodded. He was a figure of that period after all. What he knew about this "Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers" was also known more than Linhang No.1 and others. At that time, Jade Lingxian had also heard from those who had entered "The Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers" that this "Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers" was very evil, and the space for the first time was huge, and every monk who was qualified to enter , After entering the "Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers", many of them circled in the space of the first level. There was no way to enter the second level at all, and the time for each entry was limited. Yes, so these monks had no choice in such a hurried time, so in the end they could only choose the Lingbao in the first layer of space and left.

This situation is not accidental, but many monks who have entered this "Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers" to get rewards are encountered. Originally, Jade Lingxian did not know the reason. At this time, under the introduction of the party from the treasure house, Jade Lingxian understood the truth, just think about it, in such a vast first-layer space, there is no conspicuous access to the second layer at all, and you have never gotten into it. So they have to find it on their own if they want to enter the upper level, and the large pillars spreading over a whole space are indistinguishable from the entity in terms of perception, and it is impossible to know it from perception. The interior of is actually an illusory existence, and even if you accidentally crash into such a pillar and discover the mystery of the first floor, the fundamental problem is still not solved, because the pillars in the first floor are really There are too many, and only a small part of them have access to the second floor. So even if you know the mystery of the first floor, it is still difficult for people who are not familiar with the first floor to specify the time. It was found that the access to the second level was found within, which also caused the vast majority of the monks who entered here to obtain these spirit treasures from the first level, and few passed the test to enter the second level. On the space.

It’s just that at that time, although this model was created because the treasure house made my child’s disposition, but after all these monks were rewarded to enter the "Treasure House of Arms", so it is absolutely impossible. If it is so simple to pass, if it is like this, it will damage the majesty of Emperor Ziwei. So in that period, even in the first layer of "The Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers", there were still a lot of good things, and even various innate spirit treasures were hidden in them. Yes, it is precisely because of this that those monks who enter this "Treasure House of Hidden Arms" through rewards can also get good results, because the time of entry is not particularly short, if you give up looking for entry at the beginning With the road on the second floor, there is also enough time to find the spiritual treasure that suits you or what you want in the space on the first floor, and even more powerful innate spiritual treasure!

Therefore, although this model is all complained by others, everyone can accept such reward results, but they still have some regrets in their hearts, although they have all entered the "Treasure Treasury of Hidden Soldiers". I was in, but I have never seen the scenery on the second floor, which is really a pity.

Yu Lingxian talked about the information he had found to Lin Hang 1 and the others, and then nodded with the smile of the treasure house, Lin Hang 1 and Zi Feng and others also understood the existence of these pillars. It works, and everyone who knows the truth and results is speechless. They all feel that the treasure house is really too boring. It is really meaningless to set up such a thing, just to satisfy their own enjoyment. Fortunately, the treasure house is very measured. Although there is no meaning to let those monks enter the second level, there are still a lot of good spirit treasures left in the first level, which can satisfy the monks who come to get rewards. Leaving, otherwise it will inevitably damage the majesty of Emperor Ziwei.

The treasure trove returned to the previous look. After touching his sharp corners, he also smiled and said, "Well, this is also the ignorance when I was before. It is a little fun to patronize! This place in front of us Inside one of the pillars, there are the rare passage steps leading to the second floor. Let's go in now!"

With that said, the treasure house envoy did not have any hesitation. When the treasure house envoy was about to come into contact with the pillar, he did not hesitate. When the treasure house was about to touch the pillar, something surprising happened to Yulingxian, Linhang No. 1 and others. , This extremely real pillar in front of them was also directly transformed into a ripple after the treasure house collided with it, just as if the treasure house had fallen into the water with a drop of water, it directly walked into it slowly.

Seeing such a magical scene, Lin Hang 1 and Yu Lingxian also looked at each other again, still seeing the other's eyes and forehead could not believe it, because even at this time, the pillars there were in their perception, They were still in a physical state, which also made them feel a little unacceptable, and they didn't know how the treasure troupe achieved this.

However, although they were still shocked in their hearts, their movements were not slow. After the treasure house took the lead and walked into the pillars, Linhang No.1 and Yulingxian and others also started to move, one after another directly towards the pillars. Going, and when passing through the pillars, Lin Hang No. 1 did not feel any discomfort, and penetrated very easily.

Like I can copy everything, please collect it: ( I can copy everything and the literature is updated the fastest.

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