I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 896

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:55:31 AM

Chapter 896: development of

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The introduction of the treasure house is so detailed, so Lin Hang No.1, Yulingxian and Zifeng, etc. have also understood the history of the development of the "Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers". In fact, at the beginning, this "Bing Treasure House" is not yet called this name. Although it is said that the external layout and the nine-layer space inside are not changed at the beginning, the functions and venues are quite different. The previous "Treasure House" Among the pavilions, each of the nine floors of space has different functions. The specific treasure house is not clearly stated. It is only known that the second floor is a large-scale place for training disciples to communicate with each other and it was kept until the last moment. Transferred away, and among the upper layers, there was another layer where the previous law was located, and it was later transferred by Emperor Ziwei.

In general, the predecessor of "The Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers" can be called a multi-functional place with multiple functions, suitable for different disciples to carry out various experiences and exercises, but because the later functions are somewhat complicated, Emperor Ziwei Continually extracting some areas, resulting in those areas becoming more empty venues, and these empty venues have no effect afterwards, so they began to accumulate some temporarily unusable spirit treasures, and gradually except for the second floor. The rest of the floors have become places for the accumulation of spiritual treasures. Under such circumstances, Emperor Ziwei also noticed the changes in the situation, so he directly named the pavilion here as "The Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers". With the name of "The Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers", Emperor Ziwei felt that it was not particularly suitable for the remaining second-level disciples to exercise and communicate here, so it was simply to directly transfer the second-level disciples. The last reserved site was also taken out, turning the entire building into a genuine "Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers", and after the "Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers" was formally formed, Emperor Ziwei was also installed at its entrance. A layer of transparent mask blocked, after that, only some disciples who had obtained the access permission were able to enter and get rewards with token marks and the like. This rule continued until later.

However, the situation later was relatively simple. There was no manager in "The Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers". It relied on the screening of this level set by Emperor Ziwei. At this stage, naturally many opportunistic elements were born. All kinds of loopholes go to this "Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers" to gain their own benefits, because at this stage "Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers" is equivalent to a dead thing, without their own consciousness, so these opportunists only need to be able to deceive this. With a transparent mask on the outside, there is a chance to enter it and obtain some good spirit treasures.

This situation was also known to Emperor Ziwei in the later stage. At that time, he also realized the problems left by his previous work. It is true that setting up such a portal is too rigid and absolutely unable to prevent anyone from entering. People among them, and if such problems are left unchecked, it is inevitable that it is unfair to make those monks who have really won rewards or those who are working hard to get rewards, so although Emperor Ziwei is because he thinks This is a situation caused by my own mistakes. I did not take any measures to punish the monks who had gained some benefits before, but I still would not continue to let this happen. Emperor Ziwei solved the problem in a very simple and rude way. I chose to re-refining "Tibetan Treasure Treasure" in front of the heavens and worlds, directly refining this item that was originally a pavilion into a powerful spiritual treasure, and this can definitely be called a The largest refining of Lingbao in the life of Emperor Ziwei, this can be seen from the birth of the treasure house. It is necessary to know that the treasure house was born after the treasure house became the spirit treasure. When it was first born, it was a cultivation base that far surpassed the realm of true fairyland. Although such cultivation bases were still unable to be called powerful or masters at that time, they were placed in a newly born spirit treasure. The body is actually very incredible, so just by looking at the existence of the treasure house, you can discover how much effort Emperor Ziwei has spent on such a thing.

After the birth of the treasure house, the function of the "Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers" has not changed. It is still the key place for the storage of the spirit treasures of the entire Ziwei Emperor, and there is still a reward. The permission to allow those disciples who have received great credits to enter, only this time "The Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers" is no longer the dead thing before. Although Emperor Ziwei still did not spend his mind to manage things here, the existence of the treasure house , It is equivalent to this place where the "Treasure Treasure of Soldiers" has management personnel, and the transparent mask that screens and checks the qualifications of monks is no longer a dead thing that can be easily deceived, although it was obtained at that time Many monks who have entered the qualifications of "The Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers" have cultivation bases that far exceed those of the Treasury Envoy. But if the Envoy of the Treasure House is in this "Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers", they have supreme rights, except for Ziwei Apart from the emperor's personal visit, no matter how high the cultivation level is, other people cannot forcefully break into it. Even if the entire "Treasure Treasure of Hidden Soldiers" is destroyed, they will definitely not be able to enter one step. This is the value created by the treasure house. Therefore, in the future "Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers", with the treasure house to observe and screen here, of course, those criminals can no longer speculate again, they can only shrink up obediently, and later, the treasure house will repair it. In order to improve step by step, some monks who later wanted to take tricks were even swallowed up by the treasure troupe who had been repaired to soar, and turned into the advanced fertilizer of Lingbao. It is precisely because the treasure trove became more and more famous. The louder and louder, no one would dare to do such a thing anymore, and the entire "Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers" also began to slowly develop.

And until the later Emperor Ziwei fought with an unfamiliar enemy, the Ziwei Emperor star was broken. The scale of "The Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers" in that period was actually not much different from what it is now. After so many years of savings, the treasure house Shi did not change the entire "Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers", but with the accumulation of time, the quantity and quality of the spirit treasures in this "Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers" were not comparable to that period.

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