I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 897

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:55:30 AM

Chapter 897: Pattern change

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The development of the entire "Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers" was also introduced by the treasure house, and was very clearly displayed in front of Linhang No.1 and Yulingxian Zifeng, and at this time, Linhang No.1 understood After finishing the history of "The Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers", he was also very curious about the current situation. He wanted to know that after the space on the second floor was taken away, the nine floors of the "Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers" What kind of functional storage exists in space.

Lin Hang 1 smiled and asked, "Senior Treasury Envoy, I just heard you say that this "Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers" was removed from the second floor at a time point, and the other eight layers of space were all transformed into spirits. The place where treasures and spirit weapons are stored, but at the beginning, there is not much difference between those spirit treasures and spirit weapons stored in the eighth floor, except that the location of the first floor has a larger space range. In addition, in fact, the quality of the spirit treasures and spirit weapons stored on each of the eight layers should be similar. But just listen to what you said from the treasure house, under the subsequent development and evolution, There was also a big screening afterwards, which made the space on the first floor gradually become more messy, and some more powerful and special spirit treasures and spirit weapons entered the upper layers of space through screening. I am more curious now. I don't know what the situation of the several layers of space above this is now? What kind of rules are used to distribute the spirit treasures and spirit soldiers among them?"

Treasury Envoy also touched his sharp corners at this time, and replied with a smile, "Hehe, this question is indeed as you said. The functions of the current layers of space are completely different from those at the beginning. The second floor was taken away because the original area was the last one, so I said that I didn’t pile up some spirit treasures here, but later, after I was born with consciousness, I maintained this situation and nothing happened. However, the other eight-story spaces are indeed slowly evolving, beginning to have their own different functions."

When talking about this, the treasure trove also paused, recalling the memory of a relatively ancient period, and then after following his thoughts, he continued to say, "In fact, before the Ziwei Emperor Star was broken, although there were eight levels The trend of different division of labor has appeared, but it has not been able to proceed. The reason for this is that there has always been the circulation of spirit treasures. During that period, in addition to rewarding some monks who had done their work, they were allowed to enter. "The Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers" chooses some spiritual treasures that suit them, and some periodic ones are taken out. These spiritual treasures are used by Emperor Ziwei and his elders to directly reward and train some disciples. The consumption of spirit treasures in that period was still relatively large, so although I can rely on massive amounts of spiritual power to constantly make some new spirit treasures, but I am basically in the balance. In a balanced state, the total amount of spirit treasures has not shown a great increase. The number of spirit treasures in each layer is basically maintained at a similar level, naturally there is no major change, and this way After the situation of Ziwei Emperor was broken, I came to this fragmented continent and stayed in such an independent space, unable to communicate with the outside world. Under such circumstances, I had no choice. In addition to the maintenance and upgrading of those spirit treasures that originally existed, the spirit powers vomited every moment of the day are also used to create some new spirit treasures."

The thinking of the treasure trove was brought to the ancient time he was in by this association. It was also recalling his own lonely experience for so many years. After a while of memory, the treasure trove continued to say, "Such a situation. At the beginning, there was nothing. The eight-story space of mine was still large enough to hold these newly created spirit treasures, but later, the situation became a little uncontrollable, because every A lot of new spirit treasures will be produced for a period of time, and during this period, I was enclosed in this area, unable to communicate with the outside world at all, let alone the Emperor Ziwei taking away the spirit treasure from me. Was consumed, which caused these spirit treasures to accumulate more and more in these layers of my space. In the end, except for the pure land I left behind on the second floor, other places felt a bit polluted. At the end of the day, I couldn’t tolerate this situation anymore, so it took a full twenty years to sort out the various spirit treasures in the eight-layer space. Finally, I sorted them out this time. In, it determines the rules and various styles of storing spirit treasures in each layer of space!"

After the treasure house had finished speaking, Lin Hang No.1 also nodded. He could fully understand the situation, because after entering such a closed area, the treasure house could no longer export some spirit treasures as before. , And every time the spirit treasures produced can only be piled up, if the time is long, the areas that are originally well-ordered and do not need to be arranged will also be directly messed up. Under such circumstances, it is naturally necessary to arrange them properly. This sort of arrangement will definitely allow the entire eight-story space to be arranged to a certain extent. It is precisely because of this arrangement that the pattern of the "Tibetan Arms Treasure" has continued to the present. period.

The treasure trove began to introduce the eight-layer pattern of the current "Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers", "In this arrangement, the first thing I did was to use the law of space to transform the space on the first floor. It has been widened and expanded a lot. I intend to use this place as a storage place for all the newly produced spiritual treasures, so a lot of space is needed. This kind of space expansion is still going on today. The number of spiritual treasures stored in the space on the first floor is absolutely unimaginable! Even I don’t even know how many spiritual treasures there are after so many years of accumulation! After some useless or inaccessible Lingbao storage places, the follow-up work has also become simpler. After expanding the space on the first floor, I first consider those on the first floor worthy of my solemnity. The powerful spirit treasures in the collection or some of the spirit treasures with special functions are screened out. I will put these spirit treasures into the space on the upper layers, and after completing such an action, I will start from the third Screening work from layer to layer from layer to layer."

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