I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 898

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:55:30 AM

Chapter 898: Nine layers

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Lin Hang No.1 kept nodding as he listened to the introduction of the treasure house. After hearing this, Lin Hang No.1 and others also felt that under the circumstances at the time, the method used by the treasure house was like this, Even the current Linhang No. 1 and others seem to be the most appropriate and scientific method. First, a place for accommodating a large number of ordinary spirit weapons is determined, that is, the huge space on the first floor, and then The screening is carried out layer by layer, and the ordinary spirit treasures and spirit soldiers are directly lost in the space on the first floor. Some spirit treasures and spirit soldiers that can enter the treasure house are directly in the process of such screening. This method is really very good. It is no wonder that the treasure house only took 20 years to complete such a huge work.

The treasurer also continued, "Starting from the screening of the third layer, I also began to determine the respective functions of the third to the ninth layer step by step. The third layer was also emptied under my settings. All of the spirit treasures and spirit weapons of, transferred to several other layers of space, and became an independent and special experiment site for the function of spirit treasures! As you know, every time I use these spiritual powers of "Tibetan Arms Treasure" When making spirit treasures and spirit treasures, they all rely on the function of "Tibetan Arms Treasure House" and the operation of some of the virtual and real changes. Therefore, many spirit treasures and spirit weapons are produced through this model. It’s not under my control. Although I don’t have much hope for these newly created spirit treasures and spirit soldiers, they are directly thrown into the space of the first floor, but every time I am concerned about the first floor In the selection of the spirit weapons, I will still choose some suitable spirit weapons and then enter the upper space. Therefore, the space on the third layer is also the site for the functional test of my spirit weapons. The spirit treasures and spirit weapons I have selected are not based on their power and grade, but more that I hope that spirit treasures with different functions will appear, so that they will have the value of my collection!"

Looking at the look of the treasure house with relish, Lin Hang-1 and Yu Lingxian looked at each other, and they all saw some sympathy in the eyes of the other party, because it is not difficult for them to guess that every time they screen the first layer The process by which the unknown spirit treasures and spirit soldiers in the space enter the upper floors is also one of the few work and entertainment projects that the treasure house makes. In fact, the treasure house makes ordinary life particularly boring. No one can communicate with him here. Therefore, he can only find some work on his own to reduce his loneliness. Although such screening work is very boring, it should be extremely enjoyable for a lonely treasure trove. Right.

The treasure house didn’t notice the expressions of Lin Hang 1 and Yu Lingxian. At this time, he still said very happily, “The first layer of Lingbao’s spiritual soldiers piles up, and the second layer belongs to my rest. The place, the third floor is a place to test the power and function of the spirit weapons, and from the fourth floor, it is the storage place for the classified spirit treasures and spirit weapons! This fourth floor space, It is the storage place for offensive spirit treasures and spirit weapons, the fifth floor is the storage place for defensive spirit treasures and spirit weapons, and the sixth floor is where some special function spirit treasures and spirit weapons are located. The number of spirit treasures and spirit weapons in the sixth floor is more than the number of spirit weapons in the fourth and fifth floors combined, which is the area where I have thrown the most spirit treasures!"

The words of the treasure house also aroused the sympathy of Lin Hang-1 and Yu Lingxian and others. According to the previous description of the treasure house, he was not particularly interested in the ordinary functions of the spirit treasure and the spirit weapon. Only those spirit treasures with special functions can make the treasure trove gather a little spirit, and the offensive and defensive spirit treasures and spirit soldiers in the fourth and fifth layers are definitely of power level. The existence of the top choice, otherwise, with such a simple function, it will never be favored by the treasure house.

After introducing the fourth, fifth, and sixth floors, the treasurer also talked about the last three floors. "For the last three floors, the mode I set is actually similar to the fourth, fifth, and sixth floors. It is also divided into three different labels for offense, defense, and special functions, but in the last three layers, innate spirit treasures are stored!"

After the four words "Xiantian Lingbao" were exported, it also attracted the attention of Linhang No.1 Jade Spirit Fairy and Zi Feng, etc. There was a burst of light in their eyes, and they had all heard of it. This Ziwei Emperor In Xing's "Tibetan Arms Treasure", there are many innate spirit treasures, but such rumors have not been confirmed. They originally wanted to personally check this after entering "The Hidden Arms" Whether the rumors are credible, but now speaking from the treasure house’s mouth, it also directly makes them understand that there is indeed an innate spiritual treasure in this "Treasure House of Arms", and more importantly, this There are still a lot of innate spirit treasures in "The Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers", which can be put into three different spaces. Although it is definitely impossible to compare the number of spirit treasures and spirit treasures, but It is definitely not a small number.

At this point, the treasure house envoy has completely completed the introduction of the layout of the nine different spaces in the "Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers". At this time, when the four characters of Xiantian Lingbao are spoken, the treasure house envoy can also clearly feel that they are sitting opposite. The four people, including Linhang No.1 and Yu Lingxian, became more interested. Obviously, the existence of this innate Lingbao is really more popular.

Treasury Envoy also laughed at this time, and then said, "Okay! It's also annoying that you have heard so much, and now you know the general layout of the "Treasure Treasure Treasure" in my place. Where are you going to watch and select first?"

Linhang No.1 has been observed when entering the second floor. In addition to the empty venue rooms, there is also a spiral staircase on the second floor, which looks like a passage to the third floor. This also made Linhang-1 secretly guess that, except for those tunnels hidden in the pillars on the first floor, the passages on the upper floors should be relatively normal, and they should be in the way they are now. The more conspicuous location, it is convenient for monks who enter it to find and enter the upper level.

Like I can copy everything, please collect it: ( I can copy everything and the literature is updated the fastest.

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