I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 9

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:29:10 AM

Chapter 9: "Ghost Fox" Zhou Mo

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Liu Ruyan returned to the apartment through the original window, and Lin Hang got out of Liu Ruyan's shadow.

Liu Ruyan couldn't help sighing, "Xiao Hang, this ability is really played to the extreme by you." Liu Ruyan has also come into contact with the ability of "Shadow Escape" before, but has never been as elegant as Lin Hang, the most important thing. The difference lies in the ability to switch positions between the two shadows. If it weren't for Lin Hang, Liu Ruyan didn't want to reveal his identity. It would not be easy to grab the jade medal from Liu Tianlin's hands.

Lin Hang handed the jade card to Liu Ruyan and asked, "Sister Yan, what is this?".

Just outside the city, Liu Ruyan and Lin Hang were on the hillside. They couldn't listen to the conversation between Mo and others next week, so they didn't know the importance of the thing they grabbed.

Liu Ruyan took the jade plaque and observed it carefully for a while, and said uncertainly, "Looking at the lines on it, it looks like a totem from our ancient China. It was the pre-Daxia era, people admired nature. The resulting totem."

Not knowing what effect it had for the time being, Liu Ruyan asked Lin Hang to put it away.

Lin Hang collected the jade card and said, "By the way, Sister Yan, I copied Liu Tianlin's ability."

Liu Ruyan nodded, showing an expression of interest, "Come on, show me to my sister."

Lin Hang felt the progress bar of "Elements-Fire" in the spiritual space, mobilized his psychic energy, and an orange flame appeared in his hands. The magical thing was that the fire was in his hands. Lin Hang felt only warmth, not at all. Feeling hot. Lin Hang slowly changed the shape of the flame in his hand, musket, fire bow, fire sword...

Liu Ruyan looked at Lin Hang's childish performance and couldn't help shook his head. It wasn't until Lin Hang felt that he was almost playing, he waved his hand to dissipate the flame of his palm.

Liu Ruyan also asked at this time, "Xiao Hang, do you know our four big families in Beijing, and some powerful families such as the Ye family, why can they stay so strong?"

Lin Hang shook his head. He didn't know why Liu Ruyan suddenly said this question.

Liu Ruyan cleared his throat and said, "The reason why our big families endure is because our respective inheritance abilities are very powerful. As long as the clansmen continue and the inheritance continues, we can all come back again."

Lin Hang disagreed a little, and then asked, "But one of my elders told me that there is no order of strength and weakness, and the strong will always be the ability person himself."

Liu Ruyan knew that Lin Hang was talking about the Dark King, she smiled and replied, "What your elder said is correct, but you have to know, what a powerful person is this? The realm he said is naturally the truth, but how many people in this world can reach such a realm? When there is no strength to crush everything, there are indeed strong and weak abilities."

Lin Hang understood a little, and said, "Well, what you said also makes sense, so where is the power of your big family?"

Liu Ruyan replied, "Let’s take the Liu family’s ability as an example. Liu’s family’s ability is "Element-Fire", so once the Liu family’s disciples have awakened the ability, they control everything about the fire element. . But there are still many fire-type abilities in this world. The abilities they obtain are far from that powerful. They can only obtain one or a few of them, such as simple fire control, fire element immunity, and transformation. Fire and so on, and the Liu family controls everything about the fire element!"

Hearing this, Lin Hang knew what Liu Ruyan meant by the power strength. It's like a person with fire control ability. When he meets Liu Tianlin, if their realms are similar, Liu Tianlin can be completely immune to his fire elemental attacks, but he can't. In this way, Liu Tianlin is absolutely overwhelming. Advantage.

"So our abilities are very comprehensive. While the attack is strong, there are also strong defenses. The family that has been passed down for so many years is not unreasonable." Liu Ruyan also expressed emotion.

Lin Hang also had feelings, and under Liu Ruyan's guidance, he began to exercise his abilities again.

While Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan were talking, another part of Huicheng was also very unstable.

Zhou family. Zhou Mo Study Room.

At this time, there were three people sitting and drinking tea in the study, it was Zhou Mo, Liu Tianlin, and a beautiful woman in her thirties.

"Aunt, uncle, this time the matter must not be forgotten with the Li family! Actually dare to do it right with our Liu family!" Liu Tianlin patted the table angrily, obviously not accepting the fact that he failed tonight.

Zhou Mo took a sip of tea and said in a hurry, "Heaven is coming, the Li family will definitely not let it go, but don't you think there is anything strange about things tonight?"

"You mean..." Liu Tianlin gradually calmed down under the influence of Zhou Mo. The things tonight were very hidden. How could the Li family know about it and block himself and others?

"Also, Tian Lin, who was the last to steal the jade medal, do you know?" Zhou Mo was more concerned about this issue.

Liu Tianlin shook his head and said, "They didn't show their faces. They only knew that it was a male and a female. The female didn't use abilities. The male abilities were strange, like shadow escape, but they were much more flexible."

Zhou Mo smiled and said, "Tian Lin, don't you think it's weird that the woman doesn't use supernatural powers? And she can easily evade your Liu family's fire control skills. She is familiar with Liu family, and dare not expose it. Ability. According to my guess, she is probably Liu Ruyan of the Liu family! And the appearance of the Li family is inseparable from her!"

Based on Liu Tianlin's few words, Zhou Mo inferred that the matter was inseparable from one to the other. It is indeed an old fox who worked hard alone and created Zhou's foundation! Liu Ruyan's Jianghu experience is still too shallow, and Zhou Mo is too underestimated.

After listening to Zhou Mo's words, Liu Tianlin suddenly realized that he couldn't help but admire his uncle. I thought that before we set off, my father and grandfather asked them to listen to this uncle's opinion. At that time, I didn't care about it. I now know that it is not unreasonable for my uncle to be awarded the title of "ghost fox" in the arena!

He unconsciously brought a hint of respect in his words, and said, "The uncle thinks, what should we do next?"

Zhou Mo wiped his glasses and said, "Now I can only wait quietly," he said with a hint of helplessness, "In fact, the Ye family has the final say in this place in Huicheng. We can make a little trouble, but if we want to make a big change The Ye family would not agree to the layout of Huicheng."

"So we want to deal with the Li Family and Liu Ruyan. It's impossible to be positive. I have to plan well."

Liu Tianlin also nodded, now he can only rely on Zhou Mo, otherwise this matter will be messed up, and the family's attitude towards him will likely plummet.

Zhou Mo is a rare brain-strengthening ability. Although his physical fitness is much better than that of ordinary people, he is stronger in the development of intelligence. He can see the essence of many things at a glance. Such people are not strong in combat, but in many cases the role they can play is far inferior to those of the combat system. It's like Gong Jin in the Three Kingdoms period, and it's disappeared between talking and laughing.

He carefully thought about the details that he had overlooked, and suddenly remembered that Liu Ruyan had been there with a young man at the Ye family party. And looking at their relationship, it seems to be very close.

"It seems this is a breakthrough..." Zhou Mo thought secretly.

Liu Ruyan and Lin Hang would not have imagined that Zhou Mo could rely on these scattered details to infer Lin Hang.

Zhou Mo immediately asked him to check Lin Hang's information, and turned his head to see Liu Tianlin still worried.

Zhou Mo looked at Liu Tianlin's appearance and said with a smile, "Tianlin, you don't have to care too much about this. Our purpose tonight is to find the key to the ruins. Haven't we found the key now? It's just a temporary post. The girl who exists in Liu Ruyan will return to our hands sooner or later. During this time, you can relax and relax in Huicheng. With me, the little girl in the Liu family won't be able to make any big waves."

Putting on his glasses, Zhou Mo's eyes flashed with confidence.

Early the next morning, Lin Hang's message was placed on Zhou Mo's desk.

Zhou Mo was eating breakfast and reading Lin Hang's information, and the more he looked at it, the stranger he became.

To put it simply, Lin Hang was blank before the age of fourteen, and there was no information before Huicheng, as if it appeared out of thin air. From fourteen to a month ago, he was another poor boy who couldn't be more ordinary. According to the killer who assassinated Liu Ruyan, Lin Hang was also there when Liu Ruyan was assassinated that night, and he was just an ordinary person.

"In other words, this Lin Hang is just the recent good luck awakening ability, and the involvement with Liu Ruyan is just an accident?" Zhou Mo thought in his heart, he had an intuition in his heart, this Lin Hang is very difficult, definitely not so ordinary.

Zhou Mo knows that people like him often feel that their intuition is no longer a guess, but a fact that he subconsciously analyzed.

"I just don't know if Lin Hang and Ye Family Ye Botao have a deep friendship. It's really troublesome..." Zhou Mo had a headache. He didn't expect that this kid would have something to do with Ye Family Elder, and Huicheng was the Ye family. Forget it, or else I don’t care about that much, just tie this kid over.

The shadow of Li Haoxuan flashed in Zhou Mo's mind, and his thoughts turned to his mind.

Lin Hang was cultivating in Liu Ruyan's room at this time.

"Is this the only temperature for increased firepower?" Liu Ruyan shouted.

However, in the kitchen, Lin Hang was sweating profusely. Amid Liu Ruyan's cry, a steak was held on the flame on his right hand, cooking Liu Ruyan as a coolie steak.

After a while, Liu Ruyan approached and waved his hand to inject a little pure wood energy on the steak, without putting any other seasonings.

Lin Hang put away the flame, put the steak on the plate, Liu Ruyan cut a piece and put it in his mouth, chewing slowly, and said, "Sure enough, the most natural taste of the ingredients is the most delicious!"

Lin Hang looked at Liu Ruyan in front of him, until Liu Ruyan looked hairy.

Liu Ruyan put down the fork and said, "Oh, my sister asked you to do such a small favor. Is it necessary to look at me like this?" After that, he handed Lin Hang a letter.

Lin Hang opened it curiously, and after reading it, he began to think.

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