I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 903

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:55:10 AM

Chapter 903: Artifact energy

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Of course, Yu Lingxian himself also knows that when facing the enemy, the outcome of the battle can be seen in many aspects. It does not mean that one party will be able to win the match with the help of the innate spirit treasure, but if there is If this mighty power or the help of an innate spirit treasure that just fits his own abilities, it would definitely have a huge bonus and influence on the outcome of the battle. Yu Lingxian had no doubt about this. He was seeing this. Before "Sky Swallowing Pot", I was still very indifferent to things like Innate Lingbao, but now that I really see it, the Jade Spirit Fairy has already given birth to some desires for Innate Lingbao.

Compared with Linhang No. 1 Jade Lingxian and Qianjun, Zi Feng has the greatest mood swing. His own cultivation is the highest among the four, and compared to Jade Lingxian and Qianjun, Zi Feng’s cultivation base is not a little bit higher, but at least two big realms. With this gap, Zi Feng’s view of this "Swallowing Pot" feels like Yuling. The two immortals are completely different. From Zifeng’s perspective, this "Sky-Swallowing Pot" is an existence that can be said to be exterminating the world, if it is held by himself or a monk with the same cultivation base as him. For a "Sky-Swallowing Pot", if this monk has a bad or hegemonic mentality, then the "Desolate Star Territory" in this place cannot stop this person from tossing. "For direct destruction! This is the powerful power that a type of Lingbao like "Sky-Swallowing Pot" can exert when it is in the hands of a powerful monk. It really can be regarded as destroying the world.

Facing Zi Feng’s question, the treasure house smiled, and then replied, “Haha, what’s wrong with this? This piece of "Sky-Swallowing Pot" was still successful through the incomplete spout of that piece. It was born, yes, there was only one spout. His idea was to let me use the self-repairing function, plus this spout was originally part of the innate spirit treasure, and see if I could make a complete one. The small pot of Xiantian Lingbao came out! For this kind of work, I naturally have to do some experiments, but now that so many years have passed, I still have not been able to fully recover the small pot of Xiantian Lingbao. , It is still in my list of restorations. Now although most of the work has been completed, the entire "Sky-Swallowing Pot" has become what it is now, but now the Ziwei Emperor and his old man have been completely lost With the trace, I don’t know who should report the restoration work like this! There are still a lot of innate spiritual treasures repaired by Emperor Ziwei, like the "Swallowing Pot", but the current Ziwei Emperor is already. No, I don’t know what to do! So, just watch this "Sky-Swallowing Pot", there is no problem!"

After getting permission from the treasure house, Zi Feng's heart was also full of joy. After he nodded heavily, he also placed his hands on the "Sky-Swallowing Pot", but just touched it. In "Swallowing the Sky Pot", the feeling is completely different from what Zi Feng imagined. There is no imaginary cold touch, but a warm feeling. These warm feelings are also understood by Zi Feng at the moment of contact. The location of these touches is because of the powerful effect of the "Sky-Swallowing Kettle" itself. It was originally able to absorb external energy through swallowing and transform it into the magical promotion energy in its body, and so many years have passed. , This "Swallowing Pot" is also nourished by the characteristics of "Tibetan Treasure House" day and night, and naturally absorbed a lot of spiritual power into the body. Under such circumstances, the "Swallowing Pot" Of course, the interior has also benefited a lot, so at this time, Zi Feng can also feel the weight of this "Sky-Swallowing Pot" at this time. It seems that some of the pure energy accumulated in it is also certain. A lot of them.

At this time, the treasure trove also saw the feelings of Zifeng at this time, and introduced with a smile, "After so many years have passed, this "Sky-Swallowing Pot" has not been able to complete this last step of repair, but the most The core function of phagocytosis, absorption and transformation has been repaired early! Only a powerful phagocytic suction can swallow everything into its body, and then forcibly digest it into a pure form The energy is stored, and this energy can be absorbed and used by the monks. I guess that the old Ziwei Emperor and his old man at the time was fancy that someone had used this "Swallowing Pot" before picking up this broken spout Come back, let me try to see if it can be recovered! There is already a lot of energy stock in such a "Sky-Swallowing Kettle" now. See if you want to try and experience the power of these energy What role?"

The words of the treasure house also made Lin Hang No. 1 and Yu Lingxian quite tempted, because the treasure house said just now that the pure energy produced by this "Sky Swallowing Pot" is also powerful. The most obvious effect is that it can help the monks to grow quickly, so these people present are also very interested in such a function. It is necessary to take a look at some of these produced in the "Swallowing Pot" What kind of powerful effect does energy have?

Zi Feng held the "Sky-Swallowing Pot" in his hand, and then gently pushed it with his right hand, and he could see that a burst of energy was drawn from his body, and then it came out directly from the spout, slowly It slowly flowed into Zi Feng's hands, but at this time Zi Feng did not absorb the aquamarine energy in the first time, but once again activated the traction force and sent them to Linhang 1 and Yuling Immortal still has Qianjun in front of him.

Linhang-1 was also curious about this kind of energy for a long time, so after Zifeng sent the aquamarine energy, Linhang-1 did not make any excuses, and directly intercepted some from it, and then absorbed it. In the dantian, and after this aquamarine energy entered the dantian of Linhang-1, Linhang-1 also felt a warmth and a refreshing feeling. Under the circumstances, he felt that the total amount of spiritual power in the dantian was slowly increasing, and the realm of entering the realm of virtual immortals could not help but be solid again!

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