I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 904

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:55:09 AM

Chapter 904: Powerful effect

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And this change also caused a strong reaction from Linhang-1, not because this kind of green energy is too powerful, but because Linhang-1 is a clone of Linhang at this time, its own realm. There is an upper limit on strength and strength, both at the peak level when it was created, but at this time, Lin Hang 1 discovered that this green energy can affect his current clone. It was caused by the strengthening. At this time, Lin Hang 1 could clearly feel that with the support of this small amount of aquamarine energy, his own strength limit actually broke through and rose a little!

Such a discovery is actually quite remarkable, because although Lin Hang’s clone ability can be called a perverted rogue and unsolvable, it has a big shortcoming. That is, the cultivation base of Lin Hang's clone ability is absolutely impossible to exceed For his own deity, even if Lin Hang creates many clones of his own homology and then merges them together, it is impossible to complete such a process, and the newly created clones still cannot surpass Lin Hang's deity. The upper limit of strength, but today’s discovery made Linhang-1 have a different idea. The green energy effect is indeed a bit too strong, and it can actually improve his one without side effects. If there are a large number of clones in the future, can Lin Hang's clone cultivation eventually reach the level of surpassing the deity?

Lin Hang No. 1 has already been tested at this time. He nodded heavily at Yulingxian and Qianjun Zifeng, telling them that this turquoise energy does have a very powerful effect. After knowing this, Yulingxian Zifeng and Qianjun did not hesitate, they directly began to absorb the aquamarine energy in front of them. There was no long time before, Yulingxian Zifeng and Qianjun Qianjun opened his eyes with surprise on his face. In addition to Zi Feng, the aura on Yu Lingxian and Qianjun's body has also increased to a certain extent visible to the naked eye, and look at Zi Feng's face. The unceasing smile, obviously after absorbing that burst of green energy, Zi Feng definitely got a lot of benefits.

At this time, Zi Feng was also the first to speak to the treasure trove, "Thank you to the generosity of the treasure trove! After using such a turquoise energy, I can feel that the bottleneck that has troubled me for many years has finally appeared a little loose! This It must be the opportunity for me to break through! And even a thousand words of help like this definitely cannot express my gratitude! So after returning to my power, I will inevitably use all the energy I can use. Go and search for the news about Emperor Ziwei, and also in order to let the treasure house make you feel relieved, Senior!"

The treasure house also waved his hand at this time, and then smiled and said, "It's not a big deal, I just raised my hand! As for the search for the old man of Ziwei Emperor, you don't have to be too deliberate, just do my best! I am now It can be considered to understand. For people in the realm of Emperor Ziwei and his elders, if we can all find it easily, then it is equivalent to his own choice of the present world, so this kind of thing is good, I just hope that Emperor Don’t have anything to do with the old man, that’s the best situation! In fact, I don’t know much about this incident back then, and I don’t know the key to the breaking of the entire Ziwei Emperor star, but at that time, Emperor Ziwei’s old man seemed to have known that such an event would happen for a long time, so he was drinking alone in the stars before the incident, and he seemed to be waiting for someone else to arrive until later. At that time, it seemed that there were really a few figures walking on the galaxy from afar, the specific appearance was not real at all, and at that time only the heroic laughter of the emperor could be heard, and after a while, I could feel it The entire Ziwei Emperor star was hit hard, and with such a blow, the entire Ziwei Emperor star began to rupture internally, and eventually could not bear the pressure and turned into fragments in the sky. Various fragments also flew. Going to different directions of the starry sky, I didn’t have any ability to resist or stop at that time. I could only watch this Ziwei Emperor star break, and the area where I was was the core of Ziwei Emperor. Under such circumstances, I can only gather some special areas around me and turn them into a special continent. From then on, I hide and drift in the starry sky. Now that I am now, many years have passed. , I have been on this fragmented continent for such a long time!"

Treasure Treasury made the mood a little bit excited at this time, but after he calmed down for a while, he continued to say, "But I believe that the emperor's strength is so strong, and nothing will happen! I don't know, Before entering this fragmented continent, I have been trapped here, and I have never been out for so many years! Although I was powerless to fight the emperor and the opponent before, I still wanted to find news about the emperor. , It’s just that when I wanted to leave this fragmented continent, I found a fragment of the core land that I had retained. I don’t know for what reason it caused every place before that. Except for the area of ​​special functions, there is an unknown mask that has been shrouded in a layer, and this kind of mask has trapped me here for countless years. No matter what method I use, I can't complete any work. This point made me very crazy at the beginning, and finally reached the point of numbness. Until you don’t know what method to use to break the mask, I can sense the current situation! In the days to come, I want to leave here and go to the stars. I must find the trace of Emperor Ziwei! I have not shown up now because of some things, and I have been caught or the time of birth has not been reached! No matter what I am, I believe that the emperor and his old man will eventually appear! And the search process is naturally indispensable, but it does not need to be too deliberate. I believe that if the Ziwei Emperor has the meaning of appearing in front of the world, it is absolutely He will show up by himself. Emperor Jun has never been a person who likes to hide behind the scenes. His enemy is very powerful, and we should work harder to improve ourselves!"

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