I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 905

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:55:08 AM

Chapter 905: Pride

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After the treasure house ambassador said these words, Zi Feng also nodded, and agreed to the treasure house’s arrangement and meaning. In his mind, no matter what, although it will be like the treasure house said, not too much. I deliberately searched for the news of Emperor Ziwei, but I will certainly not let go of some clues that may be revealed. The subsequent "Purple Cold Island" will definitely put the clues of searching for the Emperor Ziwei on an important experience task. In terms of purpose, Zi Feng's inner persistence is still relatively firm. Since he has received such a great benefit because of the kindness of the treasure house, even the bottleneck that has troubled him for many years is breaking the upper layer. It has a certain degree of looseness, which is absolutely significant for Zifeng. After this impact, Zifeng is also very confident that it will be able to go higher in a short period of time. Of the realm.

At this time, Lin Hang No. 1, Yu Lingxian and Qianjun also nodded and agreed with the treasure house emissary’s words. They were more or less related to Emperor Ziwei. Jade Lingxian was created by Ziwei. The emperor personally enlightened and followed him to receive teachings so as to be able to reach the point where he is now. For the Jade Lingxian, the Ziwei emperor is an extremely important person. At this time, I learned a bit of news about the Ziwei emperor, even if the Jade Lingxian knew My own cultivation base is too low to help Emperor Ziwei in any way, but I still decided in my heart to improve his strength, so that in the future, if Emperor Ziwei returns, he can help Emperor Ziwei. , Instead of leaving Emperor Ziwei to fight alone like the previous time.

At this time, compared to Yulingxian and Baoku, these two people who have a deep relationship with Ziwei Emperor, Lin Hang 1 actually felt quite different. He and Ziwei Emperor did not have much difference. The most important relationship is that the power "Hua Xia Gate" established today is developed on the Ziwei Emperor Star Continent, which basically belongs to the Ziwei Emperor himself. Lin Hang No.1 just sighed in my heart that people like Emperor Ziwei who lived in legends had powerful enemies and opponents, which forced Emperor Ziwei to disappear, even she has always regarded him as a treasure. The Ziwei Emperor Star has been broken for many years, but there is no management meaning. This can actually explain a lot of problems. At this time, Lin Hang 1 suddenly had a strong idea and brain hole in the mind. He felt that the hidden truth of Emperor Ziwei had something to do with the aftermath of the end of the world. Otherwise, when a figure like Emperor Ziwei has reached the level, what is the need to compete with each other? Only with this kind of end of heaven and earth that everything in the world cannot face safely, can characters like Emperor Ziwei have some special powerful reactions.

Of course, this is just Linhang-1’s speculation and thoughts at this time, and no news has been able to confirm it. Therefore, Linhang-1 has nothing to say about its own thoughts at this time. What has been proven has no value at all.

The treasure house also continued to say at this time, "Well, the ninth floor here can be regarded as the most valuable layer in my "Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers". Later, as my nine-story area was all drawn After I left, I formally became a "Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers" for storing all kinds of spirit treasures and spirit soldiers. There are a lot of spirit treasures. At that time, there is not much difference in the area of ​​the eighth layer. It can be said that the grade of each layer of spirit treasure is very different, and the eight layers are classified separately. The rules are categorized according to different functions and functions, and have nothing to do with grades. Until later, the area on the first floor is accumulating more and more spiritual treasures, and the space is gradually expanding, and this has led to a trend toward higher quality , The higher the higher the better, the higher the quality, and gradually it becomes what it is today!"

The treasure house paused, and continued, "Of course, when the scale of today is almost formed, I was also retrained by Emperor Ziwei at this stage, and finally gained consciousness, which is what I am now, after my birth , This "Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers" is equivalent to obtaining a manager, and the natural advantages of the situation are very different! Now, you can act on your own in this ninth layer of space. I said that I would give it to you For some repaying, you can choose some spirit treasures from my "Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers", and among these spirit treasures, I can tell you that they also include these innate spirit treasures! Even like this A piece of "Sky-Swallowing Pot" can be taken away if one of you can see it. What I have said will never go back. If you take it away, this innate spiritual treasure will belong to you from now on By myself, I won’t say much! However, if you choose to take the Xiantian Lingbao, everyone has only one chance to choose. After all, each Xiantian Lingbao here is unique. If you take too much, if I see Emperor Ziwei and his old man again in the future, I will not be able to explain it!"

After the treasure house ambassador said these words, Lin Hang No.1, Yulingxian Zifeng and Qianjun were all short of breath. Before, they could decisively refuse the treasure house’s kindness, and there was nothing to go. The reason for taking those spirit treasures as a thank-you is actually because they themselves don’t really need these spirit treasures. After all, today’s era is not the same as before, unlike the ancient times relying on them too much. To fight with the power of Linhang-1, the four of them are also able to resist the temptation. They don’t need to thank those spirit treasures very much, but now after seeing these innate spirit treasures, everyone’s thoughts have changed. Not so firm anymore.

You know, the original words are nothing, but after seeing the powerful effects of the "Sky-Swallowing Pot", the people of Linhang 1 can naturally associate the powerful effects of other innate spirit treasures, so naturally, The idea of ​​wanting to have appeared in the heart, after all, if you have an innate spirit treasure, it will still have a powerful help for your own strength.

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