I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 906

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:55:06 AM

Chapter 906: Different

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Regarding this point, Lin Hang No. 1 and Yu Lingxian have similar feelings. Although Lin Hang himself has a very strong growth-oriented innate spirit treasure "Dijiang Arrow", but after so many years During the time, Lin Hang actually used the "Emperor Arrow" relatively little. This is because in these years, he has not needed to fight as much as before, and has the opportunity to fight with people. It's also getting less and less. The most important thing is that Lin Hang's own cultivation base and level strength level, in the same level, using his changeable abilities, it can almost be described as a situation of crushing. It is rare for Lin Hang to go all out to fight, and if he does not go all out, then Lin Hang would never have the opportunity to use this "Emperor Arrow".

It is precisely because of this that, in all these years, Lin Hang has not been able to feel the specific role of his destiny innate spirit treasure "Dijiang Arrow" in actual combat. He just knows this. "Emperor Arrow" is very strong, but Lin Hang does not know exactly how strong it is. As for the difference between the spirit treasure of other people, Lin Hang cannot be compared, because it can Only Wang Lao and Liu Ruyan were the only ones who could catch up with Lin Hang in their cultivation. However, the situation of Wang Lao and Liu Ruyan was also quite special, and they could not be compared with Lin Hang according to common sense.

Let’s take Wang Lao as an example. Although Wang Lao said that his cultivation has been able to maintain the same level of progress as Lin Hang, there is one point that Wang Lao is not as good as Lin Hang. That is their own destiny. The advanced speed of Wang Lao, Wang Lao’s life spirit treasure is Wang Lao himself based on his own space and time talent, tailored for himself the most suitable for himself, but this one of Wang Lao’s spirit. The treasure is very special. I don’t know what kind of reason caused this spiritual treasure to undergo some unforeseen changes during the refining process, which ultimately led to this spiritual treasure. There is no specific form! Originally, Mr. Wang was very dissatisfied with such changes. At that time, he even had the idea of ​​refining. But later, Mr. Wang discovered that such changes not only did no harm, but also made him feel better. A natal Lingbao possesses powerful transformation ability. In fact, according to Wang Lao’s own personality, he actually does not need to use such Lingbao and similar things. Wang Lao cares more about his own perception of space. The space he masters is what Wang Lao himself is most beneficial to. Weapons, only after having this life spirit treasure, Wang Lao's thoughts have also changed. He discovered that this spirit treasure can continuously transform its form after the unknown changes. According to Wang Lao’s requirements, we can switch between the offensive and defensive forms. The most important thing is that, whether it is offensive or defensive form, this spirit treasure can also be able to carry out certain skills and offensive capabilities of Wang Lao. With a high degree of blessing, this Lingbao does not have any special abilities, that is, it can get some good blessings to Wang Lao’s spatial abilities. This is exactly what Wang Lao wants to possess, and it is exactly the same. He left such a natal spirit treasure, constantly improving and training, and even gave this natal spirit treasure a name, called "The Fate of the Sky", which represents the sense of harmony of this spirit treasure to space , And Wang Lao's own feelings about space all the time, that is the fate that he has innate.

It’s just that although this piece of "The Fate of the Void" is powerful and has great potential for growth, and is very suitable for Wang Lao's own development path, there is one thing that makes Mr. Wang not particularly satisfied, that is, the "Fate of the Void" "The resources and time needed to upgrade are terrifying. If you only consume resources, it’s nothing. With a disciple like Lin Hang, Mr. Wang never lacks the resources to upgrade this "Destiny of the Sky", but The most important thing is that it takes a lot of time for "Sora no Fate" to digest these resources. Although every time the resources are absorbed, it can make "Sora no Fate" much stronger, but each time it does take a long time. In order to accomplish this kind of consumption, Wang Lao’s own cultivation progress is actually very fast, which has led to Wang Lao, although he has always said that he has always been very on the ground for his life spirit treasure "The Fate of the Sky." Xin, often consumes a lot of materials to let "The Fate of the Sky" absorb to strengthen himself, but the level of progress of "The Fate of the Sky" is still greatly reduced by his own cultivation level. In this way Under the circumstances, Wang Lao is now a great monk in the realm of virtual immortality, but Wang Lao’s natal soul treasure "The Fate of the Sky" is still at the level of the tribulation period, and it has just passed a large amount of resources. The consumption has only entered the initial stage of the robbery. Under such circumstances, it is naturally impossible for Lin Hang to get any useful experience from Wang Lao. If the two people also use their own destiny to fight, then fight There was no suspense at all in the result. Lin Hang's life spirit treasure "Dijiang Arrow", which could keep up with his own cultivation level, would definitely have the upper hand, after all, the realm gap was still a bit too big.

This is Wang Lao's situation, and Liu Ruyan's situation is a little different. Liu Ruyan's life spirit treasure is a golden lotus, it was Liu Ruyan's previous adventure to survive the catastrophe of the fire. After the failure, Lin Hang used all of his help to finally rescue Liu Ruyan through the Yaozu’s recovery ritual, and because that recovery ritual used a soul power lotus that was born through the spring of soul power, which made Liu Ruyan Ruyan also awakened a lot of memories and experiences related to that ancient golden lotus fairy. It was also after this time that such a golden lotus appeared in Liu Ruyan’s body, which served as Liu Ruyan’s The life spirit treasure exists.

Liu Ruyan’s natal spirit treasure Jinlian effect is actually very rich, Liu Ruyan also used it before, has a powerful seal and illusion ability, with a light brush, the enemy monk will easily fall into Liu Ru directly. In the illusion and seal of Yan, if this is the case with the help of such a life-saving treasure Jinlian, Liu Ruyan will have a very strong first-hand power in the battle. As long as the attack of this Jinlian is broken, he will be qualified. Fight against Liu Ruyan behind him.

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