I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 908

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:55:05 AM

Chapter 908: psychological

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You know, in this space on the ninth floor of "The Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers", there are a total of 236 innate spirit treasures with powerful and different functions. As long as you can get one of them The ethnic group can use it, or it is an innate spiritual treasure that fits the characteristics of its own ethnic group, then it is good news for the entire ethnic group, even if they cannot find an innate spiritual treasure suitable for their own ethnic group, Then the one in front of you is the "Sky-Swallowing Pot" that has shown its own powerful capabilities. It is also a good choice. You know, up to now, this "Sky-Swallowing Pot" has not yet shown its offense. The defensive ability is just that the aquamarine energy that it assists in enhancing the monks is well-known to everyone. It is just that, and everyone is full of praise for this "Sky-Swallowing Pot". You must know that it is so powerful. Bring the energy back to the disciples who have good talents in their own race. Not to mention the simple ability to improve the progress of the current stage of cultivation. Even disciples in the realm of virtual immortals will have the ability to break into the realm of true immortals. A certain bonus and help. In this case, with the help of the green energy of "Sky-Swallowing Pot", the disciples of one's own power can get more rapid development help. Zi Feng and Qianjun can ignore it for themselves, but after all, they are the leaders of their respective forces or the highest cultivation base. Under such circumstances, after setting aside their own rules of conduct and ways of thinking, Zi Feng and Qianjun must think more about their own ethnic group, sometimes even if they don’t want to, but if they can help their respective forces, Zi Feng and Qianjun will still consider their own ethnic groups. Put in the first place, the development of ethnic groups can sometimes be above all else.

However, at this time, after Zi Feng and Qianjun looked at each other, they also saw the same meaning in the eyes of the other party. This time, they could pass through the mask in the outer area, relying on Lin Hang 1. The mysterious and powerful "Broken the Forbidden Umbrella" can be regarded as entering this area without any twists and turns, seeing the legendary "Tibetan Treasure House", and after that, if there is no Jade Spirit Fairy With the special identities of the "Lagerstroemia Order" and the Jade Spirit Immortal in their hands, it is absolutely impossible for them to have the opportunity to enter this "Tibetan Treasure Treasure", let alone the present. This was treated like this by the weapon spirit treasure house of "The Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers", so Zi Feng and Qianjun can also be clearly distinguished in their hearts. They know that this trip to the Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers can proceed to the present This step actually has nothing to do with them. Especially in Qianjun’s heart, the feeling is even more obvious. He was originally on the debris continent at this place, and was left by the Lin Hang No. 1 Jade Spirit Fairy. Zi Feng was rescued, and in this rescue, Zi Feng made a huge help. If Zi Feng did not exist, this time the operation would not be so successful. First of all, Hei Jin and Rong Hui is not so easy to deal with. Secondly, if the purple seal is not right there, then the existence of the seal in Qianjun’s dantian will definitely kill Qianjun in a short time, so if you follow Strictly speaking, without Zifeng, there is absolutely no way for this trip to Fragment Continent to get to this point so easily and normally. Therefore, in Qianjun’s heart, if Zifeng obtains an innate spirit There is nothing wrong with the gift of treasure. Without the purple seal, it may not be possible to occupy the fragmented continent here at all, let alone the place where the "Tibetan Soldier Treasure House" can be found. The role of the purple seal is also What has always been manifested, without the purple seal, maybe there would be no such action at all.

And Lin Hang No. 1 and Yu Lingxian already had the idea of ​​accepting the goodwill of the treasure house this time. After all, they are the direct reason that the treasure house can achieve the conditions for getting out of trouble. Now it is in the treasure house. Under the strong request of the emissary, coupled with the powerful temptation of the Xiantian Lingbao, Lin Hang 1 and Yu Lingxian were already prepared to stop rejecting the goodwill of the treasure emissary, because they also knew that if they always refused If this is the case, then the treasure house will definitely not feel so comfortable in his heart. Every normal monk will pay more attention to this kind of cause and effect in the later stages of the cultivation process. If this time Lin Hang If No. 1 and Yu Lingxian and others do not accept the treasure house agent’s kindness of thanks, then the treasure house agent here is equivalent to owing Lin Hang No. 1 and Yu Lingxian a large amount of cause and effect. If such a cause and effect If it exists all the time, it will definitely affect the improvement of the next treasure trove and the perception of some things, and if this situation continues, the future development is likely to be more serious, not only the treasure trove It is possible that the cultivation base will fail from then on, and what is more serious is that it will regress. Under the imbalance of cause and effect, the treasure house will never have a particularly good way forward.

Both Linhang No. 1 and Yulingxian understand this, so they don’t want the treasure house to make it difficult to do. Coupled with their own actions, they have a clear conscience for the treasure house’s thanks this time. This is also completely. In line with their respective development paths and state of mind, in fact, their ability to accept the Treasury’s gratitude and gifts to them more clearly shows that they have been implementing the ideas in their hearts. Otherwise, they have a helping hand. Ende, but does not require being rewarded, or even unable to accept the rewards of others. This is actually equivalent to falling into a more morbid psychology, which is also not conducive to the development of the monks themselves. This time, the Linhang 1 He Yulingxian almost fell into this kind of thought at the beginning. They felt that their behavior to break the prohibition was based on the benefit of themselves, so they saved the treasure trove for themselves. There is no sense of freedom, but as long as they can think deeply about it, they can know that no matter how small a small thing is for them, if it is enough to cause great help to others, then no matter what They are all great benefactors of that person, which is also a fact that cannot be concealed.

Like I can copy everything, please collect it: ( I can copy everything and the literature is updated the fastest.

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