I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 909

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:55:04 AM

Chapter 909: accept

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And if you carry such kindness and do not want to be rewarded, it is also a very selfish act in a sense, because not accepting the reward of the rescued person is equivalent to rejecting the person’s kindness. It makes it impossible for others to complete the persistence and path in their hearts. If other people are unhappy, then the person concerned should not be able to stay out of the matter at the end. It is definitely a matter that will end up harming others and self.

Lin Hang 1 and Yu Lingxian looked at the faces of Zi Feng and Qianjun on the opposite side, and they had already guessed what kind of thinking these two people are now, so before the two of them spoke, Lin Hang 1 It was also preemptively said, "Haha, Senior Treasury Envoy, you have already said so, and we have no reason to refuse! And listening to your meaning, and some of the previous experience, how could we miss such a This legendary opportunity for innate spirit treasures! So, Senior Treasury Envoy, we have all decided not to choose those spirit treasures refined by the day after tomorrow, but to let this opportunity flow out. Everyone chooses An innate spirit treasure! I don't know if this is the case, can it?"

The treasure trove saw that Linhang No.1 readily agreed, and a big rock in his heart also fell to the ground. The sight of Linhang No.1 became more cordial. In fact, in the treasure trove’s heart, the most What I’m afraid of is that Lin Hang 1 and Yu Lingxian both have a strong idea of ​​rejection. In that case, Lin Hang 1 and Jade Lingxian are the benefactors of the rescue as the treasure house. In this situation Under the circumstances, the treasure house ambassador cannot force the Lin Hang 1 to accept the benefits he has given in return. In that case, the cultivation path of the treasure house ambassador in the future will become a little dangerous. The strongest Zifeng in the beginning is a lot stronger, so in the practice of the treasure house, he has slowly come into contact with the most mysterious and unpredictable law of cause and effect. If this law of cause and effect is not a monk, it has reached a certain level. At this point, it is impossible to start research at all. Once some errors are discovered, the self-cultivation is not strong enough, it will definitely be directly erased by various powerful causes and effects, and no trace will be left. Down.

And the treasure house envoy did not forcefully remind Lin Hang 1 and Yu Lingxian that they must accept his gratitude. Therefore, when the treasure house made his heart extremely anxious, Lin Hang 1 was able to respond so readily. One thing was agreed, which really made the treasurer's heart very satisfied.

The treasure trove did not conceal the meaning of his inner thoughts, and he said with a smile, "Haha, Lin Hang, thank you very much! As for what you said, what's wrong? Since I have already said it. Now, I will definitely meet your requirements! As for the one person you mentioned, a total of four innate spirit treasures, there is no problem, even if you choose the one you like! Only I suggest you are here too The two hundred and thirty-six innate spirit treasures in the ninth layer are selected internally. After all, these innate spirit treasures have also been screened by me and personally tested in the third layer. They are absolutely all in grade. There is no problem! And in the seventh and eighth levels, some of them are innate spirit treasures with relatively single-function offensive and defensive attributes, and they are not as functional as the ninth level. There are more than two hundred congenital spirit treasures in the ninth level. Of course, there are more than two hundred innate spirit treasures in the ninth level. Of course, I am just my own suggestion. If you really prefer a single If you have a functional offensive and defensive innate spirit treasure, I will not stop you, although it is good to choose the innate spirit treasure that you feel most comfortable with. As for the subsequent capture and payment, I will provide some help in this matter. And supportive!"

Lin Hang 1 nodded and said that after she was clear, she also started to stroll with Yu Lingxian in the ninth level of space. In this process, Zi Feng and Qianjun also followed in a tacit understanding. Behind Lin Hang 1 and Yu Lingxian, they did not say a word or interrupt in the previous Lin Hang 1’s promised treasure house's speech, and at this time their meaning is self-evident. Hope that Linhang-1 can give them a reasonable explanation.

Lin Hang One naturally knew what Zi Feng and Qianjun meant, but at this time, the evil taste in Lin Hang One's heart suddenly rose. He picked up a uniquely shaped flute, the reason why this flute is called The unique shape is because ordinary bamboo flutes are of average thickness, and this flute has a warm jade texture, but it is a big one and a small one, giving people the feeling of a long horn. Singular.

When Lin Hang No. 1 was looking at the jade flute-shaped innate spirit treasure, Zi Feng and Qianjun couldn’t help it. They found that Lin Hang No. 1 and the Jade Spirit Fairy on the side seemed to be serious. Go to find the right innate spirit treasure you want! This made Zi Feng and Qianjun a little uncontrollable anymore, but Zi Feng also saw how happy the treasure house was when Lin Hang 1 promised the treasure house just now, knowing that for the treasure house Lin Hangyi Accepting this kind of thanks is an extremely happy thing for the treasure house ambassador. Therefore, Zi Feng did not mean to offend and sweep the treasure house. At this time, he also came to Linhang No. 1 side, lowered. He said, "Lin Hang! What did you mean by that? You should know that. This time I entered this "Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers" with fellow Taoist Qianjun, and I have seen that our ancestors have never seen it in a lifetime. The things we have seen are already very satisfying for us. How can we still accept the precious things that the treasure house makes seniors so valuable! Lin Hang, you two friends of the Jade Spirit Immortal are different from me after all, you are The key to the salvation of the treasure house is that the benefactor has no problems, so it does not matter that you accept the gift of thanks from the treasure house, but my fellow Taoist Qianjun and I are completely different from you. In such a situation, let us accept the gift from the treasure trove and seniors. It’s not making us feel bad in our hearts! It is impossible for us to accept such gift with peace of mind, so what do you think, Lin Hang? of?"

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