I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 911

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:55:03 AM

Chapter 911: Description

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Lin Hang 1 also laughed at this time, and then said, "Haha, fellow daoists, don’t worry! If you talk about this matter, you need to think about the problem from the perspective of other people. The whole story is because the two people, Hei Jin and Ronghui, who occupy this fragmented continent, with the controlled fellow Daoist Qianjun, began to seduce Yu Lingxian, and it is precisely because of this that Jade Lingxian discovered the fragmented continent in this place, and the most important thing is, Jade Lingxian discovered that Daoist Qianjun you were forcibly controlled by the two of them. If you were not here, then Jade After Lingxian leaves this fragmented continent, he will definitely not gather his hands so quickly to come here to rescue you. He will inevitably wait until his power has risen enough to compete with that Hei Jin and Ronghui. Come. It’s just that everything has a cause and effect. It’s because of the news in the jade slip that you left by fellow Taoist Qianjun that we understand your origin. This also makes us firm and want to quickly take you The decision to rescue is that Yu Lingxian and I are not strong enough to deal with this Hei Jin and Rong Hui. Fortunately, we are looking for the location of "Purple Cold Island", and we are suffering from a long journey and we don’t know how to locate it. , Fellow Daoist Qianjun, in the star map you provided, it happened to be an area of ​​the starry sky that may exist in "Purple Cold Island". It is with such help that we can easily find it. "Purple Cold Island", and finally met with the owner of the Purple Seal Island, this time the rescue incident occurred."

Speaking of this, after Lin Hang 1 paused, he continued to say, "So, Fellow Daoist Qianjun, the reason why you can get our timely help is actually related to your own actions! If it wasn't because you were in that jade slip that you brought us the news almost unreservedly, we would not have been able to find the location of the "Purple Cold Island" so easily, let alone Later, you can ask the owner of the Purple Seal Island to help! So from this matter, we can also see that everything has a cause and effect. You can be saved because of our help. It is directly related to your own actions. This is what we call the theory of cause and effect. Going back to the beginning of the incident, this time we and the owner of the Purple Sealed Island’s attack and exploration of this fragmented continent, everything The source is also the origin and you. Without you, "The Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers" cannot appear in the world at this time, and the treasure house should not be able to see the sun again, right?"

After Linhang-1’s guided explanation, Qianjun, who hadn’t studied causality in the first place, had a little more understanding in his heart. He agreed with Linhang-1’s point of view. , Everything has a cause and result. If he wasn't just on the Fragment Continent at this place and was hit by the Jade Spirit Immortal, the other monks would be unable to fight Hei Jin and Rong Hui in exchange for it. , Most of his fate was just like his Qianjun, who was forcibly controlled by Hei Jin and Ronghui. Under such circumstances, Qianjun chose to believe in the promise of Yulingxian and took everything he knew. He told Jade Lingxian with a brainstorm. Under such circumstances, Jade Lingxian also got the news he wanted, and finally fulfilled his promise. He brought a powerful monk like Zi Feng with ease. Qianjun was rescued. It can be said that if Qianjun hesitated a little at the critical juncture of the time, things might not have the same development as it is now. It can be said that Linhang No. 1 and Yulingxian Zi Feng's help occupies a large part, but Qianjun's own preparations and handling at the beginning were also very correct. Without his own correct treatment and desperate efforts, this action would definitely not be able to unfold like this.

Lin Hang-1 looked at Qianjun with a somewhat clear expression, and continued to say with a smile, "So, fellow Daoist Qianjun, no matter how you think in your heart, what kind of perception you have about who you have Heart, but you have no way to deny that it is because of your own existence and hard work that you can achieve the current situation! And once any one of these links is missing, it is impossible to complete such a process! So Said, Fellow Daoist Qianjun, whether you are willing to admit it or not at this time, your events and existence this time also led to the present life of "The Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers" and the treasure house that have important relations with the reappearance of seniors. It is even an existence like a fuse! In such a situation, according to the theory of causality, you also have a direct kindness to the treasure house seniors. This is the initial cause and effect, and you can avoid it if you want to hide. Yes! In our current realm, perhaps the matter of causality is not so important, and more of it is to act on our own instincts, but when it comes to a monk at the level of the treasure house, perhaps, This cause and effect is also an extremely important practice! You can find out if you take a closer look at Taoist Fellow Qianjun, the treasure house makes the seniors really care about whether we accept their kindness in return. You didn’t notice. After I agreed to his request just now, and even when I asked to take the four innate spirit treasures, the treasure house made Senior’s look even more exciting. Surely you can feel the joy from the heart, right? In this case, we can accept the gifts and gratitude from the treasure trove, which is the greatest help for him! As I said before, we can’t just do things as before, just rely on our own wishes and To proceed with the idea, it is more important to consider the feelings and situations of other people. In this way, it will be very helpful for us and the cultivation of others!"

Qianjun also nodded at this time. Although he still didn't understand very well in his heart, the most crucial thing was already made clear. Although Linhang No. 1 still didn't say anything very clearly, the core issue was already pointed. When it comes out, that's what Lin Hang-1 implicitly expressed. As the beginning of everything, Qianjun is also the fuse for the treasure house to be able to reappear. Therefore, the existence of Qianjun itself is for the treasure house. All of his situation has a certain influence and help. From this point of view, Qianjun's kindness to the treasure house can also make sense.

Like I can copy everything, please collect it: ( I can copy everything and the literature is updated the fastest.

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