I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 912

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:55:01 AM

Chapter 912: Qianjun's Comprehension

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Qianjun also understood the meaning of Lin Hang 1. That was he was imprisoned here by Hei Jin and Ronghui, and that was the root of everything. No matter how he thought about it in his mind, what position and opinion he had, but in In an objective sense, after Hei Jin and Ronghui were wiped out, he was the source of everything, and this was the cause. In the current situation, the treasure house is finally rescued after a series of changes due to Qianjun’s existence, and the rescued treasure house, because of his own cultivation path, will certainly have the meaning of gratitude to the root cause of everything Qianjun. This is the result of repaying that Qianjun. Although Qianjun said that he didn't know the current situation in particular, he still had no problem understanding some of the truths.

And now that Qianjun, who understands the meaning of Lin Hang 1, is completely different from his previous attitude, but he still has some hesitations and hesitates, "Lin Hang, I know what you mean, I accept it. The acknowledgments and gifts from Senior Treasury Envoy will be of great help to Senior Treasure Envoy himself, but must it be that way? Then things of the level of Xiantian Lingbao are too precious! Although I can accept this time of thanks and gifts because of what you just explained, I think it’s enough to get some of the acquired spirit treasures? These spirit treasures can be treasured by the treasure house and seniors can treasure it into this "Treasure Treasure Treasure." The upper layers of the, then it means that their power and level are recognized by the treasure trove. Under such circumstances, it is already very good to get these acquired spiritual treasures, there is no need to go. Take that most precious innate spirit treasure, right?"

After hearing Qianjun’s words, Lin Hang 1 also looked at Yu Lingxian, and then said with a smile, "Friend Qianjun, the truth is such a truth, but I have not said it before. This time, don’t just start from your own point of view and stand, and think about the other party’s things. For example, just now, you have also listened to my previous speech, and you know that this matter has the biggest relationship. It has something to do with the treasure trove making seniors, and for us, the temporary realm cannot touch things like cause and effect, so we don’t think there is anything wrong with it, but for those who have the treasure trove to make seniors and their cultivation level Maybe it’s a different situation. My current cultivation level is relatively low, so I don’t know the key and some truths. But looking at the performance of the treasure house, I can understand it. The treasure house has a cause and effect The solution of the problem is very important. It seems that as long as we can help him achieve this completeness of cause and effect, he will be able to get great benefits! So, this time, we will choose something more powerful as much as possible. , Maybe it is more in line with the psychological reaction of the old man from Treasure. I don’t know what Daoist Qianjun do you think of my explanation?

At this time, Qianjun thought carefully about what Linhang No.1 said, and suddenly felt that what Linhang No.1 said was very reasonable. After thinking about the series of reactions from the previous treasure house, it was indeed agreed on Linhang No.1. The treasure house ambassador’s suggestion, and said that when each of them had to choose an innate spiritual treasure, the treasure house’s smile was also the most brilliant. Under such circumstances, Qianjun combined with Lin Hang 1. , It is also possible to understand the truth. Obviously, the treasure house does not exclude them from getting great benefits. On the contrary, the more benefits they get, the treasure house should be happier and more acceptable. , And under such circumstances, Qianjun had to sigh in his heart that although Lin Hang 1’s cultivation base at this time was the lowest among the people, it still possessed terrifying power of observation and seemed to be able to perceive everything. It feels that Qianjun feels that he did not care about so many details, but he has been observed by Lin Hang 1. At this time, Qianjun also remembered the details of Yu Lingxian and Lin Hang 1. It’s very strange that the combination of Jade Lingxian and Lin Hang No. 1 is obviously a higher cultivation base, but it seems to give the impression to others that many things between them seem to be It was Linhang No. 1 that made the decision, and Yulingxian and Linhang No. 1 did not have any incomprehension and unacceptability to such a situation. It seems that this is normal.

Originally, Qianjun absolutely felt extremely strange, but now that he personally felt some details worth learning from Linhang-1, Qianjun didn't feel so surprised. Linhang-1 was able to reach Yulingxian. This is so sure, coupled with the powerful helper Zifeng finally decided to help out because of Linghan 1. These aspects all explain the excellence of Linhang 1, and the excellence of Linhang 1 may truly The place has not yet been revealed. Once it is fully revealed, Qianjun feels that he might be directly subverted by Lin Hang 1.

I have to say that Qianjun’s perception is also relatively keen. Before, Qianjun might have had some inherent impressions. In addition, he had the chance of rescue this time because of the relationship between Jade Lingxian. Therefore, between Lin Hang 1 and Jade Lingxian, Qianjun’s heart is of course more biased towards Jade Lingxian, but after such a contact, Qianjun discovered that Lin Hang 1 is not on its own. In this realm of virtual immortality, Qianjun’s insight is still some special means. In this realm of virtual immortality, it is definitely the most brilliant and outstanding among all the monks in the realm of virtual immortality that Qianjun has ever seen. Qianjun also has to feel that As expected, Hang 1 is extremely excellent, and Qianjun is also looking forward to it. After returning to the Ziwei Emperor Star Continent, he has returned to the power of the human race, and he can get something about Lin Hang from their mouths. News and intelligence.

Between the thoughts in his mind, Qianjun also watched and said at this moment, "Haha, Lin Hang, since you are all talking about it, I am no longer mother-in-law! If the treasure trove makes seniors really need me Help, so I am really obliged! What's more, this kind of help is definitely a good thing for myself, I will definitely choose a suitable innate spiritual treasure, and will not let down You and Treasure Treasury are very kind of senior!

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