I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 916

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:54:57 AM

Chapter 916: convince

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After hearing the words of Linhang-1, Zifeng didn’t have any meaning to make a careful calculation with Linhang-1, because before, Zifeng and Qianjun were the same. What is the special difference? Many issues considered are based on his own subjectivity, ignoring a lot of objective things. With several reminders from Linhang-1, Zifeng also had to change his previous thoughts. Because in his previous thoughts, Zi Feng thought more about himself and didn't pay much for it, but he didn't think about the kind of help his actions brought to other people.

Just like the previous time, whether Zi Feng found the location of this fragmented continent at the beginning and let it live from the concealment of the starry sky, or afterwards he took action against Hei Jin and Ronghui, plus the help afterwards. Qianjun solved the vicious seal in his body. From Zi Feng's point of view, these are very simple things, almost the same as a simple effort. Therefore, Zi Feng has never taken credit for such a thing. , Although he can accept Qianjun and Yu Lingxian’s thanks, he doesn’t think he has done anything remarkable, but now Zi Feng thinks about it again, it’s completely different from his original idea. , Because he is not completely considering the problem at this time from his own perspective. If his previous series of actions were placed on Qianjun's body, it would be a greater kindness than the grace of reconstruction, Qianjun. He was almost rescued by Zi Feng from a mortal situation, so if he changed his mind, Zi Feng would be able to understand Qianjun from the standpoint of Qianjun. Felt.

For the same reason, just as Lin Hang No.1 just said, after saving Qianjun, Zi Feng, Qianjun and Yu Lingxian also began to crack the ban on the mask. Lin Hang’s words did not have any exaggeration. In the beginning, although Zifeng was just learning the method to break the ban on the mask, Zifeng did have a different function in the subsequent cracking operations. Zifeng is not only the person in charge of the overall situation, but also Participating with a clone of his own is equivalent to that Zi Feng has to spend at least three times more energy and attention than Yulingxian and Qianjun to ensure that the cracking process is very smooth and continues. But the fact is Shang Zifeng did not disappoint Linhang No.1, Yulingxian and others. In the process of cracking the host, Zifeng did the best he could. Not only did he command the overall situation, but also the final completion. There was no problem with the process. From this point of view, there was no problem with Linhang-1’s words. Zifeng indeed occupies an extremely important position in this action of cracking the mask. The area of ​​the spirit field elixir was the opening of the later mithril vein area. The purple seal also played a huge role, and if there was no opening of the mithril vein this time, then Lin Hang would follow The No. 1 "Broken Umbrella" also has no chance to be promoted, and if this "Broken Umbrella" is not promoted, they will not be able to open this "Treasure Treasure of Hidden Soldiers" so easily. "The light in the area was blocked, so you entered this area, and finally saw the treasure trove, reaching the point it is now.

Therefore, the role of Zifeng is also very crucial. Although it is not a direct factor, indirectly, the existence and efforts of Zifeng are also very important reasons for the emergence of "The Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers" and the reappearance of the treasure house. The hard work of is also very important. Only when the Mithril vein area is opened in advance, can the "Break the Forbidden Umbrella" be restored, and finally the area can be opened easily. Of course, there is one more thing that cannot be ignored. Even if "Broken Umbrella" has not been well repaired with the help of Mithril Essence, it will not be able to easily open the bans of these masks later. , But after the same situation takes effect, it will not affect the opening of the late mask. Zi Feng, Qianjun, and Yulingxian can still complete such a crack in the same way as before. In the process, although it will take longer to crack, the ultimate goal can be achieved. At most, the stay time is not as good as using the "Breaking Umbrella" to open, but as long as you can hurry up, you can also bring it with you "The Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers" and the Treasure House are free from this area limitation.

And if such a method is used to make the treasure trove out of the limits of this area, then the effect of the purple seal will be greater than this time, and it will directly cause the treasure trove to get out of trouble and Therefore, there is no problem with the words spoken by Linhang-1. No matter how Zifeng thinks in his heart, he doesn’t care about what he does, but what Zifeng does is objective. The fact is that there is no way to deny it, and Zi Feng may not care about such things, but looking at the response of the treasure house, he knows that the treasure house is very concerned about who rescues him, except for Lin Hang, who acts directly. In addition to No.1 and Yulingxian, it is not difficult to find the role played by Qianjun and Zifeng in this period of observation by the treasure house, so even though the treasure house and the second seal of the purple seal People don’t have much communication, but because of the relationship between the treasure house and the current cultivation realm, it still needs the help of those causal factors. Only if you don’t owe a lot of cause and effect to others, the treasure house can guarantee your future. It is also very important that you will not encounter some bottlenecks that you cannot solve on the road of cultivation, so that the road of cultivation can go on smoothly!

At this time, Zi Feng also went through some thoughts in his heart, and finally changed some of his thoughts in his heart, agreed with some of Lin Hang 1, nodded and said, "Well, Lin Hang, You’re right, when I think about problems, I really think too much about myself! In fact, I should think about it from the perspective of other people. I can also feel that the treasure house makes seniors thank us. There is an urgent mood, so this time I will listen to you and choose a powerful innate spirit treasure suitable for our "Purple Cold Island" to take away. It will live up to the kindness of the treasure house and seniors!"

Like I can copy everything, please collect it: ( I can copy everything and the literature is updated the fastest.

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