I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 917

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:54:57 AM

Chapter 917: well considered

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Lin Hang saw that Zi Feng finally got his thoughts through. At this time, he and Yu Lingxian looked at each other, and then laughed very happily, and then said, "Zi Feng Island Master, in this era, you It is also clear that the end of the world is coming, and many things are not so important to us. What we should do now is to accelerate the improvement of our own strength before the end of the day. Strive to have more preparations and opportunities to survive this end of the catastrophe. In my opinion, the acquisition of innate spirit treasures is a very worthwhile thing for us to do. We only need to get something that suits ourselves. If our cultivation path is a powerful innate spirit treasure that meets the characteristics of our own power inheritance, then our strength will also usher in a good skyrocket in a short period of time. In such a skyrocket, as long as we can dig well The ability and power of such an Innate Lingbao is definitely a good and quick thing to reinforce its own power!"

Lin Hang 1’s remarks were not only for Qianjun and Zi Feng, but also to remind myself. Although Lin Hang 1 is just a clone of Lin Hang, his own thoughts are also There is no difference from Lin Hang himself. Under such circumstances, what Lin Hang-1 thinks is also the many disciples and people of China on its own side. In the future, when the end of the day comes, what will it be? In such a situation, he definitely said that the quality of all Huaxia disciples has been improved during this kind of cultivation frenzy. However, some of these improvements are still too slow. Years of accumulation, although their Huaxia forces have outstanding potential, they still can’t get the heritage of those ancient powers. Therefore, Lin Hang-1 also understands in the heart that this time they will face the end of the world in the future. At that time, the most reliable one was the high-level combat power like Wang Lao and Liu Ruyan Yu Lingxian. Perhaps the younger disciples would have one or two powerful chasing after this century, such as Li Yu Disciples who fall at this level, many of their existences have their own unique cultivation paths, such as Li Yuluo’s powerful formation talent, and Li Yuluo’s talent seems to Lin Hang and others. A very outstanding existence. If Li Yuluo can give Li Yuluo a good cultivation environment and some conditions, when Li Yu falls in the future, he will certainly not be a simple character, but a person who can support the follow-up development of China. Key figures, there are still a lot of disciples in Huaxia like Li Yuluo. If their group of disciples can develop, they will still have a good help for the future end of the world. It’s just that there’s not much time left for them now. According to the instructions of the high priest, the first signs of the end of the world will come within a hundred years at most, and after this sign is over, the true future The end of the world is definitely not far away, so Linhang No.1 actually does not have a lot of confidence in its heart, and it can make these disciples of China really grow up before the end of the day, because these disciples Although the talents are powerful, and each has its own special features, the process of growth and cultivation has always been not so easy and simple, and many talented disciples will be treated by some who seem inconspicuous. Things were restricted, and finally stuck in a small realm for many years. Therefore, although Linhang-1 hopes that these Chinese disciples will grow up quickly, he also knows that this matter is absolutely impossible to demand. , Whether Huaxia’s disciples could grow up before and after the end of the world, Lin Hang needs to make his best preparations before then, this is the most secure situation.

Therefore, when Linhang No.1 comes along, he will never let go of any opportunity to improve his power or his own strength, whether it is this time or "Purple Cold Island" Zifeng established a good cooperative relationship, or asked Zifeng to come here to help the Fragment Continent. It was Linhang-1's preparation for its own strength improvement. At that time, he knew that the Fragment Continent existed. At that time, the first thought in the hearts of Lin Hang 1 and Yu Lingxian was that they wanted to rescue Qianjun, who was controlled by Hei Jin and Rong Hui, but there was still a part of their thoughts. In the mysterious area enclosed by the light shield, Linhang-1 is still very much looking forward to getting something in these areas, and the result of the matter did not disappoint Linhang-1, no matter where it is. The treasure land that assists disciples in their cultivation and promotion, such as the land of law and the land of ice and fire trials, or the resource gathering places such as the Lingtian area and the mythril vein area, let Lin Hang 1 verify his own ideas. Above the Fragment Continent, there are indeed good resources and conditions, which can make him and the Chinese forces behind him get some improvement again.

And this time I was able to find this place where "The Treasure House of Soldiers" was located, and to meet the treasure house from the ancient times was an unexpected joy that Lin Hang No.1 and Yu Lingxian did not expect. In such an unexpected process , Linhang-1 will not give up the opportunity to improve its own strength, so when the treasure house said that they would take some good innate spirit treasures as a gift to them, Linhang-1's heart was in He was very willing the first time, but he didn’t figure it out at first, but after carefully observing the treasure house’s reaction, Lin Hang 1 knew if several people on his side had accepted the treasure house’s response. The gift is a good thing for both the treasure trove and the others. The gains are much higher than the giving, so he will speak to persuade Qianjun and Zifeng to accept The gift of the innate spirit treasure from the treasure house, after all, whether it is for the treasure house to consider, after verification, in order for the forces behind Zifeng and Qianjun to be strengthened, there is no problem for Lin Hang-1 to do such a thing. Yes, and as long as Zi Feng and Qianjun also accepted the gift of Xiantian Lingbao, it is definitely the most suitable choice for now, and it also has a good meaning for everyone.

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