I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 92

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:26:29 AM

Chapter 92: Great elder

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According to the information on the light curtain, this inherited information was brought out by the joint efforts of Lin Hang and Zhou Yu. Faced with Lin Hang's decision, the two village chiefs naturally couldn't say anything against it.

The village chief nodded and said, "Well, Zhou Yu really paid too much. Then I suggest you go to the ancestral temple to find the elder, tell him what happened, and then listen to the elder's arrangements."

Lin Hang considered the village chief’s suggestion and found it reasonable, and said, “Well, then I’ll visit the great elder first, and then think about the next thing. The village chief, please come with me. !"

At such a point, the village chief refused, and Lin Hang put the light curtain into his own space, and rushed towards the ancestral temple without stopping with the village chief.

When "Emperor Realm" was founded, the Great Elder was already in the ancestral temple, maintaining the operation and development of the entire space. Therefore, the location of the Ancestral Temple is on the edge of the inheritance place, and the situation of the inheritance place can be observed at any time.

The village chief led Lin Hang towards the ancestral temple without stopping, and it took three days to finally reach the destination.

Because of Lin Hang's outstanding performance in the inheritance competition, Lin Hang began to pay attention to the ancestral temple. Now that the inheritance dispute has just ended, Lin Hang comes to the ancestral temple to see the great elder. Those who received the news did not dare to neglect, and immediately reported it to the elder.

In that familiar hall, Lin Hang and the village head met the great elder.

The elder smiled and asked, "What's wrong, Zhou Hang? If you have anything to tell me, just say, if I can help you, I will try my best."

Lin Hang respectfully responded and took out the light curtain in the space.

Lin Hang introduced, "Elder, this light curtain is something I brought out from the fifth level, and the engraved on it is the inheritance left by the ancestors!"

When the elder heard this, his originally calm face was also shocked, and his voice trembled, and said, "You mean, you got the inheritance in the fifth level? But I checked your mind, Not to mention the inheritance, there is not a trace of incomplete memory! What happened, and what was the situation inside?"

Lin Hang pointed to the light curtain and said, "I also came out from inside and saw the content on the light curtain, and then I understood what happened. At that time, brother Zhou Yu and I entered the fifth level, and there was only such a piece of light inside. The screen, the inheritance was clearly written on it, but only three days were given to us. None of us was sure to learn the inheritance completely, but the kid had a talent to reproduce the screen of light, but then I Zhou Yu’s strength is still a bit weaker, so Brother Zhou Yu sacrificed himself and used "Fighting People" to forcibly help me improve to a small level, but he fell to a large level. That’s also the way I can complete this light curtain. Reproduce it."

After hearing Lin Hang's words, the elder had a feeling of confusion for many years and suddenly opened up. It is no wonder that people who entered the fifth level before have only a little inherited incomplete memory in their minds. It seems that they have been studying hard in these three days. The results.

The elder was silent for a while, and told his side, "Go, call Yuer over."

After a while, Zhou Yu hurried over and saw that Lin Hang, who had a fate, was also there. He stepped forward to bow to the elder and waited for the elder to speak.

The Grand Elder asked Lin Hang to repeat to Zhou Yu what he had just said. Zhou Yu was also shocked after hearing it, but vaguely recalled something. In the past few days, Zhou Yu was also wondering. After struggling for inheritance, not only did he not get any benefits, but his cultivation level directly lowered his realm. He didn’t know why, but now he heard Lin Hang’s words, I have understood a lot in my heart. He imagined such a scene in his mind, and was certain that he would make such a choice as Lin Hang said.

Zhou Yu said, "Brother Zhou Hang, I believe what you said. Also, one thing I want to say is that I must be willing to make such a decision. You don't need to feel that you owe me anything."

Lin Hang hurriedly said, "No, Brother Zhou Yu, look at this light curtain. There are words carved by the two of us on it. It not only describes the situation of the fifth level, but I also specially added one. I can’t break my promise if the inheritance is given to you!"

Zhou Yugang was about to decline, and the elder said, "You two should stop quarreling. I have just checked this light curtain carefully and discovered an interesting thing. There are actually two heritages on this light curtain, one It is the ultimate inheritance left by our ancestors about our witch race. There is another one, which is rather strange. It is the first attempt by the human race and the witch race to combine the cultivation strengths of the two races to create a very inclusive exercise method. It was prepared by a human half-witch. It’s just that since there has been no half-human half-witch, no one has ever practiced this exercise, and no one knows its effects and cultivation process."

Looking at the smiles of the great elder, both Lin Hang and the village head knew that the great elder also saw Lin Hang's physique. Although the village head could help cover up, the cultivation level of the great elder is obviously not something like Zhou Tong. Comparable. The last time Lin Hang had just come out of the inheritance place, the great elder was in a depressed mood and did not pay attention to this aspect, but now that he saw this unique technique, and after a little observation of Lin Hang, he discovered something.

Lin Hang didn't know what the great elder thought of him, and he was still a little worried. But the great elder said next, "Zhou Hang, you don’t have to worry that we will be against you. You should also know what the appearance of half-human and half-witches means to us Wu Clan. Now your appearance, plus With the reappearance of these two inheritances, it seems that the opportunity that our Wu clan has been waiting for is about to appear!"

Lin Hang listened to this, put a little refreshment, arched his hands and said, "Since the elder said so, the boy courageously pleads with the elder to hand over the supreme inheritance of the witch clan to Brother Zhou Yu. I believe that he His talent and character will inevitably become the pillars of the Wu Clan in the future!"

Zhou Yu hurriedly said to the side, "Zhou Hang, you don’t have to do this for me! This inheritance belongs, we just follow the arrangements of the elder." Then he turned to the elder and said respectfully, "Elder, please don’t Angry, Brother Zhou Hang is just straight-tempered, this inheritance is so important, you should think twice before considering suitable candidates."

The elder never said a word. He looked at the two of them and suddenly laughed and said, "Yu'er, you also grew up as I watched. You can enter the fifth level. It is within my expectation. Since this inheritance is You bother to bring it out, so what's the matter with you holding it? What's more, among the young generation now, no one is more suitable than you."

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