I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 920

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:54:55 AM

Chapter 920: Small folding fan

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After Lin Hang-1 sensed such a strong chill, she also glanced at Yu Lingxian, and then the two also looked at the situation near this small ice-blue fan, and then they were surprised to find that, Within the surrounding range of this small fan Congenital Lingbao, the other Congenital Lingbaos were also completely gone. The nearest Congenital Lingbao was not a short distance from this small ice-blue fan, obviously. To avoid the chill of this small umbrella, I went to a far area.

I want to talk about a magical phenomenon here, that is, in the ninth floor of this place, the pillars carried by these innate spirit treasures are all movable, which means that these innate spirit treasures can be based on their own The spirituality and their different functions and attributes can freely choose where they want to be. The environment around this small ice blue fan is the best illustration of such rules. The fan is definitely not a simple innate spirit treasure, otherwise, it would not be able to be in the same level, causing such other scenarios to happen.

The cold air that this small fan inadvertently exudes already made Lin Hang 1 feel a little uncomfortable. At this time, Lin Hang 1 also began to communicate its perception of the law of ice, and set itself at this time. The state of Linhang-1 is also adjusted to the same level as this small fan. After completing this action, Linhang-1 also feels a little better. These unintentional chills are no longer as aggressive as before. At this time Lin Hang 1 also secretly lamented that the law of ice and the manipulation of the law of ice cultivated in the "Purple Cold Island" of "Purple Cold Island" is definitely one of the best in this respect, he is just I copied Jingjing’s abilities of the Law of Ice, and it still has good abilities and functions even when it is forcibly imitated. It is indeed a powerful force that specializes in the discipline. For the cultivation and exploration of the Law of Ice, the same-level monks Among them, there will never be such a powerful existence as the disciple of "Purple Cold Island".

While Linhang-1’s information was flipped at this time, relying on its own manipulation and perception of the law of ice, Linhang-1 also steadily approached the small ice-blue fan and waited. When it was in front of this small fan, Lin Hang No.1 did not reach out to pick up the small fan, but first wrapped its own spirit power with the power of the law of ice, and also in time for mental power consciousness, facing this A small icy blue fan scanned away.

Precisely because I have already felt the power of the ice law of this small ice blue fan, Lin Hang No. 1 also had a psychological expectation of the power of this small fan, but it was really a Lin. After scanning the consciousness of Hang-1 and obtaining some specific information about this small ice-blue fan, Lin Hang-1 still couldn't help showing a hint of shock on the face.

Jade Lingxian, who has been following Linhang-1, also saw the changes in Linhang-1's expression. He did not use his spiritual knowledge to rashly approach the small ice-blue fan. After all, his own ice law The cultivation is not strong, and the resistance to ice is not enough, so I did not take the risk of using my spiritual knowledge to scan this very unusual little fan, so I saw the look of Linhang-1 after scanning. After that, Yu Lingxian was also very curious, and didn't know what kind of information Linhang No. 1 got to have such a performance at this time.

Yu Lingxian also asked, "Lin Hang, what do you feel? Judging from the breath it emits at this time, this little fan must be an innate spirit closely related to the power of ice. Bao, this is definitely not wrong. It’s just that when I look at you now, it seems that it’s not so simple. Could it be that this small ice blue fan really has its other special features? Where?"

At this time, Lin Hang 1 also withdrew his spiritual consciousness, and then said with a smile, "Jade Lingxian, the problem you mentioned is also inevitable! Didn't the treasure house predecessor have mentioned it before? This is the ninth level The two hundred and thirty-six innate spirit treasures among them are not purely offensive and defensive spirit treasures. They all have their own powerful special functions, otherwise they cannot enter the ninth layer of space. , Will be thrown directly into areas like the seventh and eighth floors by the treasure house! However, what I am surprised is that this small ice-blue fan does have its own special features. Yes! Jade Spirit Fairy, did you know that this little ice-blue fan is not an innate spirit treasure of the same nature as the "Sky Swallowing Pot", and its strength will not be too much due to the user's enhancement Strengthening, in fact, its own level and power are basically fixed, belonging to an innate spirit treasure that has fixed its own level when it is born!"

After Lin Hang 1’s words were finished, Jade Lingxian also felt very strange, because according to his inertial thinking, Jade Lingxian still felt that the level and level of "Swallowing Pot" was not restricted. The innate spirit treasures are still stronger, because in history, except for those particularly powerful fixed-level innate spirit treasures, the others are all innate spirit treasures with unlimited levels such as "Swallowing Pot" For the Lord, these words of Lin Hang 1 also made Yu Lingxian feel a little puzzled in his heart. If this little ice blue fan is a fixed-level innate spirit treasure, then Why did Linhang-1 show such an expression again?

Of course, Linhang No.1 also saw Yu Lingxian’s doubts, so at this time he also directly explained, "Yu Lingxian, this little ice-blue fan has not been greatly affected by its level restrictions. , On the contrary, it is precisely because of this that makes it more valuable! Through the observations just now, I also found that the level of this ice blue fan itself is very high! Senior Zifeng is in the realm of real fairyland. A realm above the level, and the level of this small ice blue fan is at least two levels higher than that of the owner of the Purple Seal Island! Under such circumstances, its power is extremely powerful, because of the level Because of the high level, even if the owner of the Purple Sealed Island is controlling it at this time, even if he can't exert the most powerful ability, it is still many levels stronger than the ordinary innate spirit treasures!"

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