I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 921

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:54:39 AM

Chapter 921: accident

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Upon hearing this, Jade Lingxian finally understood why Linhang No. 1 had such a look, but when he was shocked, Jade Lingxian didn’t understand it because he heard what Linhang No. 1 meant. The special ice-blue little fan’s innate spirit treasure is of a very high level, which is simply not accessible to them in their current realm. Just imagine, it exceeds the realm and level of more than two classes of Zifeng. What a terrible thing? In the future, even if Zi Feng goes all out again, it is very likely that he will not be able to catch up with this small ice blue fan. What Yu Lingxian does not understand is that it is not because this small ice blue fan does not. It is suitable for Zi Feng and the "Purple Cold Island" behind him, but it is very strange. How can an innate spirit treasure of the level like this little fan stay in this "Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers" and keep it until now? Previously, "The Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers" was used as a place for Emperor Ziwei to collect some of his own innate spiritual treasures, but the innate spiritual treasures here are not only inaccessible. If you encounter a suitable object, Emperor Ziwei will also use these Xiantian Lingbao directly bestows some people who you think are suitable, so according to the truth, the existence of innate Lingbao like this small ice blue fan should be at the beginning because of its powerful offensive ability. At that time, he would be noticed by Emperor Ziwei, and gifted to some disciples with good potential or confidants. It would not stay where it is now. Of course, this is also the doubt and disagreement of Yulingxian in his heart. It's just a solution, but fundamentally speaking, this little ice-blue fan is among the more than two hundred innate spiritual treasures on the ninth floor, and it is indeed the most compatible with Zifeng and "Purple Cold Island." The Xiantian Lingbao should be chosen, because even if Jade Lingxian didn’t use his own spiritual knowledge to observe this little fan, but just seeing and feeling, he can already understand the powerful ice of this little fan. The ability of the law, no matter how such a situation develops, its own things will not be covered up, that is, even if this little fan is powerful and weird, it will not be separated from itself. Because of the power of the law of ice, Yu Lingxian was also a little happy for Zi Feng. After unlocking the knot, Zi Feng’s luck was obviously very good, not only among the two hundred and thirty innate spirit treasures An innate spiritual treasure most suitable for their "Purple Cold Island" exists, and it was found by Linhang No. 1 so smoothly. I have to say that Zifeng did not live up to his own efforts this time, and it must be good. Of the harvest.

After Lin Hang 1 briefly introduced this small ice blue fan at this time, it continued, "After my careful observation, I discovered that this small fan was placed here by the treasure house. There is also a reason in the ninth floor space! Even the reason why those other innate spirit treasures consciously avoided this small ice blue fan, I also found some! Jade Spirit Fairy, this The function of a small ice-blue fan did not exceed our expectations. It is everyone in the law of ice, but what we all do not understand is the law of ice of this small fan. Among them, it seems to contain the existence of other things, and its basic function itself is not too special. When facing the enemy, it only needs to be a light fan. At that time, it can exert its own ability. , A large amount of the power of the law of ice will emerge directly. At that time, under normal circumstances, if it is blown by the cold wind of this small fan, there is a great possibility of being directly frozen! If the cultivation level is not enough, one It’s not impossible to turn into ice crystals and dissipate under the blow! After all, the level of this little fan itself is here. At the beginning, its power will not be reduced much because the monks are not strong enough, as long as the monks can If it exerts some of its power a little bit, it can be called an existence that can destroy the world! It's just that there is a little restriction, that is, although this small fan is said to be infinitely powerful, and because of its own rank, It seems that all monks who use it are capable of exerting powerful powers, but the inner truth is not so! After careful observation, I can also find that this small ice-blue fan also has very high requirements for users. It is so high. If there is no progress in the cultivation of the powerful law of ice, then even waving this small fan is just a luxury. If the law of ice is not in place, you will force this small fan. If this is the case, then the power of the laws of ice contained in it will be the first to erode its users. I think it is precisely because of this that this small ice-blue fan is extremely powerful and its level is also It is very high, but it is still left here. The fundamental reason should be that the pre-use of it is too harsh. If you are not a practitioner of the Law of Ice, you can even touch it. No, it's just too scary!"

After Lin Hang-1’s explanation, Yu Lingxian also understood the truth. He knew that in ancient times, Emperor Ziwei would bestow some powerful innate spiritual treasures to some subordinates and subordinates who had done great service. In the confidant, there are some powerful and infinitely talented younger disciples who will also receive some rewards from Emperor Ziwei. These rewards do not require these disciples to enter the "Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers" by themselves, to see if they can obtain What kind of spiritual treasures are harvested? Emperor Ziwei knew that if he enters in this way, he may not be able to obtain some really useful things, especially those innate spiritual treasures. In fact, if he enters the "Tibetan Treasure House", it is still difficult to obtain Really useful gains, so if Emperor Ziwei faces the monks who really want big rewards, he will directly grant suitable innate spiritual treasures. Therefore, it is naturally very strange to say that Jade Lingxian is the person next to Emperor Ziwei. Why wasn't this powerful and very good-grade ice blue fan chosen? Now that he has been introduced by Linhang No. 1, he finally understands the truth. It turned out that Emperor Ziwei did not want to give to others, but because the use of this small fan was too harsh, for ordinary people. It can't be used at all, it doesn't match, and the inheritor who practiced "Purple Cold Jue" failed to meet the standard of reward, and it has been kept until now.

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