I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 922

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:54:37 AM

Chapter 922: Zifeng's shock

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Yu Lingxian also nodded at this time, and then smiled and said, "Haha, Lin Hang, it seems that the luck of the owner of the island of Purple Seal is really good! It seems that this ice blue little The fan’s Xiantian Lingbao happened to be here for him! Generally speaking, although the owner of the Purple Seal Island has a much lower cultivation base than this small fan, his own The cultivation progress of the Law of Ice is also not to be ignored! Under such circumstances, even if the current Purple Sealed Island owner cannot achieve the maximum power of this innate spiritual treasure, it can still be used, even if Can produce some good help to their "Purple Cold Island", and I suspect that the disciples of their "Purple Cold Island" after practicing the "Purple Cold Island" should also have the opportunity to control this A small ice-blue fan, and based on such a suitable attribute, this small fan should have a chance to become the treasure of the "Purple Cold Island"!"

Lin Hang No.1 also nodded, and at this moment, she also responded, "Well, Yulingxian, you are right. When I transported my own perception of the law of ice, I discovered this. One point, and because of my personal feelings, I feel that this small ice blue fan should be able to barely use it. According to my situation, of course, I can guess that the many disciples of "Purple Cold Island" The situation, and the most critical point, I found that the power of this small ice blue fan is not particularly constant! In other words, if the user or the controller's own ice law practice progress is very good If this is the case, then we can still increase the power of this small ice blue fan to a certain extent! It can be understood that if both the owner of the island and I are urging this small ice blue fan, not only The power of this little fan is slightly different because of our two different cultivation levels. Of course, because of the characteristics and grade of the little fan itself, the difference is actually not very big, but because of me and Zifeng Island’s master’s perception of the law of ice is different, and the difference is very different! With the participation of the law of ice, the power of this little fan will also be changed to a certain extent. Under the combination of the two, it should be that the stronger the cultivator’s law of ice is, the more powerful the offensive power can erupt!"

Yu Lingxian himself did not participate in the divine observation of this Xiantian Lingbao fan, so all the information he got came from Lin Hang 1, but at this time Yu Lingxian also passed Lin Hang. These more detailed explanations of No.1 have learned a lot about the situation. At this time, Yu Lingxian also said, "Lin Hang, let’s not talk about that much, let’s have the owner of the island of Purple Seal come over! I think The description you just quit, this little ice-blue fan innate spirit treasure should be the most suitable one for their "Purple Cold Island". The owner of the Purple Seal Island should not be able to be more than two hundred. We have found a more suitable one among the innate spirit treasures! Let's inform him quickly, don't waste time, after all, the innate spirit treasure of the two of us has not yet begun to choose!"

Lin Hang No.1 also nodded after hearing what Yu Lingxian said, and then said, "Well, yes, although the treasure house prevents us from leaving some specific time limits, we still have to Speed ​​up!"

After speaking, Lin Hang also yelled in the direction of Zifeng. At this time, Zifeng was holding a basin-shaped Lingbao in his hand and observed carefully. Hearing the call of Lin Hang No.1, he also turned his eyes together. He focused his attention until he saw Lin Hang One waving at him. Zi Feng was unclear, but he put down the basin in his hand and quickly came to Lin Hang One's side.

Not only Zi Feng, but Qianjun, who was not far away looking for a suitable innate spirit treasure for himself, was greeted by the call of Lin Hang 1. Zi Feng and Qianjun came to Lin Hang 1. After being next to him, before he had time to look at the situation around him, Zi Feng asked, "Lin Hang, what's the matter? What happened to me when I suddenly greeted me? How is your innate spirit treasure search? I also found a few Innate Spirit Treasures related to Flame and Thunder. They should be quite suitable for you. You can go over and take a look later!"

Lin Hang 1 laughed, then waved his hand, and said, "Purple Sealed Island Master, we can talk about that later! You feel it first, and see what we are in now. different?"

Zifeng didn’t pay attention to the situation in this area, but was attracted by Linhang-1. Under the reminder of Linhang-1, Zifeng felt a little bit, and he was able to notice the difference at this time. , He found that the environment here is very different. Originally in the space of the ninth floor of the "Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers", although the temperature is not particularly high, because of the closed relationship, the temperature is really not very low. When he arrived at his current position, Zi Feng felt a cool sensation. This feeling made Zi Feng, who practiced the law of ice, feel extremely comfortable. After a little bit of feeling again, Zi Feng also discovered this. The source of the cool feeling was also to see the small ice-blue fan that was quietly placed on the pillar at this time.

As everyone in the law of ice, Zi Feng was naturally able to immediately notice some differences. At this time, after scanning his mind a little, his expression slowly became shocked and delighted, because in Zi Feng’s During observation, this little ice-blue fan fits him incomparably, and even when Zi Feng was observing with divine consciousness, he could vaguely feel that this little fan seemed to have a hint of joy. Emerging, it should be a spiritual reaction from the innate spirit treasure of this small ice blue fan. Obviously, for this small fan, Zifeng should be the one who can cause it. The presence of cheers and joy.

At this time, Zi Feng already understood what Lin Hang 1 meant for him to come over. At this time, he couldn't hide his surprise and said to Lin Hang 1, "Lin Hang, this piece of innate spirit treasure Fans are also within the scope of this time?!"

Like I can copy everything, please collect it: ( I can copy everything and the literature is updated the fastest.

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