I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 923

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:54:37 AM

Chapter 923: Zifeng's decision

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Lin Hang 1 also laughed at this time. He understood the meaning of Zi Feng. He was obviously caught in a misunderstanding between him and Yu Lingxian before, because Lin Hang 1 could easily find this piece of ice. The small blue fan is an innate spirit treasure with a very high level. It is no accident that Zifeng has discovered the level of this ice-blue fan after scanning, and Zifeng is at this level. For a while, I didn’t notice that my own cultivation of the law of ice had affected my judgment. I felt that such a high-level congenital spirit treasure would have been bestowed by the Ziwei Emperor in ancient times. People, how could they be able to remain in this "Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers" at this stage, without being obtained by others.

Lin Hang No.1 and Yu Lingxian looked at each other, and then they also said, "Island Master Purple, you are right. I was the same as you before, like this ice blue little How could the congenital spirit treasure of the fan level remain in this place without being given to some other henchmen and accepted by Emperor Ziwei? Only later, after careful observation, I too I can find that after careful observation, I can also find that this small ice blue fan has very high requirements for users. If there is no strong ice law cultivation progress, then even wave this one. The small fan is just a luxury. If the cultivation of the law of ice is not in place, if you forcefully want to urge this small fan, then the power of the law of ice contained in it will be the first to erode its users. , I think it is precisely because of this that this small ice blue fan is left here despite its extremely powerful power and high level. The fundamental reason should be its use. The front is a bit too harsh, and it is precisely because of such a special reason that this small ice-blue fan has been kept for now, it is just the progress of the cultivation base of the Law of Ice, Lord Purple Seal, It can be matched with such a small fan. In this case, the owner of the Purple Seal Island, you can use this innate spirit treasure not only without any restrictions, but also allowing you to play a greater role and After the effect comes out, do you still feel satisfied with the innate spirit treasure I found for you, the owner of the island of Purple Seal?"

After hearing the introduction of Linhang-1 at this time, Zifeng also began to scan the small ice-blue fan patiently again, and this time, Zifeng discovered it. The problem is indeed the same as what Linhang No. 1 said. Although this small ice-blue fan is of very high grade, Zi Feng feels that he may not be able to reach its use level, but as a piece Such a powerful Xiantian Lingbao, the reason why it was not chosen to go or was assigned to some powerful auxiliary monks by Emperor Ziwei, is because its use conditions are a bit too harsh, that is, if it is not the law of ice If you cultivate to a certain level, you simply don’t have the qualifications to use it, and will be directly corroded by the power of the law of ice. Even if a powerful monk can resist such erosion, it will still consume a lot of money. Energy, and can’t play any role. Under such circumstances, no monk would be willing to use this innate spirit treasure forcibly. After all, there is no role that will cause their own strength to decrease. Any monk is absolutely unwilling.

Faced with Lin Hang-1’s question, Zi Feng also smiled and replied, “Lin Hang, it seems that I don’t need to look for other innate spirit treasures in the next few days, is there any more suitable for me? Xiantian Lingbao, after seeing this small ice blue fan, the voice in my heart also told me that this small ice blue fan is the most suitable for me. "Island" is the innate spirit treasure! The cold air that this small fan inadvertently exudes already made Linhang-1 feel a little uncomfortable. At this time, Linhang-1 also began to communicate with the ice The perception of the law, adjusted his own state at this time to the same level as this small fan. After completing this action, Linhang-1 also felt a little better, and the unintentional coldness was no longer like that. The previous ones were so aggressive. At this time, Lin Hang-1 also secretly sighed that the law of ice and the control of the law of ice that were cultivated by the "Purple Cold Island" of "Purple Cold Island" are definitely in this respect. He is one of the best in existence, he just copied Jingjing’s abilities of the law of ice, and still has good abilities and functions even when imitating forcibly, he is indeed a powerful force specializing in the law of ice. For the cultivation and exploration of cultivators of the same rank, there will never be such a powerful existence as the disciple of "Purple Cold Island"! This time I finally encountered such a powerful innate spiritual treasure, and it is still the case. The power of the law of ice that conforms to our cultivation of "Purple Cold Island", if I miss it, I believe not only myself, but also some other personnel of our "Purple Cold Island" will be very regrettable. So, Lin Hang, I have also decided to take such a small ice-blue fan, and I won’t look at the other innate spirit treasures one by one! I don’t even bother to see!"

Looking at Zi Feng, who had already made up his mind, a smile appeared in Lin Hang-1's heart at this time, because he also understood the meaning of Zi Feng's last sentence. It’s because there are so many good things in the ninth layer of space here, and Lin Hang-1 also believes in my heart that besides this small ice-blue fan, it will definitely There are quite a few things that are in line with Zi Feng’s own cultivation, so Zi Feng made some decisions at this time, and also decided not to go to that level of space. He was afraid that he would appear because of the new appearance. Some of his powerful innate spirit treasures denied his previous thoughts, and then fell into entanglement. In that case, Zi Feng would feel a bit painful. This is not the answer he wanted, so Zi Feng Without any hesitation, he stopped checking the other innate spirit treasures.

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