I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 925

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:54:36 AM

Chapter 925: detailed

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And after Zi Feng had initially refined this small ice-blue fan at this time, he said such words, combined with the meaning of Zi Feng’s words, how could Lin Hang No. 1, Yu Lingxian and others guess? If it doesn’t come out, the legendary "Zihan Jue" in the "Purple Cold Island" is definitely related to this small ice-blue fan. Otherwise, Zi Feng would not say such things at this time. Come, it's just that the specific connection still needs to be answered by the Jade Spirit Immortal who is named Linhang No.1.

At this time, Zi Feng also smiled and said, still holding the small ice-blue fan in his hand. He was indeed very happy, "Lin Hang, my spiritual consciousness deeply linked this small fan. After the fan, I finally understood that the "Purple Cold Jue" that our ancestors have been practicing to this day is a powerful set of power drawn by Emperor Ziwei based on the law of ice in this small fan. The law of cold ice practice, and because the law of cold ice is a deeper thing, so from the beginning of this "Purple Cold Jue", Emperor Ziwei started from shallow to deep, step by step from the simplest ice The mastery of the elemental elements slowly led me into the practice of the Law of Ice. This is why I have to admire Emperor Ziwei again. It is a talent that we can’t compare at all. The owner of the fan, I also can’t see something through the power of the simple law of ice in this little fan, let alone sum up a set of suitable cultivation methods directly. It’s too difficult! At this time, it was precisely because of the "Purple Cold Decision" that I had cultivated that this little fan was innately closer to me. At this time, I also understood a little bit. This little fan is simply the most suitable innate spirit treasure for our inheritance force. It is probably because the performance of my ancestors in that ancient period was not enough for Emperor Ziwei and his elders to give this one. Let’s use a small fan as a reward! But fortunately, the nature of this small fan is very special. If the road is different or even the same from the beginning, it should be impossible for us to see it under the current circumstances. The ability is so special that most people can’t use it. It’s tailor-made for the old part of our "Purple Cold Island" inheritance! Today, it is still here waiting for my arrival, I have to say it is also a kind of it's fate!"

Regarding Zi Feng’s remarks, Lin Hang 1 was also a little bit passionate by his voice and emotion. Obviously Zi Feng’s situational experience also gave Lin Hang 1. This means of empathy, it seems that Zi Feng and this little fan are also born with fate, and they should have met each other at this time in their lives.

After Lin Hang-1 waited for Zifeng to calm down for a while, he continued to ask, "Island Master Zifeng, I also roughly perceived this little fan just now, and I know its general function. It is very simple. It is to directly fan out a strong wind. In this strong wind, there is an extremely powerful and pure law of ice. If the opponent's strength is not strong enough, it will even be directly blown by this strong wind. Ice crystal powder! Even if the strength can be slightly resisted, it cannot be sustained for a long time. If you persist for too long, there is still a risk of being frozen! According to the truth, the power of this small fan is indeed extremely powerful, but only this For one thing, it shouldn’t be eligible to enter the ninth floor space, right? I remember the innate spirit treasures stored in the ninth floor space. According to the treasure house, it’s not that the greater the offensive and defensive power is. The more able to enter here, the innate spirit treasures collected here must have some special functions of their own. If these functions are not special enough, it should be just an attacking powerful innate spirit treasure, and it should be. It must be placed in the space on the seventh floor! And it can appear in the space on the ninth floor now, which also shows that it is different in itself. It is definitely something that I have not been able to find! And what I have just now In the perception, I also feel that this little fan also seems to have some different things hidden behind it, the owner of Zifeng Island, since you have initially refined this little fan, and it looks like it has been established. It’s a very good relationship, so you should be very clear about the specific function of this little fan at this time, right? The kid is really curious, and please ask the owner of the island to solve my doubts!"

After listening to Lin Hang-1's words, Zi Feng also laughed, then nodded and replied, "Lin Hang, your observation and perception are still so keen! Yes, what you just said That offensive ability is the most basic ability of this small fan. Its basic function is nothing too special. When facing the enemy, it only needs to be a light fan. At that time, you can Exerting its own power, a large amount of the power of the law of ice will directly emerge. At that time, under normal circumstances, if it is blown by the cold wind of this small fan, there is a great possibility of being directly frozen! If the cultivation base is not enough, it is not impossible to turn into ice crystals and dissipate in a blow! After all, the level of this little fan itself is here, and its power at the beginning will not be due to insufficient power of the cultivator. How much lower it is, as long as the monk can exert some of its power, it is a world-destroying existence! It's just that there is a little restriction, that is, although this little fan is said to be infinitely powerful, and Because of its own rank, it seems that all monks who use it are capable of exerting powerful powers, but the inner truth is not like this! In addition to this most basic ability, it is actually like what you said, The reason why it can stay in this ninth layer of space is because in addition to this same offensive ability, it also has an ability that you absolutely never expected! And next I am going to name this little fan "Ice Fan", and the basis for the name is based on its own special function. Lin Hang, you can guess it, and then combine your own feelings to see this A feature, can you infer it from the name of "Ice Fan"?"

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