I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 928

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:54:34 AM

Chapter 928: Shocked again

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You must know that at the beginning, Zi Feng had the strength to destroy those forces. It was only because of fear of the means of destroying those forces and the ultimate life-saving background that Zi Feng stopped his actions. , But with the help of "Ice Fan", the situation will become completely different. First of all, Zi Feng can completely suppress those evil forces by relying on his own existence alone. At this time, if these forces are not willing to be wiped out by Zifeng, they will inevitably activate some of their own powerful offensive methods. Although they are all similar to the same thing, there is no regret. At this time, with this " "Ice Fan"'s powerful level and its own strength are completely capable of resisting such methods. At that time, with the protection of "Ice Fan", Zi Feng also had the ability to withstand this wave of attacks. Yes, and the reason why Linhang-1 let Zifeng continue to carry out such a plan actually had its own additional considerations.

In fact, to tell the truth, facing such a suicidal attack that is not afraid of death, the most appropriate response method is to respond in the same way that is not afraid of death, but how can ordinary monks be willing to accept the end of death? But Linhang One has a way to make Zifeng ignore some of the threats of those forces in the subsequent actions, and that is the clone ability shown in front of the purple cover!

With the existence of the clone ability, Lin Hang-1 can create a clone for Zifeng that is not as strong as Zifeng, but can still crush those evil avatars. In the days after, Zifeng only needs to manipulate his own. This clone and set off with this "Ice Fan". In this way, if you are dealing with those evil forces, you don't need to worry about the final counterattack of those forces. First, you can rely on the "Ice Fan". The ability is hard, and in the end, even if it can’t resist the power of the final means, Zifeng’s clone will be destroyed there, but I believe this piece of "Ice Fan" can also be retained to a certain extent. , And the existence of Zifeng deity is not afraid of the risk of loss.

The most important thing is that the special function of this "Ice Fan" is that it can absorb the soul of the monk as his own "spirit", which means that this "Ice Fan" is also a more powerful one. The stronger the Xiantian Lingbao, as long as Zifeng can have a certain determination, then such an offensive process will definitely become easier and simpler because of the increase in these'spirits'.

At this time, Zi Feng also wanted to understand the key, nodded and agreed with Lin Hang No. 1’s statement and suggestions, and smiled and replied, “Lin Hang, there is nothing wrong with what you said. It seems that I am indeed This kind of action can be carried out, before, because although my strength is not limited to the realm of real fairyland, but there is no way to be invincible in this piece of "Desert Stars"! You must know this "Desert Stars" Although it is relatively desolate and remote, the many forces inherited here have great backgrounds, and many of the forces have a very deep background, just like on this "Purple Cold Island", I can It can be said to be the strongest in the entire "Desolate Star Territory", relying on the heritage left over from ancient times, I have such confidence! However, if I enter the place where those powerful forces have operated for many years, I will not They may not be able to completely suppress them, they can be passed down all the time. Every force naturally has its own assassin. Under such circumstances, my strength cannot reach the absolute crushing situation. Naturally, I cannot accomplish this. It’s up. After all, if you want to become the hub of all communication and transactions, you still need more powerful strength! Today's "Ice Fan" can be regarded as supplementing such strength for me, plus this one. After "Ice Spirit Fan", my subsequent actions regarding those forces will surely be smoother and smoother!"

Zi Feng obviously thought about the effect brought by the "Ice Spirit Fan", but in his heart there was no mention of Lin Hang 1’s clone ability. At this time, Lin Hang 1 also said with a smile. "Island Master Purple Seal, things don't stop there! In fact, even without the appearance of this "Ice Fan", I can give you the ability to attack those evil forces!"

Before Lin Hang, he also created clones for monks whose cultivation bases were much higher than him. At that time, it was all in order to be able to replicate some of the abilities in these powerhouses, so it meant to create clones, but during those few times During the production of the clone, Lin Hang only created a clone with a cultivation base that was not much higher or lower than his own. He never imagined that it would be like this today. He must take his cultivation base in the realm of virtual immortality to be higher. A monk of the second order created a clone of the real fairyland, but Lin Hang was a little worried before and when it was made, but after really creating such a purple seal of the real fairyland, Lin Hang No. One also has no difficulties. At this time, he has already understood that when he uses the clone powers on others, in fact, the object’s cultivation level does not make much difference to him. His The clone ability is more like a guiding role. As long as the monk who uses this clone ability does not resist, then Lin Hang, relying on the guidance of the clone ability itself, creates a cultivation base whose strength far exceeds his own. It's all possible, as long as the cultivation base of this clone is not higher than that of the monk whose clone power is cast.

At this time, after Lin Hang 1’s reminder, Zi Feng also remembered the clone that Lin Hang 1 had made for himself before. The light flashed in his brain, and then he said, "Lin Hang, Do you mean that the limit of your clone ability is much more than that, even the more advanced monk clone can be created? For example, if you create a clone according to my model, you can create a clone that far exceeds Does the monk who transcends the realm of true immortality now appear as a clone?"

Lin Hang 1 also nodded slowly at this moment, and Zi Feng also showed an extremely magical expression. Obviously, Lin Hang 1 now makes him even more incomprehensible. Such a powerful ability, even if it is impossible to break through. The next realm is definitely a powerful monk with a powerful auxiliary nature!

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