I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 93

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:26:28 AM

Chapter 93: After the road

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Zhou Yu was still a little bit afraid to accept it, but Lin Hang persuaded him, "Big Brother Zhou Yu, just accept it! Now that I'm struggling here, it's better to take the inheritance, improve yourself, and reproduce the glory of the Wu clan. I am worthy of the great elder's painstaking efforts!"

The elder nodded and smiled and said, "Yu'er, what he said is right. This inheritance is only the most suitable for you. In my opinion, your talent is straight up to some great witches in ancient times. Now you have the most authentic inheritance. It’s a smooth journey, and I look forward to your shining light."

Zhou Yu had to kneel down and agreed to the arrangement of the great elder.

The elder nodded in satisfaction, then glanced at Lin Hang, and said, "It's you, Zhou Hang. Although the half-human half-witch exercise is ancient and mysterious, it has an extraordinary origin, but no one has ever practiced it, and no one knows how to practice it. What will happen to it. Although it does fit your physique very well, are you sure you want to practice it?"

Lin Hang is also a little uncertain. He knows that even if the inheritance of the witch race is in his hands, it will not be of much use, so it is the best choice to give it to Zhou Yu. But Lin Hang didn't dare to accept this creative technique that combined the wisdom of the two clans. It was really because he didn't know whether it was a crab or a poisonous bat.

Lin Hang replied, "Elder, can't you Wu Clan cultivate this technique?"

The Grand Elder was a little strange about Lin Hang's words, but he explained, "Yes, it was specially created for your physique, and neither the Witches nor the Humans can practice."

Lin Hang thought it over again, gritted his teeth, and said, "That's good! The kid will try this technique. I believe in the wisdom of the ancestors. If I can't get through the road behind, I will build a road by myself!"

The elder said admiringly, "Okay! You deserve to be my good son of "Emperor Realm"! If you can say this, I believe that even if you don't rely on this heritage, you can stand on top of the world on your own!"

Lin Hang was a little embarrassed because he was not a good boy in "Emperor Realm" as the elder said. After struggling for a while, Lin Hang said, "Thank the elder for your praise. The kid can't stand what you say now. But I I want to tell you one thing, I am not actually Zhou Hang, I am Lin Hang, not a member of "Emperor Realm", but from the outside China."

The smile on the face of the Great Elder solidified. After a while, he said, "You mean, you entered the "Emperor Realm" from the Divine Land? What kind of reliance did you use?"

Lin Hang took out the jade card and presented it to the elder. After the great elder observed for a while, he returned it to Lin Hang and sighed, "Although the ancestors opened up the "Emperor Realm" and retained some hope of the Witch Clan, the current situation shows that the Great Tribulation is not far away. I hope that this catastrophe, our Wu clan can successfully survive and rejuvenate! Lin Hang, although you think you are a human race, but your physique cannot be denied, you still carry the heavy responsibility of our human and witch races , I hope you can read our Wu Clan at the critical moment, can you?"

In fact, in the eyes of the great elder, Lin Hang might not be able to grow up, but because of that little possibility, the great elder opened this mouth in advance for the sake of the Wu Clan.

Lin Hang nodded without hesitation, and said, "Great Elder, although I only recently learned about the existence of "Emperor World" and the Wu Clan, it did have some impact, but after understanding, I know the Wu Clan's attitude towards the Human Race. , Is still very friendly. So, if this catastrophe really comes, and if I have the ability, I will definitely do my best to help the Wu Clan!"

Although he didn't know much about Lin Hang, when he heard these words, the elder also understood Lin Hang's character, and smiled with relief.

After spending some time, the great elder asked Zhou Yu to record the inheritance, and then said to Lin Hang, "Lin Hang, according to my observations, this light curtain is also a treasure to aid in cultivation. Sitting on it can not only be meticulous. Concentration can also increase the efficiency of absorbing spiritual power, so you can refine it and take it away!"

Lin Hang nodded. With the support of the Ancestral Temple's resources, Zhou Yu's cultivation would definitely not lack such auxiliary treasures, so he didn't refuse, and he immediately sat down to refine and close the light curtain.

Seeing that Lin Hang had completed this process, the elder said, "Lin Hang, now the world is loose and the catastrophe is coming, we must seize all the time to improve ourselves. In case of catastrophe, you do not have enough strength. It’s too late to regret at that time! So, I think you should stay in our "Emperor World", and I will help you develop the most perfect and most suitable improvement plan. This is also the best path for you."

Lin Hang nodded and agreed to the great elder's proposal. No matter what angle, the great elder's words are very reasonable.

Lin Hang replied, "Elder, what you said is very reasonable, and I promise you. However, I need to go out and inform some of my elders first. Therefore, the plan you mentioned will take a few more days. "

The elder elder laughed and said, "That's okay, it just happens that I also need to plan your affairs in detail. So, use this time to go to the outside world first and talk to your friends and elders, and, If your friends and elders want to come, we are also very welcome!"

The welcoming words of the great elder gave Lin Hang new ideas, because the cultivation path of China and the entire world was re-explored by later generations, so the upper limit was very low. For example, his master Wang Lao was a master of the Innate Realm a long time ago, but he has not been able to break through. This is not because of his talent, but because of the limitations of his cultivation technique and environment. If Mr. Wang is brought into the "Emperor Realm", with the help of the experience and wisdom of the great elders and others, Mr. Wang will surely be able to advance by leaps and bounds in a short period of time and break the barrier all the way.

Lin Hang chuckled and said, "Since the elder speaks, the kid is cheeky! After the kid comes back this time, he will bring a few people in with him. I hope the elder will not mind then!"

The Grand Elder couldn't laugh or cry, and asked, "Lin Hang, I still don't know what is going on in the realm of China and the cultivation world?"

Lin Hang was a little helpless, replied, "It seems that Qin Shihuang failed because of what you said. Afterwards, the path of cultivation was cut off. We are all based on our predecessors. The cultivation method summarized is very rough and only It is very difficult to reach the innate, which is what you call the peak of Qi training. So, this time, I am going to bring some people in. They are all highly talented people, and I don’t want them to be limited to Qi training. Can't break through, so please make it through the great elder!"

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