I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 931

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:54:31 AM

Chapter 931: Tangled choice

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And at this time, Zifeng has already determined the innate spirit treasure that he wants to decide. It is not just as simple as it is determined. In fact, Zifeng is directly integrating the "Ice Spirit Fan" It was initially refined, not only for naming, but now this "Ice Fan" is also something completely belonging to Zifeng.

When Zifeng was completely certain, Linhang-1, Yulingxian, and Qianjun had no progress at this time, and they did not choose how long, so at this time Linhang-1 and Yulingxian returned Qianjun also separated, and Zi Feng accompanied everyone to the search.

It’s only a short time since Linhang-1, Yulingxian and others entered this area. So they still have a lot of time. Linhang-1 uses that one. The opening of the "Broken Umbrella" should be able to hold for a long time, enough for them to complete the subsequent selected actions.

Lin Hang 1 didn’t know what kind of innate spirit treasure he wanted at this time, because he was his own natal innate spirit treasure "Emperor Jiang Arrow", which has very good features, and it is basically very comprehensive and completely. There is no need for other supplements.

Among all the innate spirit treasures, there are two major categories of existence. One type of innate spirit treasures is the same as ordinary acquired spirit treasures, and has a level restriction, although they are also considered as innate spirit treasures. Each has different special effects, but due to class restrictions, this large category of innate spirit treasures are all unpopular existences. It is because the power and ability cannot be changed, even if they have special functions. Very powerful, but the limitations are still too big.

Take this "Sky-Swallowing Pot" as an example. If it is an innate spirit treasure with a grade, its value will drop a lot in an instant. Even if it is of high grade, it will definitely follow suit. As the user's strength is improved step by step, it will face the fate of being eliminated. After all, if the grade cannot keep up with the user's improvement, then its very powerful function will definitely lose its effect step by step. "Sky-Swallowing Pot" itself has the characteristics of swallowing, absorbing and transforming. It is a powerful innate spirit treasure that integrates offensive and defensive upgrades, but if its grade has always been limited, then it is dealing with higher-level enemies At the time, both the offensive ability and the defensive ability will be greatly weakened, or even completely unable to play a role. It can only be used as a tool for abuse of food, otherwise the effect will be completely lost. This is also a major weakness of this type of innate spirit treasure with grade division. Of course, what I’m talking about here is most common situations. If an innate spirit treasure is at the top level when it is born, or later, an innate spirit treasure will use mithril essence or other means to transform itself The rank has been elevated to a very high level. At that time, there were not so many things, and it was still able to exert a powerful effect, just like many powerful spirit treasures in ancient times were restricted by rank. However, these innate spirit treasures were very different when they were born, reaching the limit of their own power, so there is no need to worry about the fate of being eliminated.

And there is also a category of innate spirit treasures, the current type of "Sky Swallowing Pot", which can exert different powers and effects according to the different cultivation bases of users, perhaps in the hands of ordinary people. , This "Sky-Swallowing Jug" is no different from a normal jug containing wine. It can't exert its own powerful effects at all, but in the hands of monks of the level like Ziwei Emperor, it can exert its power. It can be said that the sky and the earth are changing colors, the sun and the moon are not light, and it can definitely achieve the power of swallowing the sky and the earth. It can be said that the innate spirit treasures of this type depend on the strength of the user to be able to be powerful. Otherwise, there will still be some dusty feeling in the hands of low-level monks. Therefore, since the ancient times, every innate spiritual treasure of this type is actually very popular, and every one is born. At times, they will be scrambled, and it is basically the innate spirit treasure that every monk dreams of. After all, if you get one, as long as you can keep running in, it is equivalent to getting a powerful one that can continue to grow. The mighty congenital spirit treasure does not need to spend any more effort in the future to prepare for the spirit treasure. It is indeed the dream of countless monks.

The dream of countless monks like this today was realized by Lin Hang very early. Although his natal innate spirit treasure "Dijiang Arrow" was limited by the conditions of the birth period, it was only in the very low-level stage of the foundation building. However, Lin Hang was always accompanied by "Emperor Arrow" at the birth stage of "Emperor Jiang Arrow", and in such a process, he constantly used his spiritual power and spiritual power. It assisted in the formation of "Dijiang Arrow", and the most important thing was that "Dijiang Arrow" was formed completely in accordance with Lin Hang's own mind, and it was the most compatible with Lin Hang itself, and when it was born It was refined by Lin Hang into his own life spirit treasure. While retaining the enthusiasm of the innate spirit treasure, it also possessed the strong potential for continuous advancement. It is precisely because of this that Lin Hang’s "Dijiang Arrow" "I don’t want to think of the "Swallowing Pot" as a category of innate spirit treasures that ignore the class, but it is not much different in function. Even compared to those innate spirit treasures, "Emperor Jiang Arrow" is the most suitable for Lin Hang. The innate spirit treasure, which grows with Lin Hang, is the best state that Lin Hang has never achieved, no matter whether it is power or the level of control. Any other innate spirit treasure is in Lin Hang's hands. Can't bring out a similar effect like "Emperor Arrow".

Therefore, the innate spirit treasure that Linhang-1 is looking for now must have some very special functions, which can provide good help for Linhang-1 in a certain aspect, just simple offense and defense. If it is, it is impossible to enter the eyes of Linhang-1, so at this time, Linhang-1 is also doing a good search in the ninth layer of space, and must find an innate spiritual treasure with special functions. When it came out, Linhang No. 1 didn't care about the compatibility.

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