I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 932

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:54:29 AM

Chapter 932: Not suitable

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According to Lin Hang's own characteristics, no matter what type of innate spirit treasure he wants to choose, it doesn't really matter much. After all, Lin Hang's own ability is due to his own replication ability. The existence of is very rich, no matter what kind of pre-required innate spirit treasure, Lin Hang can use it without any problems, just like the purple-covered "Ice Spirit Fan" just now , Lin Hang 1 actually has the ability to use. After all, his own strength of the law of ice is considered good, although it is worse than the cultivators like Zi Feng and the others who practice the "Zi Han Jue" A lot, but it can be used after all. This situation can also be applied to other innate spirit treasures. As long as Lin Hang himself is willing, among the more than two hundred innate spirit treasures in the ninth layer , Linhang No. 1 can actually choose everything.

At this time, Zi Feng also smiled and said, "Lin Hang, I also told you just now. When I was searching before, I also saw some innate spirit treasures of the fire and thunder types, although they were not pure offenses. And defensive spirit treasures, but they should also be very powerful in terms of power. If you use them, there should be no big problems!"

Lin Hang 1 also smiled and shook his head at this time, and then said, "Island Master Zifeng, you don't know anything! If it is a purely biased innate spirit treasure, I actually don't want to choose that. I can’t tell you about the specific problem. I can only say that I want to find an innate spirit treasure that is most suitable for me, but the prerequisite is that this innate spirit treasure must have extremely special functions. The one that helps me all the time."

In general, no matter what kind of category it belongs to, or whatever level of its own class is, for something like Xiantian Lingbao, as long as there is a birth of Xiantian Lingbao, there will never be a force willing to do so. Give up fighting for such spirit treasures, the ones mentioned just now are just some of the popularity within the Xiantian Lingbao, after all, things like Xiantian Lingbao, everything is born from the essence of heaven and earth. , This also means that each of them will have more special and powerful functions, and there are also some means between heaven and earth. For example, spiritual objects such as Mithril Essence can raise the level of innate spirit treasures. Lingbao is also extremely welcome, it is impossible to refuse.

It’s just a great pity and a pity that rare existences like Xiantian Lingbao that are born from the essence of heaven and earth are generally very difficult to be born like the treasure house in "The Treasure House of Hidden Arms" so that such a spirit exists. , Only a small part of innate spirit treasures can finally give birth to artifact spirits because of some unreplicated opportunities and circumstances. Of course, it is not to say that the innate spirit treasures with the spirits will be better than the innate spirit treasures without the birth of the spirits, but that the innate spirit treasures with the spirits can also be obtained after being free from the control of ordinary monks There are many powerful autonomous abilities, but every innate spirit treasure is very powerful even without the help of its own spirit. Compared with ordinary spirit treasures without spirit treasure, it is definitely necessary. Better.

Lin Hang had also thought about the Xiantian Lingbao. He thought about copying things like Xiantian Lingbao, but the copying of the first object "Dijiang Arrow" had some problems, although It is said that the copying was completed in the end, but the final result is indeed not the innate spirit treasure. Not only is it inferior to the original "Emperor Arrow" in all aspects, it has a greater gap in spirituality. And these castrated versions of "Dijiang Arrow" were copied to some clones distributed to him by Lin Hang. At this time, Lin Hang 1 carried many copies of "Dijiang Arrow". , Although the power of these replicas is completely incomparable with the original, but because of the power of "Emperor Arrow" itself, these replicas can also be regarded as a good spiritual treasure in the same level. For a local tyrant like Linhang-1, he can even burn the origin of these replicas directly when facing the enemy, and use them as disposable consumables. This is where Linhang-1 itself is the most unpleasant. .

Lin Hang found that although the copying of "Emperor Arrow" was not particularly successful this time, he could feel that it was not because he was completely unable to copy successfully, but because the difference in cultivation level caused some processes to be impossible. In the end, there is no way to achieve that the copy becomes the innate result. Lin Hang also understands and believes in his heart. As long as his cultivation level can be improved, then it is definitely not impossible to copy the innate spirit treasure in the end. !

At this time, the treasure house also gently pushed the "Sky Swallowing Pot", and came to the front of Linhang No.1, Yu Lingxian and others, and observed this most precious "Sky Swallowing Pot" from such a close range. , Lin Hang No.1 and Yu Lingxian both thought it was a somewhat novel experience, but Zi Feng and Qianjun on the side had completely different attitudes.

At this time, Zi Feng's heart was also very uneasy. His previous power "Purple Cold Island", with his existence, can be regarded as the most powerful in this blockbuster "Desolate Star Territory" The power is over, otherwise there will be no background that can give birth to a existence like Zifeng, but Zifeng has read his own "Purple Cold Island" in the treasure house, and only found about a dozen innate spiritual treasures. And the most important thing is that most of these more than ten innate spirit treasures are of very low grade. Although they are considered to be innate spirit treasures, the effects are indeed very special, but because of the grade. , It’s impossible to get any effect at all. This is why Zi Feng was very happy after getting the mithril essence, because with this mithril essence, Zi Feng can also use these mithril essence to affect those innate Lingbao use.

After hearing these words of Lin Hang 1, Zi Feng's heart was actually very strange. He didn't know how Lin Hang 1 thought about it, why he refused his kindness like this, and Lin Hang Zi Feng didn't quite understand the matter mentioned by Hang-1. He didn't know what Lin Hang-1 said that the innate spirit treasures were not suitable.

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