I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 933

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:54:29 AM

Chapter 933: A great choice

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At this time, Linhang No. 1 didn’t mean to explain in detail. Although he and Zifeng got closer because of the same experience at this time, but in fact, Linhang No. 1 still has many things. I don’t want to share it with Zifeng so much, so Lin Hang 1 also decided to learn more about Zifeng in the future and let Zifeng know some of his own special circumstances. At this time, Lin Hang also There is not too much thought.

The performance of Linhang-1, Zifeng was also in my eyes, so I knew immediately that Linhang-1 must have some considerations of its own. At this time, Zifeng didn’t mean to continue to ask questions. He knew that as long as Linhang No. 1 was willing to talk to him, he would definitely tell him at the last time. Now, when he asks, it is still too unreasonable.

In the following period of time, Zi Feng accompanied Lin Hang No.1, Yu Lingxian and Qianjun on the ninth floor. Although the number of innate spirit treasures in the ninth floor Quite a few, with more than two hundred appearances, but for Linhang-1 and others, it actually only takes some time to be able to find out almost completely. At this time, almost all of them After investigating the Xiantian Lingbao, Lin Hang No.1 and Zifeng Yu Lingxian also gathered together and began to discuss some matters about the choice.

At this time, Lin Hang 1 was more casual, so I first helped Qianjun and Yu Lingxian determine the innate spirit treasures they would choose. At this time, Lin Hang 1 was also the first to speak, "Friend Qianjun, I think That jade flute with spiritual congenital spirit treasure is very suitable for you. This jade flute congenital spirit treasure has only one function, that is, it can emit a special sound wave under the stimulation of spiritual force. This kind of sound wave can directly attack the enemy’s mind regardless of various defense methods. It is an attack that directly affects the monk’s soul. It is very difficult to resist, and this sound wave can help the user to slow down. To increase the strength of one’s soul, long-term use can also have some relatively good gain effects. Like the current training system passed down from ancient times, although it is continuously passed on, it has become more and more perfect, not too much The loopholes exist, but more aspects of these current cultivation systems are focused on spiritual and physical cultivation. The cultivation systems of these two aspects are also becoming more and more perfect, and they are also extremely powerful under today’s circumstances. Yes, but there is one thing that cannot avoid being mentioned, that is, the cultivation of the soul is not so brilliant. There are fewer ways to cultivate the soul. I will not say it. The most important thing is that the soul is cultivated. In general, monks are much weaker than monks of the same rank. This has caused the monks in soul cultivation to have not yet grown to a high-rank level, that is, they have fallen directly in the middle. Under such circumstances, Under the vicious circle, it is difficult for the soul cultivation method to be studied in depth, so in addition to some particularly powerful inheritance methods, such as the powerful ancient human witch II practiced by Lin Hang The powerful cultivation technique jointly created by the ancestors of the clan has the inheritance of the cultivation technique that is more wrong than that of cultivating the soul. Among many other inheritances, the improvement of soul cultivation is relatively weak, so among many monks It is really very simple to find out the existences with good spiritual power and good progress in physical cultivation, but if you want to find enough soul strength, there are indeed few feathers."

Lin Hang 1’s remarks also pointed to the core function of this innate Lingbao jade flute, because Lin Hang 1 can tell that although Qianjun’s soul cultivation is good, it is not very good. A top-notch existence, otherwise it won’t be controlled by simple seals like Hei Jin and Rong Hui. The present jade flute innate spirit treasure not only has a powerful soul attack ability, but if worn for a long time, it can also Slowly increasing the strength of one's own soul is really a more suitable spiritual treasure.

Qianjun also nodded at this moment. He also knew in his heart that his own soul strength was indeed a problem, otherwise he would not be restricted by the Hei Jin and Ronghui for such a long time. He was originally prepared. After this matter is over, quickly find a way to strengthen the soul. The best choice is to practice several powerful soul defense methods. In this way, the next time the soul seals a similar ability, It won’t be as at a loss as it is now, so in such a situation, the power of this innate spirit treasure in the shape of a jade flute can be reflected. Its own sonic attack is aimed at the monk’s spirit. Under such circumstances, as long as the releaser’s cultivation base is higher than the target being attacked, then the intensity of this sound wave has a great possibility to cause a very good offensive effect. This is the power of offensive spirit, but , If this jade flute only has such a function, it cannot be placed in such a position by the treasure house. Its most critical function is its powerful auxiliary function, as long as it can be carried at all times. If you are around, you can rely on the effect of the magical sound wave to continuously increase the strength of your own soul cultivation. Although the effect of this increase is not particularly obvious, it is better than long time and no side effects. Long-term wearing, imperceptibly. Next, it is relatively easy to complete such a process.

After weighing it, Qianjun nodded and said, "Well, Lin Hang, I listen to you, so I chose this jade flute innate spirit treasure. What I value is not its own powerful offensive ability, but It can strengthen my soul through its own sound waves, and can protect my own soul from a lot of soul attacks! The function of this jade flute innate spirit treasure at this time is not particularly powerful, but it But it is an existence that has not been strengthened. As long as I go back and use the Mithril essence to strengthen it again, I believe that some of its characteristics and functions can also be evolved to a certain degree, and it is completed After the evolution, the ability to strengthen the soul should also be improved!"

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