I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 935

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:54:26 AM

Chapter 935: finally

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And with the selection of "Soul Flute" and "Swallowing the Sky Pot", there are not many good things left for Lin Hang 1. After all, Lin Hang No. 1 has a higher temperament and is also watching There are not many things, some things that work well but don't have much characteristics, but also let Lin Hang 1 choose to give up, and there is nothing to choose. At this time, among the four, except Lin Hang 1. In addition, Zifeng Yulingxian and Qianjun both have their own suitable choices, and both are satisfied with each other. In fact, Linhang No. 1 is not particularly impatient and worried, and even has a random choice. The meaning of a piece of Xiantian Lingbao.

But at this moment, staying in the corner of the ninth floor, the treasure house that did not participate in the discussion between Linhang No.1 and Yu Lingxian and others suddenly came to the four of them, watching them Zi Feng and Yu Lingxian and Qianjun's Congenital Lingbao in his hand also smiled and said, "You guys really know how to pick things! Okay, the ninth floor here can be regarded as my "Tibetan Soldier" The most valuable layer in "Treasure Treasure". Later, after all of my nine-story areas were taken away, I officially became the "Treasure Treasure Treasure" that stores all kinds of spiritual treasures and weapons. In the stage of, except for the second floor space that was finally taken away, there were a lot of spiritual treasures in the other eight spaces. At that time, the area on the eighth floor was not much different. It can be said that the grades of each layer of Lingbao are very different, and the rules for the classification of the eight layers are based on different functions and functions, and there is nothing about grades. Until later, the first layer The area of ​​Lingbao is accumulating more and more, and the space is slowly expanding, and then there is a trend of upward boutique products, the higher the higher the better, the higher the quality, and gradually become what it is now! Of course, When the current scale was almost formed, I was also retrained by Emperor Ziwei at this stage, and finally gained consciousness, which is what I am now. After my birth, this "Tibetan Arms Treasure" is equivalent to gaining management. The situation is the same, the natural advantages are very different! Now, you can act on your own in this ninth layer of space. I said that I would give you something to repay you. "Choose some spirit treasures to take away, and among these spirit treasures, I can tell you that they also include these innate spirit treasures! Even like this piece of "Sky Swallowing Pot", if any of you You can take it away if you can see it. What I have said will never go back. If you take it away, this innate spirit treasure will belong to you from now on, and I will not say anything more! , If you choose to take the Xiantian Lingbao, everyone has only one chance to choose. After all, every one of the Xiantian Lingbao here is unique. If you take too much away, I will see Emperor Ziwei again in the future. For the elderly, I would not be able to explain it!"

Speaking of this, the treasurer's words also changed, and then he continued, "Know that the "Sky-Swallowing Pot" that you chose, this ice blue little fan, and this jade flute The innate spirit treasure, it can be regarded as a very powerful innate spirit treasure in my ninth layer of space, but now it has been selected by you. It is really harsh! Just, Lin Hang, why don't you To choose a suitable innate spirit treasure, still entangled here? I think there are still a lot of good things among the more than two hundred innate spirit treasures on the ninth floor. Lin Hang, you can choose more. Something!"

At this time, Zi Feng's heart was also very uneasy. His previous power "Purple Cold Island", with his existence, can be regarded as the most powerful in this blockbuster "Desolate Star Territory" The power is over, otherwise there will be no background that can give birth to a existence like Zifeng, but Zifeng has read his own "Purple Cold Island" in the treasure house, and only found about a dozen innate spiritual treasures. And the most important thing is that most of these more than ten innate spirit treasures are of very low grade. Although they are considered to be innate spirit treasures, the effects are indeed very special, but because of the grade. , It’s impossible to get any effect at all. This is why Zi Feng was very happy after getting the mithril essence, because with this mithril essence, Zi Feng can also use these mithril essence to affect those innate Lingbao is used. In this case, these innate spirit treasures are under the influence of the mithril essence, and if they directly break through some ranks, they may also be able to be used, but the current purple seal is also affected. Shocked, because he discovered that among the 236 innate spirit treasures here, although there are also many innate spirit treasures of lower grades, there are also a lot of powerful innate spirit treasures. Under such circumstances, it can be regarded as an incomparably powerful fortune, and Zifeng, who has been used to seeing strong winds and waves, is a little uncomfortable at this time.

Lin Hang 1 also said with a wry smile at this time, "The treasure house, senior, is not unwilling to look for it, it is because there are too many good things in this ninth layer, and a large part of it is able to It meets my own conditions of use. Under such circumstances, I really don’t know how to choose now. Treasury is a senior. Would you please give me a trick?"

After the treasure house heard the words of Lin Hang 1, he was a little speechless, because the meaning of Lin Hang 1’s words made him a little difficult to understand, and he was a little unclear about what Lin Hang 1 said. What does it mean that most of the innate spirit treasures can be used? In the knowledge of the treasure house, it is actually no different from Zifeng. Since you have to choose the right innate spirit treasure, how can all the spirit treasures be used? Can it meet the conditions of use? The treasure house ambassador reinterpreted the words of Lin Hang 1 in his heart at this time. At the end, the treasure house ambassador also roughly guessed the meaning hidden in the words of Lin Hang 1. That is what it is now. The two hundred and thirty congenital spirit treasures in the ninth floor are not very attractive to Lin Hang 1. The words of Lin Hang 1 are just to save some face for the treasure house. In fact, there is nothing particularly pleasing about Linhang-1.

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