I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 936

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:54:25 AM

Chapter 936: Explanation

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The treasure house envoy did not expect that Lin Hang 1 had the lowest cultivation level among the four, but it seemed to possess the greatest confidence and emotion. The standard in his heart was also very high. For these more than 200 congenitals Lingbao is actually not very attractive. Faced with such a situation, the treasure trove has nothing to do, but there is no meaning to it, because the treasure trove also understands that this selection is innate. The opportunity of Lingbao is actually relatively precious, but Linhang-1 still has no choice at this time. This can also show some of the current situation from the side. That is more than two hundred souls. Among the treasures, there is indeed not much innate spirit treasure worthy of Linhang-1's acceptance.

The treasure house envoy also understood some of the situations in the "Tibetan Treasure House". The two hundred innate spirit treasures originally belonged to the remaining existences selected by the Emperor Ziwei during the period, just like the one chosen by Zifeng A piece of "Ice Spirit Fan" was not rewarded to others because of the limitation of the use conditions. Otherwise, the high-grade innate spiritual treasure like "Ice Spirit Fan" would definitely not be able to be retained to this day or still exist. Here, the "Soul Flute" chosen by Qianjun and the "Sky-Swallowing Pot" chosen by Jade Lingxian, the situation is also quite special. Both of the innate spirit treasures were from the original Emperor Ziwei put in a small fragment. After such a fragment entered "The Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers", after many years of restoration of the "Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers", it became the same as it is today. Completely restored, but it has also become a very good innate spirit treasure, so the reason why these two innate spirit treasures were not chosen to go in that ancient period or because they were not rewarded by the emperor Ziwei. , But because they were not particularly complete at that time, they were still in a state of being repaired, and naturally they could not be rewarded to others. At this point, these two innate spirit treasures have also completed their own evolution. , Reached the point where it is now, only then could Qianjun and Yu Lingxian be admired.

In fact, in the ninth level of this "Hidden Soldier Treasure House", innate spirit treasures similar to "Soul Flute" and "Sky Swallowing Pot" were damaged in ancient times. Now they have gained certain In fact, there are still a lot of other congenital spiritual treasures in the repaired things. After all, in the ancient period at that time, it was naturally impossible for Emperor Ziwei to lose the two things like "Soul Flute" and "Sky Swallowing Pot". Pieces of innate spirit treasures entered this place in the "Hidden Soldier Treasure House", but for those innate spirit treasures, Lin Hang 1 has also checked it a bit, but it is also very regrettable that although Lin Hang 1 is also I think these innate spirit treasures are very good, but they still do not particularly meet the expectations of Lin Hang 1. The innate spirit treasures he wants must have very special functions, otherwise it will be compatible with him. There is not much difference between the chicken ribs, it is because Linhang-1 does not lack the means of offensive and defensive at all. In addition, he is used by the major laws. In fact, some of the methods of Linhang-1 are very many. Variety of tactics has always been changing. Under such circumstances, if it is a less powerful and strange innate spirit treasure, it may already have its own functions, and it will not be able to play that way. What's too big an effect, naturally, it will not be appreciated by Linhang 1.

It’s just that, facing the treasure trove that gave them innate spirit treasures, Lin Hang No. 1 naturally couldn’t speak so clearly. He had already secretly decided in his heart, and then he would directly choose a relative. The innate spirit treasure that can still be seen before, so that it can be used to cross the treasure house. Although the innate spirit treasure is not particularly suitable for Lin Hang 1, it is impossible for Lin Hang 1 at this time. To embarrass the treasure house.

Lin Hang No.1 laughed, and then said, "Senior treasure house, don't worry! Regarding the innate spirit treasure I want to choose, I already have some good goals in my heart! Now! If it is, I only have a little entanglement. After a while, when I discuss with the owner of the Jade Spirit Immortal Purple Sealed Island, I should be able to choose the last one that is suitable for me!"

Zi Feng and others listened to Linhang-1’s speech. Although they all understood the meaning of Linhang-1, they obviously knew that Linhang-1 didn’t choose the appropriate innate spiritual treasure. At this time, Lin Hang No. 1’s speech was obviously intended to make the treasure troupe less embarrassed. After all, the treasure trove was very generous. There are so many innate spirit treasures on the ninth floor, and it’s up to a few of them to choose. If you directly say that you don't like some innate spirit treasures, it will inevitably make the scene a little ugly. Zi Feng and others also know the meaning of Lin Hang 1, so at this time they also started to help.

Zi Feng said with a smile, "Yes, Senior Treasury Envoy, when Lin Hang was just now, we were accompanied by us in this ninth layer of space, and we looked at all of these innate spirit treasures. The attributes of Treasure are all briefly understood, but it is because the attributes of some of the spirit treasures here are too rich, so Lin Hang has no way to directly make any decisions for a while. In giving us some time, we will discuss it together and we will definitely find the most suitable innate spirit treasure for Lin Hang!"

Yu Lingxian also nodded in agreement, "Yes, Senior Treasury Envoy, you can see the current situation clearly, we are still tangled and choosing, and we will compare those innate spirit treasures with each other later. Attributes and functional characteristics, and then see if he can choose the most suitable innate spirit treasure for Lin Hang. Lin Hang is relatively special and his abilities are more diversified. Regardless of the use conditions and restrictions, Lin Hang can basically achieve it, so there is no way to use it, which leads to a relatively large range of innate spirit treasures Lin Hang can choose. , Only then will we fall into the current situation of entanglement. You are giving us some time. After a while, we should be able to complete the final decision!

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