I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 937

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:54:23 AM

Chapter 937: small room

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What Yu Lingxian said is not completely nonsense. He also knows Linhang No. 1 very well. Naturally, he knows the mental state of Linhang No. 1 best now, and what Yu Lingxian said is also very good. To be honest, he knew that Lin Hang itself had too many functional characteristics, which led to Lin Hang's selection of innate spirit treasures. The advantage is that there are more things to choose from, but the disadvantage is Lin Hang. One may not be able to truly determine what the innate spirit treasures she wants for a while, and in addition to these innate spirit treasures, there is actually no special innate spirit treasure that exists, so Jade Spirit Fairy can also understand this time. Lin Hang's consideration.

To tell the truth, the two hundred innate spirit treasures in the ninth layer of "The Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers" are really not bad, and most of them are very good. Innate spirit treasures, but it is estimated that more than two hundred innate spirit treasures are stored together, but it affects their respective value manifestations. If there are only dozens of innate spirit treasures here, it might be Linhang-1's. The choice is not so difficult. Among the more than two hundred innate spirit treasures, there are actually many innate spirit treasures with special usage conditions like the "Ice Spirit Fan" selected by Zifeng. There are many innate spirit treasures like "Sky Swallowing Pot" and "Soul Flute" that have been restored to the present level. In fact, Linhang No.1 is actually not able to see the one that I am particularly satisfied with. The Xiantian Lingbao in the phase is nothing more than that, but if he is to really choose, he must be able to make the final choice.

At this time, after listening to the speeches of Linhang-1, Zifeng and Yulingxian, the treasure house also nodded. He clearly understood the current situation. Is it possible that Linhang-1 could not choose these congenitals? Lingbao, but he didn't particularly like it, and it wasn't that his innate Lingbao was not good, but there was definitely no special match.

Under such circumstances, the treasure house envoy also took a deep breath, apparently made some decisions in his heart, and said to Lin Hang One, "Lin Hang, you come with me!"

After Linhang-1 heard the words of the treasure house, she was also a little at a loss. I don’t know what the treasure house means, but the Linhang-1 didn’t mean to neglect, it just moved away slowly with the treasure house. And the core place of the ninth floor, gradually the two of them also walked to a corner of the ninth floor space.

The structure of this corner is quite peculiar. Before, Linhang-1, Yu Lingxian and others were busy checking the characteristics of those innate spirit treasures, so they didn’t notice this place. Now it seems that this place is really true. There is something special. In this area, the ninth layer of space, which originally appeared roughly circular, also has a different feeling. This seems to be a small area surrounded by special, making this place It became independent and did not end directly to the edge of the ninth floor, like a small room specially set aside.

Lin Hang No. 1 did not say much, waiting for the treasure house to speak. The treasure house looked at such a small room in front of him at this time, then took a deep breath again, and then said, "Come on! Lin Hang, I will take Look at some of the good things I really collected!"

Speaking of the treasure house agent, he waved his hand and saw the small room in front of him, slowly opening from the middle. There was no door shape, but it still opened slowly from the middle. In the opening of the hole, the radiant rays of light couldn't see the specific scene in it. Then the treasure house envoy stepped in first, and Lin Hang No.1 thought about the meaning of the treasure house’s words, and then followed the treasure house. Shi's footsteps entered this mysterious little room.

As for the Jade Spirit Fairy and Zifeng and others in the core of the ninth floor in the distance, there were no special actions at this time. Several of them knew that the treasure trove with Linhang 1 must go for some It’s a secret thing, so they didn’t let them travel together. For this time, Zifeng, Yu Lingxian and others also had some speculations. The treasure house should have seen the performance of Linhang-1, most of them were watching. After Lin Hang 1 came out, he was not particularly interested in the more than 200 innate spirit treasures on the ninth floor. Under such circumstances, if the treasure house didn’t want to break his trust, there would be something These actions are the most likely to win people. It should be to take Linhang-1 to see some real good things. At this time, Jade Lingxian and Zifeng can vaguely see them, treasure house. He took Lin Hang 1 into a secret small room on the ninth floor. According to the guesses of Zi Feng and Yu Lingxian, there should be some treasure house treasured in it. Congenital Lingbao exists.

Although they are very curious about these special innate spirit treasures that may be stored in that small room, Zi Feng, Yu Lingxian, and Qianjun have no regrets. Since they have already chosen which one belongs to One's own innate spirit treasure, whether it is "Ice Spirit Fan" or "Sky Swallowing Pot", or "Soul Flute", are all selected and carefully considered before finally determining the innate. Lingbao, and Zifeng and Yulingxian are all determined people, so naturally they will not change their decisions and thoughts so easily. In their opinion, if Linhang-1 could be there. If they get some really useful innate spirit treasures in the hidden room, they will also be really happy for Linhang-1, rather than full of regret in their hearts, regretting that they have chosen first, and missed that which may exist. The more powerful Xiantian Lingbao, this will never happen.

At this time, Zi Feng played with the "Ice Fan" in his hand, and then said with a smile, "It seems that this time Lin Hang can get a good fortune again! However, his previous performance is also I can afford such an opportunity. After all, if it weren't for him, the lineup I entered this time would not be able to make up, and the most important thing that broke the mask is Lin Hang's thing. If the reasons are added together, Lin Hang is actually fully qualified to get such a chance, and then we will see what happens!"

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