I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 938

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:54:23 AM

Chapter 938: Bronze mirror

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On this side, Lin Hang 1 followed the treasure house into the small room that emits a strong light. After the two entered, the small room slowly closed and went up. Lin Hang 1 was in the small room. In the middle, it still felt very strange. The dazzling light didn't mean to weaken at all, and it continued. After Lin Hang 1 entered, there were even some figures that could not see the treasure house until the treasure house made a sound. , Linhang-1 only figured out the location of the treasure house.

"Lin Hang, I know that when you were outside just now, you were a little embarrassed to say, you should be not particularly satisfied with the innate spirit treasures in my ninth layer? To be honest, it doesn't matter. I can accept it!"

At this time, Lin Hang No. 1 still couldn’t see the position of the treasure house, but after hearing these words, Lin Hang No. 1 also thought about it for a while, and then said, "Well, everything is hidden from the treasure house. Observation of the Dharma Eye! It’s true that the kid really has some inability to make a choice. The reason for this is actually that I did not deceive you. My abilities are more diverse, so I really say that there are all kinds of innate spiritual treasures. They are all in line with the conditions for using them, and after the selection of more things, it also strengthened my standard in my heart, resulting in the final time, I even produced more than two hundred innate spirit treasures, none of them Good ideas~! Of course, I know that such ideas are definitely not feasible, but up to now, such ideas do occupy my mind, making me unable to make a choice at all! Treasury, senior, I I also know that it’s definitely not because of the two hundred innate spirit treasures in your ninth layer. What’s wrong with it, but my thinking has changed a bit now. The treasure house makes seniors, if I can’t change my own right now. In terms of ideas, I hope you can allow me to give up this opportunity to choose the innate spirit treasure, because I think that according to this state, the later selection of some innate spirit treasures should not be affected by me. Too much attention, so whether it is for me or the innate spirit treasure, it is not a particularly correct thing, so I think if the situation permits, I hope to be able to choose a few suitable acquired The refined spirit treasure, come as a thank you gift to me this time. In this case, both of us should be particularly satisfied!"

Lin Hang One’s remarks were also very sincere. The treasure house envoy in the depths of the light also nodded secretly. At this time, the treasure house envoy also raised his hand to wave away the light in the small room, and Lin Hang one adapted. After a while, I finally saw the scene in this small room.

Because the location of this small room is on the edge of the ninth floor of "The Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers", and it is a simple partition, the layout in this small room is actually not complicated at all, Lin Hang Looking up, No. 1 can see the entire small room completely. In the entire room, there is only a pillar similar to the one on the outside where the innate spirit treasure is placed, and on the pillar, a bronze mirror is placed. Things, the treasure house is standing beside this pillar. Apart from these, this small room is also very empty, and nothing else exists.

It was not surprising that Linhang-1 saw this situation. Except that there was only one pillar in this small room that Linhang-1 did not expect, everything else was similar to what he thought. Because the treasure house ambassador brought him to this small room by himself after Lin Hang 1 announced his thoughts. The thoughts and practices in it are somewhat self-evident. There is a great possibility that it is a treasure house. It made me take out some things from the bottom of the box to satisfy some unsatisfied thoughts of Linhang-1.

It’s just that what Linhang No. 1 thought at the beginning was that in this secret small room, there should be a few or even dozens of items in stock here. After all, this "Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers" Having existed for so many years, there should be a lot of innate spirit treasures, and there must be some good things in it. The small room in this place should be a similar place, but Lin Hang What No.1 didn't expect was that there was only such a bronze mirror innate spirit treasure.

Among all the innate spirit treasures, there are two major categories of existence. One type of innate spirit treasures is the same as ordinary acquired spirit treasures, and has a level restriction, although they are also considered as innate spirit treasures. Each has different special effects, but due to class restrictions, this large category of innate spirit treasures are all unpopular existences. It is because the power and ability cannot be changed, even if they have special functions. Very powerful, but the limitations are still too big.

Take this "Sky-Swallowing Pot" as an example. If it is an innate spirit treasure with a grade, its value will drop a lot in an instant. Even if it is of high grade, it will definitely follow suit. As the user's strength is improved step by step, it will face the fate of being eliminated. After all, if the grade cannot keep up with the user's improvement, then its very powerful function will definitely lose its effect step by step. "Sky-Swallowing Pot" itself has the characteristics of swallowing, absorbing and transforming. It is a powerful innate spirit treasure that integrates offensive and defensive upgrades, but if its grade has always been limited, then it is dealing with higher-level enemies At the time, both the offensive ability and the defensive ability will be greatly weakened, or even completely unable to play a role. It can only be used as a tool for abuse of food, otherwise the effect will be completely lost. This is also a major weakness of this type of innate spirit treasure with grade division. Of course, what I’m talking about here is most common situations. If an innate spirit treasure is at the top level when it is born, or later, an innate spirit treasure will use mithril essence or other means to transform itself The rank has been elevated to a very high level. At that time, there were not so many things, and it was still able to exert a powerful effect, just like many powerful spirit treasures in ancient times were restricted by rank. However, these innate spirit treasures were very different when they were born, reaching the limit of their own power, so there is no need to worry about the fate of being eliminated.

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