I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 94

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:26:12 AM

Chapter 94: Set off

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After listening to the great elder, he also said with emotion, "Has it declined to such a degree now? Since the Great Tribulation is imminent, the strength of the Divine Land is far from the level of the Great Tribulation. Cannon fodder is not qualified. They can still stand on top of humanity under such conditions, and their talents are still very high. Therefore, if you want to bring people in, I will also help them."

Lin Hang bowed his fist and said, "The big elder's mind, the kid admires! Then I will go out now, I will contact you, and then I will come in to practice."

Lin Hang took out the jade card, activated his psychic energy to inspire the jade card, and the familiar light gate appeared. Lin Hang nodded to everyone, walked in, and disappeared.

Because I spent about ten days in "Emperor Realm", Ye Lao and others don't know when Lin Hang will come out. Therefore, when Lin Hang came to Ye's house, Ye Lao also showed a surprised expression.

Lin Hang and Ye Lao talked about their experiences in "Emperor Realm" and then expressed their thoughts.

Ye Lao thought for a while and said, "According to you, Lin Hang, my years of confusion have also been solved. Although the exercises we have handed down include innate exercises, no one has really broken through. Just like a genius like your master, he is also trapped at the peak of innateness, unable to break through hardships, and is caught up by latecomers one by one. I believe that your master will like this news very much.

Lin Hang smiled and said, "It's not just my master and his elders, Ye Lao, don't you want to break through? I will come out this time not only to bring you information, but more importantly, I want to bring you in. The witches living in the world have not cut off their inheritance, that is to say, they also have some cultivation methods of our human race in their hands. The reason why we cannot break through the innate, the limitation of the cultivation method is the most important reason, and we can Getting suitable follow-up exercises from them will definitely make progress by leaps and bounds."

Lao Ye was actually prepared when Lin Hang spoke, but now listening to Lin Hang's words, he is still a little excited. He also stayed in the congenital for a long time, and now he heard the news, he still couldn't control it.

Elder Chang Ye sighed and said, "Lin Hang, our Ye family has received a lot of favor from you these days. I won't be hypocritical with you this time. Anyway, you know, our Ye family is your home. !"

Lin Hang nodded and said with a smile, "What Ye Lao said is that I also want to inform my master. Brother Guangyuan is not here for the time being, so you should also tell him that this trip to "Emperor Realm" will let him join him. Go!"

After speaking, Lin Hang got up to leave, left the Ye family, and returned to his apartment.

Lin Hang made a phone call and then waited quietly.

Before long, a figure flashed and appeared in front of Lin Hang. It was Lao Wang.

Lao Wang's spatial ability is not comparable to Lin Hang. The distance he can teleport can basically be reached in an instant in this world.

Old Wang looked at Lin Hang, carefully observed, and said, "Hang'er, your cultivation level?"

Lin Hang smiled and said, "When "Emperor Realm" was competing for inheritance, by chance, it broke through to the middle of the day after tomorrow. But compared with the younger generation of "Emperor Realm", I still dare not be a little proud. "

Lao Wang nodded. Although Lin Hang's breakthrough shocked him, it would have taken at least half a year, but now it suddenly broke. Wang Lao is also afraid of leaving behind any hidden dangers. Listening to Lin Hang's explanation, Wang Lao's heart is relieved.

Old Wang smiled and asked, "Hang'er, you suddenly came to me and said that there was something very important. What did you experience in "Emperor Realm"?"

Lin Hang briefly recounted, and then said his thoughts.

Elder Wang didn't answer directly, he thought for a while, and asked, "Hang'er, you mean, that great elder has been living since ancient times?"

Lin Hang nodded and said, "Yes, the Great Elder is really a respectable person. And there is one more thing I didn't tell you. The reason why their cave is called "Emperor Realm" is because they The bloodline of is inherited from Dijiang, one of the twelve ancestral witches. What he is best at is space and speed! Teacher, what I think is that your bloodline must also be related to the dijiang ancestral witch, so that you can awaken the difference in space. Yes, so after entering, it will definitely help you a lot!"

Seeing that Mr. Wang was still hesitating, Lin Hang said again, "Teacher, I know that you are worried about China, and I am afraid that in case there is a task that you need to complete. But this disciple has already thought about it. I will let people do it every day. Come out and tell us about the outside affairs so that we can also know the outside situation at any time, so there will be no worries?"

Lao Wang knows what Lin Hang said is very reasonable. Although he is still the ceiling of China’s combat power, people from other countries have some good players and have caught up with him. Therefore, Lao Wang has always wanted to improve. My own strength is just due to the cultivation technique, there is really no way.

Seeing that Lin Hang had arranged everything, Mr. Wang had to say, "Okay! Then I will listen to your arrangements for the teacher this time. When are you going to leave?"

Lin Hang replied, "For the time being, I am going to take you, Lao Ye, and Brother Guangyuan. If the effect is really good, I will bring more people in the follow-up. So, you will arrange things well. After that, come directly to Ye's house and I will be waiting for you there."

Old Wang nodded, said something to Lin Hang, and disappeared into the apartment.

Lin Hang simply rested in the apartment for one night, then came to Ye's house the next day, and waited for the arrival of Wang Lao with Ye Lao.

Two days later, after the affairs of General Wang were properly arranged, he came to the Ye Family Villa and knocked on the door of the Ye Family.

Everyone sat down in the living room, and Ye Lao said with a smile, "Old man Wang, you really have a good apprentice! It seems that you not only dominate me in terms of strength, but you also have such a good eye for apprenticeship!"

Obviously, Mr. Wang and Mr. Ye are acquainted, and he also said with a smile, “Old man Ye, I have to thank you for taking care of Hang'er all the time! Without your care, his cultivation path might not have been so smooth! "

Being embarrassed by what the two elders said, Lin Hang hurriedly said, "Old Ye, Master! Don't make fun of me anymore, it's not too early, let's hurry up!"

After all, the two elders stopped joking, and with a wave of his hand, Wang led the four to the entrance of the ruins.

Lin Hang stepped forward and opened the light gate, and the four of them jumped in. As soon as he entered, Mr. Wang asked, "Hang'er, where shall we go first?"

Lin Hang replied, "Let's go straight to the ancestral temple. The great elder should be waiting for me there. Let's set off quickly. There are still four or five days away!"

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