I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 940

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:54:22 AM

Chapter 940: Doll

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Regarding the suggestion of the treasure house, Linhang-1 naturally did not mean to refuse. At this time, he also laughed and then replied, "Okay! Senior treasure house, I am still very satisfied with this bronze mirror. It’s just that I still have to test it out for the specific situation to see if this bronze mirror innate spirit treasure is as powerful as it is. If this can be verified, then it is. It's really like what you said to the treasure house, this is the most suitable innate spiritual treasure for me!"

Looking at Lin Hang 1 who was excited with this bronze mirror, the treasure house made him feel very different now. In fact, the reason why he put the bronze mirror on this side of the innate spirit treasure alone in this small little In the room, it is not put together with the more than two hundred innate spirit treasures outside. In fact, it has its own special reason. That is, this bronze mirror innate spirit treasure is a common one used by the former Ziwei Emperor It’s just that when Emperor Ziwei went out and came back later, the bronze mirror on this side was broken in half. Emperor Ziwei didn’t talk to the treasure house for any reason, but just shattered this side. The Bronze Mirror Congenital Lingbao is placed in this "Tibetan Treasure House", and I hope to use the special repair function of "The Hidden Soldier Treasure House" to restore this side of the bronze mirror Congenital Lingbao, but this restoration is actually It took a huge amount of time. It took so many years for "The Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers" to finally completely repair the innate spirit treasure of the bronze mirror, but it was never able to get news from Emperor Ziwei. It’s just that for this particular reason, the treasure house at this time didn’t mean to tell Lin Hang 1 now. What Lin Hang 1 didn’t know was that after receiving such a bronze mirror innate spirit treasure, he There are more invisible burdens and pressures on his body.

Of course, this is all a second story. After listening to Linhang-1’s answer, the current treasure trove also laughed, then there was no special action, just snapped his fingers, and then Linhang 1 and the treasure trove He came directly to the third level of space.

Lin Hang 1 also looked at the third level of space curiously. Before, Lin Hang 1 heard the treasure house talk about it. The second floor space is the daily rest place for the treasure house. The space of the fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh, eighty, and nine levels is the storage area for spirit treasures. The remaining space on the third level is more special. It is used by the treasure house to test some new spirit treasures or say. Some of the functions of some Lingbao have been strengthened and become different.

The treasure house ambassador said at this time, "You also know that every time I use these spiritual powers from "The Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers" to make spirit treasures and spiritual treasures, I rely on the functions and parts of the Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers itself. The law of change of reality and imaginary is running, so many spirit treasures and spirit weapons produced through this mode are not under my control. Although I hold onto these newly generated spirit treasures and spirit weapons I didn’t mean much hope, so I lost it directly in the space on the first floor, but every time I screened the spirit treasures in the first floor, I would still choose some suitable spirit treasures and then enter this place. The space on the upper level, so the space on the third floor is also the site for the functional test of my spirit treasures and spirit weapons. The spirit treasures and spirit weapons I have selected are not based on their power and grade. More The thing is that I hope that Lingbao with different functions will appear, so that it will have the value of my collection!"

The space in the third floor space is also relatively vast, not only a huge range, but also a certain length extension, which is specially made to meet the characteristics and abilities of most spirit treasures.

At this time, the treasure trove also waved his hand directly, realizing that except for a test doll, there was also a huge large light bulb on top of this doll's head. This light bulb was now white and the doll was standing in the forest. In front of the Hang 1 and the treasure house, they stayed motionless, without any other reaction.

The treasurer also explained at this moment, "Lin Hang, this puppet is a bear item that I specially refined to test the power of Lingbao! The puppet in front of you is the same as you. The strength of the power of the virtual fairyland, and its own ability to withstand it can be called relatively strong among the monks in the virtual fairyland, so if you are now experimenting with the power of this bronze mirror, face this It’s the most appropriate way to display a doll in the virtual fairyland!"

At this time, Treasure House pointed to Lin Hang No. 1 and pointed to the indicator light above the doll's head and said, "Lin Hang, do you see the indicator light above the doll's head? It can clearly tell you the intensity of this attack in the virtual fairyland about what level. If this light bulb is always this white, it means that your attack did not cause anything to the puppet in front of you. Damage, and if this indicator turns green, it means that your offense is already able to pose a certain degree of threat to the defense level of this doll, but there is still no particular intensity until this one The color of the indicator light becomes red. At that time, it means that the power of your attack has reached the upper limit of this doll's tolerance level. In that case, it can indicate the power of your attack. At the level of the realm, it is also a very good situation! And if the power of your attack can reach a level that far exceeds the upper limit of the virtual fairy realm, then any indicator light is useless at that time. A doll in the realm of imaginary fairy will explode directly in your offensive power. At that level, if you rely on offensive power alone, you are already the strongest person in this realm of imaginary fairy. The ground!"

After listening to the introduction of the treasure house, Lin Hang 1 also understood the basic principles and functions of this puppet as an experimental subject. After listening to understand, Lin Hang 1 could not help but sigh in his heart, this treasure house It deserves to have lived here for so many years. The function of testing the power of Lingbao among the three levels is indeed very complete. Such a doll test system can be applied to monks and Lingbao in most realms. Powerful experiments can be called omnipotent.

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