I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 942

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:54:03 AM

Chapter 942: once

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As a reminder from the remarks of the treasure house, Linhang No.1 did not have any rebuttal or inaudible meaning. After all, the treasure house must have a better understanding of this bronze mirror innate spirit treasure than he did. Yes, so what the treasure house ambassador said are all empirical. Lin Hang No.1 also nodded and said that he understood and agreed with the treasure house's suggestion.

However, Lin Hang 1 also had some questions in his mind at this time. He was a little curious. How did the treasure house know the power of this bronze mirror? And reminiscent of the previous situation, this bronze mirror was placed alone in that small hidden room. There was no intention to show them to a few people. It was only at the end that the decision was made to let Lin Hang 1. Come to hold it and use it, Lin Hang 1 feels that this bronze mirror definitely has a different function and meaning for the treasure house ambassador, but now the treasure house ambassador didn’t say much, and Lin Hang No. 1 naturally did not ask. Own question.

In fact, what Linhang No. 1 didn’t know was that the reason why the treasure envoy knew and valued this side of the bronze mirror so much was actually because this side of the bronze mirror was actually a piece of the Ziwei Emperor himself. It’s a portable innate spirit treasure. Emperor Ziwei himself likes to study a lot of different energies and offensive methods, plus the study of a lot of elemental power and law power, like the current Zifeng and "Zihan Island" The "Zihan Jue" practiced by "Zihan Jue" is the result of the research of Emperor Ziwei himself, and this kind of performance and psychology makes the Emperor Ziwei with this bronze mirror feel like a fish in water, and his own reputation is also Known to the world for his changeable abilities and methods, it’s just that the outside world thinks that Emperor Ziwei’s strength is due to his own abilities, but only the closest people know that Emperor Ziwei’s strength is on one side and on the other hand. The help of this bronze mirror is that when Emperor Ziwei used this bronze mirror, he never really showed it, and he kept it in his body for secret use, so no one else knew about this bronze mirror. It was not until this bronze mirror was broken in another accident that Emperor Ziwei was thrown into the "Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers" in this place, hoping to be restored and reproduce its previous glory.

For some of these things, as the treasure house of the spirits of "The Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers", he naturally understands the situation of Emperor Ziwei very well, so he also knows the meaning behind the innate spiritual treasure of such a bronze mirror, and according to the treasure house. In terms of thinking, at the beginning, he was unwilling to let this bronze mirror be one of the congenital spirit treasures given this time. After all, for the treasurer, this bronze mirror congenital spirit treasure almost represented The last thing left by Emperor Ziwei himself, of course, has a different meaning. The treasure house is naturally unwilling to give it to others. The treasure house alone puts this side of the bronze mirror innate spiritual treasure in this way A secret room can already explain a lot of problems.

In the treasure house’s heart, the bronze mirror on this side is very important, and it is impossible to release it easily. It’s just that this time the Linhang No. 1 is the treasure house’s favorite object, but for such a first The two hundred innate spirit treasures in the nine floors are all dissatisfied. If the treasurer does not break his words, but also for the success of his own cause and effect, the treasurer has the copper Jing Xiantian Lingbao released the idea for Lin Hang No. 1 to see. The most crucial point was that Lin Hang No. 1 and others described Lin Hang No. 1 as a monk with very varied abilities. Just let Treasury’s mind become more active. If Linhang No.1 is really as described, then it is not unreasonable to let Linhang No.1 inherit the bronze mirror innate spirit treasure. After all, Emperor Ziwei is now I can’t find the trace anymore, and this side of the Bronze Mirror Congenital Spirit Treasure remains here and there is no way it can perform any other functions. In this case, it is better to let Linhang 1 hold this one. Bronze Mirror Congenital Lingbao, and if Linhang No.1 can really exert all the functions of such a Congenital Spirit Treasure, then the treasure house envoy can be regarded as having seen the old style of the Ziwei Emperor again.

What the treasure trove didn’t know was that it was precisely because of the existence of this bronze mirror innate spirit treasure that Lin Hang had to overcome many difficulties and defeated many powerful enemies in his future experience. It was because Lin Hang showed very similar abilities to the ancient Ziwei Emperor in the days to come, so the outside world has always regarded Lin Hang as the orthodox heir of Ziwei Emperor, and it is also in line with the wishes of the treasure house, so that Lin Hang In some aspects, he inherited the will and reputation of Emperor Ziwei.

At this time, Lin Hang 1 also roughly understood the function of such a bronze mirror, and under the reminder of the treasure house, understood that his cultivation of the virtual fairyland so far should not use too much energy or It is the power of law that is integrated and released through the bronze mirror innate spirit treasure. If the number is too large, it will cause a great burden on Linhang-1 itself. This is definitely not something a person who knows his own situation should do. .

Lin Hang No.1 looked at the treasure house. Before starting to test its power and function, Lin Hang No.1 also asked, "Senior treasure house, I don’t know the specific name of such a bronze mirror innate spirit treasure? According to the situation that the predecessors treated so solemnly, this bronze mirror innate spirit treasure should also have a glorious history. I don't know what it is called?"

Hearing Lin Hang-1’s question, the treasure house almost blurted out the former name of the bronze mirror Congenital Lingbao, but the treasure house suppressed the impulse in his body forcibly, and did not say that the previous Ziwei Emperor was this side Instead, he shook his head and said, "Lin Hang, I will not lie to you. This bronze mirror once had its own owner, so it naturally has its own name. , It’s just that now that I give it to you, it is your Lin Hang’s thing! Don’t think too much about everything in the past, since it will follow you in the days to come, then Lin Hang, I think you might as well give it a suitable name now? If the name is suitable, we will call it that way in the future, and we won't change it!"

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