I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 947

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:53:58 AM

Chapter 947: Since ancient times

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The idea of ​​Lin Hang No. 1 is actually very simple. The reason why he arranged such a "Wind and Thunder Transformation Array" is to compare his own wind and thunder fusion that has been transformed through this "Wind and Thunder Transformation Array". What is the difference between the strength of the force and the strength of the wind and thunder fusion power transformed by the "Thousand Spirit Mirror" after all. After all, the strength of the wind and thunder or the fusion of some other energies is carried out through different methods. There will be different situations. Even if the amount and intensity of the two energy injected are the same, the final fusion force is completely different. This involves very complex changes. Lin Hang At this time, No.1 didn’t think much, he just wanted to see how the two wind and thunder powers fusion conversion methods he had mastered, what kind of difference in efficiency there is, and he can compare this connection. What will happen to the specific effects of the coming "A Thousand Spirit Mirror".

And as the power of the wind and thunder elements of Linhang No. 1 was injected into this "Wind and Thunder Transformation Array", the small mini light array was also directly operated, as the power of the formation expanded , The two energy clusters injected into it also began their own process of fusion. As time passed, in a short while, from the blue-violet formation, a newly-born blue-violet energy cluster slowly Appearing, this is the energy ball of wind and thunder fusion power that has passed through the fusion and transformation of "Wind and Thunder Transformation".

Looking at the group of energy **** in front of him, Lin Hang-1 also showed a more satisfactory look, because in his perception, this group of blue-purple wind and thunder power energy balls, volume and total energy Although much less than the previous two groups of wind elemental power energy and thunder elemental power energy, it is gratifying that this group of refined wind and thunder fusion energy group exudes power and aura, which is Far stronger than the power of a single wind element or the power of thunder element, and after this group of wind and thunder fusion power is formed, the next step is to test the power.

Lin Hang 1 gently stretched out his hand, the power of wind and thunder in his hand, and then the miniature "Wind and Thunder Transformation" light array also came to the right hand of Lin Hang 1. Shi was also engrossed in perceiving the power of wind and thunder elements between heaven and earth, and then the formation in his hand flicked, and the blue-purple wind and thunder fusion power energy ball above the formation was directly facing not far away. The doll flew out.

The doll is still standing still as before, except that the indicator light on top of the head has also returned to white. This blue-violet energy group of wind and thunder fusion power is also accidentally hit. When this blue-purple wind and thunder fusion power energy group fell on the doll’s body, the powerful energy aura also burst out instantly, this group of blue-purple wind thunder Although the energy group of the fusion power itself has undergone fusion and transformation, the total strength of the overall strength is not as good as the power of the individual wind element and the power of the thunder element, but the power that bursts out is far better than the power of the individual wind and thunder element. , After all, the energy group of the power of wind and thunder fusion combines the burst of thunder element and the lightness of wind element, plus the speed and strength of the two elements of wind thunder, so the power that bursts out after adding up will instantly make the doll The whole body was blurred, and it was not clear what was happening in a short time.

After a while, some of the elemental powers around the doll slowly dissipated, and Lin Hang 1 and the treasure house were able to see the situation clearly. The material and strength of the doll itself are very high, beyond The limit of its own virtual fairyland, so basically it has not suffered any damage. The intensity of its reaction to withstand the attack depends on the color of the indicator light above its head. But in the current situation, that one The indicator light quickly deviated from the original white appearance and turned to green, and more importantly, compared to the first separate attack of the thunder elemental power and the wind elemental power energy group, this attack The intensity is very large, so there is no accident in the color of the indicator light. The intensity of the flashing is also happier, and the degree of green has become deeper. This situation also shows that this time the wind and thunder are merged. The offensive power of the energy group of the power is already greater than the power of the individual wind element or the energy group of the thunder element, and the green light group continues to flicker, and even burst out at the end. There was a hint of red light! It's just a pity that this red light was just a surprise, and it didn't last.

Looking at such a scene, both Linhang No. 1 and the treasure house showed an excited look. Although both of them knew very well in their hearts that the power of fusion produced after the fusion of these elements was indeed very powerful, but in normal In fact, there are very few opportunities to see this kind of fusion power bursting out of their own energy, so at this time, the two of them have seen the power of this wind and thunder fusion power energy. It is naturally very exciting. In the treasure house In Shi’s mind, the function of this piece of "Thousand Spirit Mirror" to transform this fusion power should be more efficient than the transformation from "Wind and Thunder Transformation", that is to say, use the same intensity. The raw materials of the same weight, that is, the power of the wind element and the energy of the thunder element. The total amount of wind and thunder fusion power transformed by "A Thousand Spirit Mirror" should also be much more than that transformed by this "Wind and Thunder Transformation Array" Out.

The treasure house spoke to Lin Hang One and said, "Lin Hang, the power of wind and thunder fusion is very powerful! With your current realm and level, you can actually explode close to the peak of the virtual fairy realm! Even though this It is also related to your own elemental comprehension level, but there is no denying the power of this fusion power! And the function of this piece of "A Thousand Spirit Mirror" to transform this fusion power should be better than passing The transformation of "Feng Lei Hua Sheng Zhen" is more efficient, that is to say, using the same strength raw materials, that is, the same amount of wind element ability and thunder element energy, the wind and thunder fusion transformed by "Thousand Spirit Mirror" The total amount of power should also be much more than what can be transformed through this "Wind and Thunder Transformation Array". You will have a stronger reaction when you try it out later!"

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