I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 950

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:53:54 AM

Chapter 950: Upper limit of strength

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At this time, Lin Hang No. 1 did not have any special actions. He put "A Thousand Spirit Mirror" in the air and watched this piece of "A Thousand Spirit Mirror" float up. Under such circumstances, Lin Hangyi The left and right hands of the number are the same as before, with the same amount of wind elemental power and thunder elemental power as before, but the object to be injected this time has become the "Thousand Spirit Mirror", not that one anymore. "Wind and Thunder".

The treasure trove also smiled and glanced at Lin Hang 1, and then said, "Lin Hang, you are satisfied with it! But, shall we experiment with the function of this bronze mirror innate spirit treasure? At the time, you just got a general understanding of the simple functions of this bronze mirror. As for some specific things, there is no experiment. Should we go to the third layer and let you try this one yourself The function and power of the bronze mirror?"

As the different wind elemental power energy and thunder elemental power energy of the left and right hands were injected into the "Thousand Spirit Mirror" on that side, something magical happened, and the "Thousand Spirit Mirror" on this side exuded purple The hazy ray of light did not mean any resistance or struggle to the energy injected into it. It was directly absorbed into it. And just after this side of the "Thousand Spirit Mirror" absorbed the wind and thunder element energy, Lin Hangyi Hao also understood in an instant. He quickly started the function of "A Thousand Spiritual Mirror" that urged this side. With the investment of Linhang No.1's mental power, it has already absorbed the energy of the wind and thunder element. It finally started to operate, and when the "Thousand Spirit Mirror" started to operate, Lin Hang 1 was also silently calculating the time. In addition to comparing the power difference of the power of fusion, he also had to look through This "A Thousand Spiritual Mirror" absorbs and transforms the power of the different elements, and the speed is compared with ordinary methods, such as "The Wind and Thunder Transformation". Who is faster and who is slow?

And when Linhang-1 was secretly calculating, it didn’t take long before "A Thousand Spirits Mirror" began to shake slowly, and then it was calm again, which was originally shrouded in the "A Thousand Spirits Mirror". The purple light on that layer also slowly dissipated, and finally a bluish-violet energy group appeared directly above the "A Thousand Spirit Mirror" on this side. Lin Hang No. 1 and the treasure house were both instantly I recognized that this group of blue-violet energy group was the energy of wind and thunder fusion power generated by the fusion of the power of wind elemental power and the energy of thunder elemental power.

What surprised Linhang No. 1 was that the process of "Thousand Spirit Mirror" transforming the energy of the two elements of wind and thunder was very fast, and basically it didn’t take much time. Counting in my heart, this fusion process is over. Compared with the fusion process through the formation of "Wind and Thunder Transformation", it is really not a little bit faster, and it makes Linhang-1 very difficult. It’s believed that the blue-purple wind and thunder energy cluster that emerged above the "Thousand Spirit Mirror" has a volume and degree of cohesion, compared to the previous one through the "Wind and Thunder Transformation Array". "The energy group of the wind and thunder fusion power obtained is much stronger. At this time, without other explanations, Linhang No.1 also understands a little bit. It does not need to be tested. Linhang No.1 also came to a conclusion. The transformation and fusion process of the elemental power in "A Thousand Spiritual Mirror" is indeed the same as the treasure house said. The efficiency is higher and the fusion of the transformation is better, avoiding the consumption of more elemental power, and finally The power of element fusion that can be obtained is absolutely the best.

However, although I have already reached a conclusion in my heart, Linhang-1 still needs to experiment with the power of this newly-emerged wind and thunder fusion energy group. He gently waved at the "Thousand Spirit Mirror" After waving his hand, I saw that the energy group of wind and thunder fusion power above the "Thousand Spirit Mirror" also flew directly towards the doll not far away.

After Lin Hang-1’s explanation, Yu Lingxian also understood the truth. He knew that in ancient times, Emperor Ziwei would bestow some powerful innate spiritual treasures to some subordinates and subordinates who had done great service. In the confidant, there are some powerful and infinitely talented younger disciples who will also receive some rewards from Emperor Ziwei. These rewards do not require these disciples to enter the "Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers" by themselves. What kind of spiritual treasures are harvested? Emperor Ziwei knew that if he enters in this way, he may not be able to obtain some really useful things, especially those innate spiritual treasures. In fact, if he enters the "Tibetan Treasure House", it is still difficult to obtain Really useful gains, so if Emperor Ziwei faces the monks who really want big rewards, he will directly grant suitable innate spiritual treasures. Therefore, it is naturally very strange to say that Jade Lingxian is the person next to Emperor Ziwei. Why wasn't this powerful and very good-grade ice blue fan chosen? Now that he has been introduced by Linhang No. 1, he finally understands the truth. It turned out that Emperor Ziwei did not want to give to others, but because the use of this small fan was too harsh, for ordinary people. It can't be used at all, it doesn't match, and the inheritors who practiced "Purple Cold Jue" did not meet the standard of rewards, and they have been kept until now.

The doll at this time, without any resistance, took this very fierce attack. The situation around his body was similar to the previous attack by the combination of wind and thunder. The surging wind and thunder power is wrapped, and I can't see the situation clearly, but it is certain that these surging fluctuations are much stronger than the previous riot of wind and thunder fusion power. It is enough to prove its power.

When these wrapped elemental powers have completely dissipated, the dolls wrapped in them will also reappear in front of Linhang No. 1 and the treasure house, but the dolls at this time are different from the previous ones, and are originally strong. The incomparable body already has some feeling of destruction. The indicator light above the head also shows a dark green color, flashing continuously, revealing a red light. This red light is not like the previous one. It was fleeting, but existed for a long time. It was not until the bombardment of the wind and thunder fusion power was completely over that the indicator light slowly changed from red to green, and finally returned to the previous white.

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