I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 952

Published at 10th of June 2024 06:31:26 AM

Chapter 952: Three elements

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The treasure house nodded, and then said, "Well, according to your current cultivation level, with the help of this "Thousand Spirit Mirror" in the future, your offensive power should be at the level of the entire virtual fairy realm. They will all be in a relatively powerful position. If those cultivators in the realm of imaginary immortality are firmly attacked by you with the power of elemental fusion, then they will be seriously injured if they are not dead at that time. This power is completely beyond. The peak of the virtual fairyland is at its limit! However, there is a problem with Lin Hang that you still need to pay attention to. In the actual battle, your opponents are not fools and will not stay in place like this one. Like a puppet, you silently bear your offense. So, Lin Hang, you still can’t be too arrogant and complacent. There are still many powerful monks in this world. Even though you can live by the power of offense. The upper-level monks of the same level, but in the future, we still need to be careful of those who are at the peak of their respective realms. They have never made a breakthrough for so many years, and they have been in a situation of accumulation and understanding in their realm, saying yes Invincible in the same realm is not an exaggeration!"

Lin Hang No.1 also nodded and understood the meaning of the treasure house. The transformation and fusion power of the "Thousand Spirit Mirror" just now also made Lin Hang No. 1 a simple understanding of the function and effect of the "Thousand Spirit Mirror". The actual test results are also very satisfactory to Lin Hang 1. As for what the treasure house said, Lin Hang 1’s heart is also very clear. He can handle it clearly, and there will be no brain fever. The feeling of invincibility appeared. Although the treasure trove did not understand the true ability of Lin Hang's deity, Lin Hang actually relied on his own powerful means. Now that he has obtained "A Thousand Spirits Mirror", the last sentence of Invincible in the same realm is really not What a big talk, but the current Linhang No.1 still maintains a kind of awe of the unknown and the cultivators of the same level, and will not feel that it is really invincible.

Both Linhang No. 1 and Baoku made know at this time that the current test is still not over. They still need to test the other functions of the "Thousand Spirit Mirror", that is, the integration of multiple elements, according to the ideas and It is suggested that Lin Hang 1 is not planning to start the fusion of too much elemental power this time. He also felt that when he controlled the "Thousand Spirit Mirror" to transform and absorb the power of wind and thunder. When it comes to his own spiritual power, he also has a certain burden. He calculated it for a while and it became clear that now his realm can only completely integrate the three elemental powers, and no matter how much his spiritual power and spiritual knowledge are It will be a little uncontrollable. Although it is said that it will not cause any damage to the "Thousand Spirit Mirror", if the force of many elements is forcibly merged at this time, Lin Hang 1 will definitely be damaged.

After finishing the discussion just now, Lin Hang 1 and the treasure house quickly returned to the topic. At this time, "A Thousand Spirit Mirror" was still restored to its original appearance, floating quietly in front of Lin Hang 1. , And the treasure house ambassador also waved his hand slightly, and saw that the doll that had been attacked by Lin Hang No. 1 wind and thunder fusion power, the already some broken doll was renewed, and Lin Hang didn’t know it was the treasure house who attacked that doll. After repairing it, it is better to replace a doll directly, but depending on the strength of the doll's aura, it is exactly the same as the previous doll, and it is at the limit of the virtual fairy realm.

Seeing such a scene, Lin Hang No. 1 also did not have any melancholy. It was a move with both hands. A group of crimson flame energy appeared in Lin Hang No. 1’s left hand, while a group of greenish green on the right hand. The water element energy cluster, and this is not over yet, Lin Hang-1 temporarily suspended these two energy clusters, then put her hands together and gently pulled, only to see a cluster of ocher earth element energy clusters also directly formed, and The fire element and the water element that had just condensed floated in the air together, above the "Thousand Spirit Mirror.

Although the treasure house said that he knew that Linhang-1 had a lot of means and had many different energies, but at this time, he was surprised to see Linhang-1 using such means here, because it was too much. It’s relaxed, the feeling seems to be innately mastered, without much time of practice, the power of various elements is really capable of being caught by hand, and the treasure house envoy is also very envious and missed. At this time, Linhang No. 1 has already It has the momentum and body shape of the former Ziwei Emperor.

The three groups of energy groups with different elemental powers are floating quietly above the "Thousand Spirit Mirror" at this time. The energy group of the three elements of fire, water and soil used by Lin Hang 1 this time, the whole There is no gap in the total amount. Under such circumstances, it should be able to complete a relatively perfect integration.

And after the formation of the three energy groups, Lin Hang-1 was also relieved. These pure energy groups were the maximum limit of the elemental power he could manipulate relatively freely. Then, Lin Hangyi No. began to control these three groups of elemental power energy groups, and slowly entered the "Thousand Spirit Mirror" on this side. When passing through the mirror surface of the "Thousand Spirit Mirror", it was as if three drops of water had entered the water surface. There is a feeling similar to ripples.

However, at this time, Linhang No. 1 obviously has no intention to make such observations and sighs. At this time, he is carefully controlling the operation of "A Thousand Spirits Mirror", and as the spiritual power of Linhang No. 1 merges into " "A Thousand Spiritual Mirror", this "A Thousand Spiritual Mirror" is also running quickly, but this time, the Linhang 1 can clearly feel that the fusion of the three elemental powers and the fusion of the two wind and thunder powers just now are very It’s not the same. Obviously, there is a lot of pressure on mental power. Linhang-1 must be fully focused and not be distracted. Otherwise, it will not only lead to the failure of this integration of energy, but also affect his own mental power. Cause some damage.

However, the manipulation of mental power has always been one of Linhang-1’s strengths, and Linhang-1 is also very self-aware, and has no idea of ​​using the power of the four elements to merge, so the current water, The fusion of the three elemental powers of fire and earth, Linhang No.1 is not too problematic. The fusion process of the three elemental powers this time is actually not particularly long, compared with the power of wind and thunder just now. It didn’t take much time to merge, but Linhang No. 1’s mental power was already consumed. Finally, after "A Thousand Spiritual Mirror" stopped shaking, a group of dark red viscous energy groups appeared. The top position of "A Thousand Spirit Mirror".

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